DEEPWAVE Workshop, 7-9 August 2017

Meeting Location: New Haven, Connecticut

NOTE: Password Required to View Presentations

The presentations are password protected for DEEPWAVE Investigators only. For access, please contact the Principal Investigators listed in the DEEPWAVE Contacts Section below.


For a PDF of one of the following presentations, click on the PDF link at the end of the corresponding title. In some cases a PowerPoint Slideshow is also available (for presentations that contained embedded video) as well as a PDF version. A PowerPoint viewer can be downloaded from Microsoft.


Monday, August 7, 2017

9:00 Welcome and Logistics (Smith) in KGL116
9:10 Dave Fritts (GATS): Mountain Wave Evolution in Response to Rapidly Decreasing Cross Mountain Flow Observed by FF9, FF10, and RF22 [pdf]
9:40 Brian Laughman (GATS): Modeling Mountain Wave Breaking over the Andes: Early High-Resolution Compressible Results [pdf]
10:10 Katrina Bossert (GATS, CU): Gravity Wave Coupling and MLT Measurements [pdf]
10:40 Morning Break
11:00 Mike Taylor (USU): Large-Amplitude Mesospheric Mountain Wave Development and Momentum Fluxes During DEEPWAVE [pdf]
11:30 Yucheng Zhao (USU): Planetary Wave Activities of Winter 2014 and Possible Link to MW Observations in the MLT [pdf]
12:00 Dominique Pautet (USU): Regional Distribution of Mesospheric Short-Period Gravity Waves During DEEPWAVE [pdf]
12:30 Lunch (Food Carts at Prospect and Sachem, Tables in KGL 102)
1:30 Invited Talk: Fuqing Zhang (PSU): Gravity Waves from Jets, fronts and Convections: Impacts on Weather and Predictability [pdf]
2:00 Steve Eckermann (NRL, DC): Large-Scale Dynamics of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) Affecting MLT Gravity Wave Dynamics during DEEPWAVE As Derived from High-Altitude (0-100 km) Global NAVGEM Reanalyses of the 2014 Austral Winter [pdf]
2:30 Jim Doyle (NRL, Monterey): Gravity wave launching, sources and predictability [pdf]
3:00 Afternoon Break
3:30 Johnathan Metz (UW): The mysterious transverse waves of 28 July [pdf]
4:00 Invited Talk: Ulrich Achatz (Goethe Univ.): Multi-scale dynamics of gravity waves and the MS-GWaves project [pdf]
4:45 General Discussion (leaders: Fritts, Taylor, Eckermann, Doyle)
5:30 End of activities


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

9:00 Invited Talk: Naftali Cohen (Columbia): The impact of gravity waves on the large-scale circulation [pdf]
09:30 Andreas Dörnbrack (DLR): Vertical propagation of non-hydrostatic gravity waves into the mesosphere [pdf]
10:00 Ulrich Schumann (DLR): Aircraft effects in DEEPWAVE mountain legs? [pdf]
10:30 Natalie Kaifler (DLR): Gravity wave observations by Rayleigh lidar: extreme events, downward propagation, AMTM comparisons and coupling to tides [pdf]
11:00 Morning Break and Yale Campus Tour
12:30 Lunch (Food Carts at Prospect and Sachem, Tables in KGL 102)
1:30 Invited Talk: Julio Bacmeister (NCAR): GW parameterizations in the NCAR CESM [pdf]
2:00 Ron Smith (Yale): Fate of mountain waves in the stratosphere: a spectral approach [pdf]
2:30 Chris Kruse (Yale): Reversible and irreversible mountain wave momentum deposition in sheared environments [pdf]
3:00 Afternoon Break
3:30 Guest Panel (Achatz, Bacmeister, Cohen, Zhang): “Unsolved problems regarding gravity waves and climate”
4:30 General Discussion (leaders: Dörnbrack, Rapp, R.B. Smith)
5:30 End of activities


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

9:00 Review of NCAR project webpage (Kruse), underused or incomplete data sets
09:30 General discussion
10:30 Morning Break
11:00 Current work, collaborative papers and future research plans (leader: Smith, Fritts)
12:30 End of workshop