Scientists & Engineers

EOL has a diverse and active group of scientists and research engineers conducting a wide range of research in atmospheric sciences and technology. 

ISF (In-situ Sensing Facility)

Name Specialty
Bill Brown Wind profiler radars and lidars, boundary layer measurements (Science Group Chair)
Holger Vömel In situ soundings and stratosphere/troposphere processes
Jacquie Witte ISF data manager. Soundings and ozonesondes

RAF (Research Aviation Facility)

Name Specialty
Stuart Beaton Aircraft instrumentation and imagery (Science Group Co-Chair)
Teresa Campos Atmospheric chemistry, biomass burning, air quality
Julie Haggerty Remote sensing from aircraft, radiometry
Pavel Romashkin Atmospheric chemistry measurements from aircraft
Britt Stephens Oxygen and carbon dioxide measurements
Patrick Veres Mass spectrometry for trace-gases
Cory Wolff Aircraft measurements, icing
Sarah Woods Cloud microphysics, turbulence, air-sea gas transfer, remote sensing

RSF (Remote Sensing Facility)

Name Specialty
Matt Hayman Lidar polarization theory, High Spectral Resolution Lidar and Water Vapor DIAL
John Hubbert Polarimetric radar, precip microphysics
Jun-Kyung Kay Data assimilation, ensemble forecast
Brad Klotz Airborne remote sensing, radar meteorology, and tropical cyclones
Wen-Chau Lee Ground based and airborne radar, tropical storms
Ulrike Romatschke Radar QC and RSF data management, photogrammetric analysis of clouds
Scott Spuler Optical engineering, lidars
Robert Stillwell DIAL Lidar and thermodynamic profiling
Jothiram Vivek Remote sensing for cloud and precip microphysics
Tammy Weckwerth Remote sensing for BL and mesoscale meteorology

DMS (Data Management and Services)

Name Specialty
Scot Loehrer Data management and archiving, field catalog
Carol Ruchti Data management, QC, field catalog
Jacquie Witte Interim DMS manager

Long Term Visitors, Postdocs and Research Students

Name Specialty
Ting-Yu Cha Radar emulators for Tropical Storm studies
Ya-Chien Feng Radar refractivity, microphysics, tropical meteorology
Gwo-Jong Huang Radar microphysics
Anna del Moral Mendez Deep convection nowcasting and radar measurements
Mampi Sarkar Cloud microphysics, rain evaporation from aircraft measurements

Emeritus / Recent Departures

Name Specialty
Adriana Raudzens Bailey Water cycle processes, stable water isotopes, atmospheric dynamics, and mixing
Rit Carbone Tropical meteorology, former EOL lead scientist
Steve Cohn Boundary layer and mountain meteorology, remote sensing
Al Cooper Aircraft measurements, clouds and aerosols
Scott Ellis Radar applications (Moved to RAL)
Josh Gebauer Boundary layer meteorology, radar and wind lidars
Tom Horst (deceased) Micrometeorology, solar radiation sensors, and sonic anemometers
Jorgen Jensen Clouds and aerosols
Lou Lussier Tropical storms and aircraft measurements
Bruce Morley Lidars, water vapor DIAL and HRSL
Steve Oncley Micrometeorology, sonic anemometers, soil sensors, dust devils
Matt Paulus Data processing, archiving, and quality control
Jeff Stith Cloud microphysics, aircraft instrumentation
Jim Wilson Convective weather, radar remote sensing

Affiliate Scientists

Affiliate scientists are senior-level university and research community scientists who desire to carry out long-term, highly interactive, collaborative work with EOL scientists on scientific problems of mutual interest. These appointments are three year terms and include annual visits and financial and/or administrative support.

Name Specialty
Gannet Hallar (University of Utah) Cloud microphysics and measurements
Sunil Khatri (Texas A&M University) Computer systems, architecture, and circuit design
Eric Kort (University of Michigan) Climate and space science & engineering
Alex Kostinski (Michigan Tech) Atmospheric Physics