LEE Science Planning Hybrid Meeting SUNY-Oswego


Monday, 24 July 2023  (Times are EDT)

130 – 140: Welcome, Overview of Agenda (Steiger)

0.  Data Status/Access, etc. (moderated by Bruning)

140 pm – 200: LMA: Summary of data collection and access (led by Chmielewski and Trostel)

200 – 220: DOW: Summary of data collection and access (Kosiba and Wurman)

220 – 240: Summary of E-field and PASIV sounding data collection and access (Calhoun and Waugh)

240 – 250: Summary of Oswego sounding data collection and access (Steiger)

250 – 300: Summary of surface precipitation data collection and access (Steiger)

300 – 330: Break

1.  Individual Science Presentations (moderated by Stano, lead presenter listed first)

330 – 345: Review goals and data analysis plan table (see document in LEE Science planning Google folder) from proposal response to reviewers (Steiger)

345 - 415: Oswego student reports:

415 – 440: Bruning, Chmielewski, Calhoun, Steiger, Trostel (topic: lightning development, charge structures)

440 – 505: Chmielewski, Waugh, Bruning, Steiger, Kosiba, Wurman (relate hydrometeor types, kinematic fields to electrification)

505 – 530: Wang, Steiger, Chmielewski, Bruning, Stano, Trostel (simulations)

530 – 555: Trostel, Boggs, Losego, Stano, Steiger (flash sizes, energetics, NLDN, GOES GLM, compare to other winter storms)

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

530 am – 630: Lake Ontario early morning swim: A team-building activity (led by Steiger if anyone wants to do this!)

900  – 1000-ish: Small group discussions (identify collaborators, discuss analyses, prioritize cases, etc.); can breakout to nearby rooms if needed.

1000 – 1030: Summaries of small-group discussions (representative from each group presents)

1030 – 1130: Large group discussion of case distribution, priorities, collaborations, etc. (moderated by Chmielewski, write plans out on board/Google Doc)

1130 – 1215 pm: Discussion of BAMS article - be part of an AMS special collection? (moderated by Trostel & Steiger, refer to outline in LEE_overview_article Google folder)

1215 pm: Lunch

200-300: Discuss plans for LEE mini-field campaign (“LEE2” - see Doc in Google LEE Science planning folder, moderated by Steiger); may be issues with DOW availability Year 3 of grant

300-400: Wrap-up of the meeting, action items, deadlines, upcoming meetings/conference presentations, data questions, etc. (Steiger)