NSF/NCAR HIAPER Documentation

FAQs, Investigator Handbook and other materials related to capabilities of the NSF/NCAR Gulfstream-V

The GV (HIAPER) is a high altitude-capable, long range jet research aircraft added to the NSF fleet in 2005. This aircraft can support smaller payloads than the C-130 but is capable of reaching altitudes up to 50,000 feet and range of over 4,000 miles. Still, the GV can operate as low as 1,000 feet, which makes it extremely versatile for all kinds of airborne research.

The name "HIAPER" dates back to the time the project was still a development effort between NSF, NCAR and Gulfstream and stands for "High-altitude Instrumented Airborne Platform for environmental Research". This name for the airplane is still in use but GV ("Gee-Five")  is now used more and more.

In this section you will find information on the capabilities of the GV, documentation on the research interfaces and instrumentation available for project requests.