RICO Data Policy
  1. All investigators participating in RICO must agree to promptly submit their data to the RICO Data Archive Center (RDAC) to facilitate intercomparison of results, quality control checks and inter-calibrations, as well as an integrated interpretation of the combined data set.
  2. All data shall be promptly provided to other RICO investigators upon request. A list of RICO investigators will be maintained by the RICO Project Office and will include the Principle Investigators (PIs) directly participating in the field experiment as well as collaborating scientists who have provided guidance in the planning and analysis of RICO data.
  3. During the initial data analysis period (one year following the end of the field phase; 25 January 2005), if data are provided to a third party (journal articles, presentations, research proposals, other investigators) the investigator who collected the data must be notified first. This initial analysis period is designed to provide an opportunity to quality control the combined data set as well as to provide the investigators ample time to publish their results.
  4. All data will be considered public domain not more than one year following the end of the RICO field phase. Data can be opened to the public domain earlier depending on the discretion of the data provider. There will be exceptions where extensive data processing is required.
  5. Any use of the data will include acknowledgment (i.e., citation). Co-authorship during the one year analysis phase will be at the discretion of the investigator(s) who collected the data.