PRECIP Data Policy

I2022 Joint International Field Campaigns


The 2022 Joint International Field Campaigns Data Policy is established to help ensure open and timely access to all datasets collected by the collaborative efforts of all participating scientists in the PRECIP, TAHOPE, T-PARCII, and KPOP field campaigns.The collaborative international campaigns require a data management strategy that facilitates data exchange and investigators taking responsibility for making data available. All individual project data policies should be in compliance with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Resolution 40 on the policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on relationships in commercial meteorological activities: "As a fundamental principle of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and in consonance with the expanding requirements for its scientific and technical expertise, the WMO commits itself to broadening and enhancing the free and unrestricted international exchange of meteorological and related data and products." We refer here to `2022 Campaign Data’as all field observations, operational observations, satellite data, reanalyses, and model output collected during the joint international field campaigns in 2022. We refer here to the ‘International Science Team’ as the principal investigators, researchers, and students of the participating field campaigns of PRECIP, TAHOPE, T-PARCII, and KPOP.

2022 Campaign Data Archive Centers (CDACs) will be established and maintained at several international institutes with links to each other.

All 2022 Campaign Data are considered a community resource for the International Science Team and will have restricted access to this group for a 1-year period following the end of data collection from each individual experiment.

Each member of the International Science Team is responsible for providing appropriate recognition/attribution to data providers in publications. The data policy encourages international scientific collaboration through article co-authorship and/or reference to data publications and facilities.

2022 Campaign Data will be classified/defined into four categories:

○ Level 0: Raw data

○ Level I: Initial processing such as format conversion

○ Level II: Quality Controlled (QCed) data (facility standard processing)

○ Level III: Research quality data (value added processing)

○ Level IV: Research analysis product (value added/derived products)

Level I data should be submitted to an internet accessible CDAC within one month of acquisition. Level I data are raw data to be used for initial examination of the case studies, suitable for preliminary analysis.

Level II data will be submitted to a CDAC before 31 December 2022 or on a date approved by the International Science Team. The International Science Team will decide a list of priority case studies before 31 October 2022 and the facility providers agree to make these priority data available before the due date of delivering the Level II data unless unforeseeable issues emerge.

Level II data are considered public one year after they are submitted to a CDAC or after 31 December 2021, whichever comes first. The CDACs will be password protected during the restricted access period.

The International Science Team are encouraged to share Level III and Level IV datasets with others following the data embargo time period and submit a copy to a CDAC after the work is published.

All 2022 Campaign data providers agree to promptly submit data to a CDAC to facilitate further analysis, archival and distribution. Datasets must be submitted to the archive in an readable format with sufficient metadata and documentation in English to allow easy exchange and understanding by others. Data providers should agree to assist users to resolve problems associated with their dataset.

Datasets submitted to the archive must adhere to documentation and format guidelines set forth by the International Science Team.  It is important that users understand the attributes of the data and any potential data quality issues as well as details about format.

The authorship decision for publications resulting from using 2022 Campaign Data should follow the ethics rules of the journals and professional organizations (e.g., AMS, AGU, and MSJ). Members of the International Science Team responsible for field data collection are encouraged to make contributions to data analysis and writing of manuscripts, in addition to providing the data, to be co-authors of publications using 2022 Campaign Data.

Acknowledgement of the specific data provider and accessible CDAC data location is suggested to be included in all publications using 2022 Campaign Data.

2022 Campaign data that is collected as part of a project funded by an agency is governed by the data policy of the sponsoring agency, provided that such a policy is acceptable to the International Science Team. For example, PRECIP will follow the general data policy established by the United States National Science Foundation. Disputes on data policy will be handled by a subset of the International Science Team consisting of at least one representative from the U.S., Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.

All publications that use PRECIP data should be sent to NCAR EOL for inclusion in the “PRECIP Publications” list.