KuDA | Earth Observing Laboratory
Welcome to the Kuwait Data Archive.
Sponsored by:
- Departmant of Energy (DOE)
- Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA)
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
This archive was created to study the effects of the Kuwait oil fires on the environment.
The data available in the archive is free to the public for the remainder of the fiscal year 1994. The data consists primarily of atmospheric measurements during 1991. The data is one of Three classes, Trackline/Point, Gridded data, Image Data.
- Trackline/Point Data: Aircraft data, land surface observation, upper air observation
- Gridded Data: MRF flux fields, MRF model analysis, MRF model output, NMC.
- Image Data: 1250 images of OLS and AVHRR(LAC&GAC) Data.
The archive, at one time, had an online meta-data browser. It is no longer active, since funds no longer exist to support it.
For additional information contact RAF.
KOFSE/KuDA Publications
Data Access