5 Minute ISFS Data for SOAS

These data contain surface meteorology measurements of the Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) during the  Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS), at the Alabama Aquatic Biodiversity Center (AABC), during May, June and July of 2013.

For general information about the operations of the ISFS during SOAS see https://www.eol.ucar.edu/field_projects/soas.

The ISFS five minute dataset contains first moments and some second moments of variables measured by the NCAR ISFS during SOAS. 

The data are stored in NetCDF files. Information on the NetCDF file format and software is available at http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/.  Information specfic to ISFS NetCDF files is available at https://www.eol.ucar.edu/content/isfs-netcdf-files.

NetCDF File Names

Each NetCDF file contains one day of data, from 00:00 to 24:00 UTC. The file names are of the form "isfs_YYYYMMDD.nc", where YYYYMMDD is the year, month and day in UTC.

NetCDF Variables

See the table at the bottom of this page for a partial listing of the variables in the file.  The second moments are not listed in that table.

See the table at https://www.eol.ucar.edu/content/soas-isfs-page for information on the sensors that were deployed.

Time Representation

The base_time variable contains one value, the time of the start of the file, as a number of POSIX (non-leap) seconds since 1970 Jan 1, 00:00 UTC.

Values for each time-varying measurement will be found in the NetCDF files, as a variable with a time dimension.  There are 288 5 minute periods per day, so the time dimension is 288.

The time variable contains the time to be associated with each sample, in units of seconds since base_time, or 00:00 UTC of the day.  Each time value is the middle of the averaging period, and will have  values of 150 (00:02:30 UTC), 450 (00:07:30), etc, up to 86250 (23:57:30 UTC).


The NetCDF dimensions in each file are:

Dimension name size description
time 288 number of 5 minute periods in a day
site 2 index for the two ISFS sites at SOAS, the 45 meter tower and the pond site
layout 2 index to indicate one of two station layouts.

Short Name Attributes

Each measured variable will have a short_name NetCDF attribute. The field before the first period in the short_name is a generic variable name, such as T for temperature, Rsw for short wave radiation, or u for the U component of the wind. For second moments, such as variances and co-variances, the first field of the short_name will contain single quote marks after a variable to indicate it is an average of a deviation.  For example,  a leading short name of  w'tc', indicates the quantity is an average of  (w-mean(w)) * (tc-mean(tc)), where mean(x) is the 5 minute mean of the variable x, w is the vertical wind component, and tc is the temperaure from the speed of sound.

Higher Moments

For each of the  3-D sonic anemometers, the following second moments in u,v,w and tc are provided for the computation of eddy-correlation fluxes. Scalar values such as water vapor density and carbon dioxide were also measured at the same locations. kh2o is a water vapor measurement from a Campbell krypton hygrometer at 2 and 13.9 meters on the AABC tower. h2o and co2 are water vapor and carbon-dioxide measurements from LICOR 7500 gas analyzers at 8, 20, 26, 32 and 43.9 meters, and from a Campbell Scientific EC150 IRGA at 38 meters.

Second Moments
  u v w tc kh2o h2o co2
u u'u' u'v' u'w' u'tc' u'kh2o' u'h2o' u'co2'
v   v'v' v'w' v'tc' v'kh2o' v'h2o' v'co2'
w     w'w' w'tc' w'kh2o' w'h2o' w'co2'

      tc'tc' kh2o'kh2o' h2o'h2o' co2'co2'


The height in meters above ground of the measurement, if appropriate, will be indicated in a second field after a period in the short_name, for example RH.26m, or u'tc'.38m.

Variable Names

The actual NetCDF variable names will have underscores, '_', in place of periods and single quotes.  Therefore a variable with a short_name attribute of w'co2'.38m will have a NetCDF variable name of w_co2__38m.

Units and Long Names

Each variable will have NetCDF attributes containing the units of the measurement, and a long name giving more information on the measurement.

Counts Attributes

Variables from sensors used in eddy-covariance flux measurements will have a counts attribute indicating the number of samples that were included in each statistic.

Missing Data

The missing data value is 1x10^37.  A missing value indicates either that nothing was measured at the location indicated in the variable name and station index, or the sensor was not reporting at the given time, or it was detemined that the data value did not meet QC criteria during post-project analysis.

Table of NetCDF Variables

The following is a partial listing of the variables in the NetCDF files. It does not contain the second moments.


NetCDF name ISFS short name Units Dimensions Long Name
kh2oV_2m kh2oV.2m V time CSI Krypton hygrometer voltage
u_2m u.2m m/s time Wind U component from CSAT3
v_2m v.2m m/s time Wind V component from CSAT3
w_2m w.2m m/s time Wind W component from CSAT3
tc_2m tc.2m degC time Virtual air temperature from speed of sound, CSAT3
ldiag_2m ldiag.2m   time CSAT3 logical diagnostic, 0=OK, 1=(diagbits!=0)
kh2o_2m kh2o.2m g/m^3 time CSI Krypton water vapor
T_2m T.2m degC time Air Temperature from NCAR hygrothermometer
RH_2m RH.2m % time Relative Humidity from NCAR hygrothermometer
Rpar_2m Rpar.2m w/m^2 time Photosynthetically active radiation
u_8m u.8m m/s time Wind U component from CSAT3
v_8m v.8m m/s time Wind V component from CSAT3
w_8m w.8m m/s time Wind W component from CSAT3
tc_8m tc.8m degC time Virtual air temperature from speed of sound, CSAT3
ldiag_8m ldiag.8m   time CSAT3 logical diagnostic, 0=OK, 1=(diagbits!=0)
p_8m p.8m mb time Barometric Pressure, Paroscientific 6000
T_8m T.8m degC time Air Temperature from NCAR hygrothermometer
RH_8m RH.8m % time Relative Humidity from NCAR hygrothermometer
Wetness_8m Wetness.8m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Tsfc_8m Tsfc.8m degC time Infra-red surface temperature
Rpar_8m Rpar.8m w/m^2 time Photosynthetically active radiation
lidiag_8m lidiag.8m   time LICOR 7500 diagnostic value
h2o_8m h2o.8m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 water vapor density
co2_8m co2.8m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 CO2 density
kh2oV_13_9m kh2oV.13.9m V time CSI Krypton hygrometer voltage
u_13_9m u.13.9m m/s time Wind U component from CSAT3
v_13_9m v.13.9m m/s time Wind V component from CSAT3
w_13_9m w.13.9m m/s time Wind W component from CSAT3
tc_13_9m tc.13.9m degC time Virtual air temperature from speed of sound, CSAT3
ldiag_13_9m ldiag.13.9m   time CSAT3 logical diagnostic, 0=OK, 1=(diagbits!=0)
kh2o_13_9m kh2o.13.9m g/m^3 time CSI Krypton water vapor
T_13_9m T.13.9m degC time Air Temperature from NCAR hygrothermometer
RH_13_9m RH.13.9m % time Relative Humidity from NCAR hygrothermometer
Wetness_13_9m Wetness.13.9m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Rpar_13_9m Rpar.13.9m w/m^2 time Photosynthetically active radiation
Tsfc_13_9m Tsfc.13.9m degC time Infra-red surface temperature
u_20m u.20m m/s time Wind U component from CSAT3
v_20m v.20m m/s time Wind V component from CSAT3
w_20m w.20m m/s time Wind W component from CSAT3
tc_20m tc.20m degC time Virtual air temperature from speed of sound, CSAT3
ldiag_20m ldiag.20m   time CSAT3 logical diagnostic, 0=OK, 1=(diagbits!=0)
p_20m p.20m mb time Barometric Pressure, Paroscientific 6000
T_20m T.20m degC time Air Temperature from NCAR hygrothermometer
RH_20m RH.20m % time Relative Humidity from NCAR hygrothermometer
Wetness_20m Wetness.20m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Tsfc_20m Tsfc.20m degC time Infra-red surface temperature
Rpar_20m Rpar.20m w/m^2 time Photosynthetically active radiation
lidiag_20m lidiag.20m   time LICOR 7500 diagnostic value
h2o_20m h2o.20m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 water vapor density
co2_20m co2.20m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 CO2 density
u_26m u.26m m/s time Wind U component from CSAT3
v_26m v.26m m/s time Wind V component from CSAT3
w_26m w.26m m/s time Wind W component from CSAT3
tc_26m tc.26m degC time Virtual air temperature from speed of sound, CSAT3
ldiag_26m ldiag.26m   time CSAT3 logical diagnostic, 0=OK, 1=(diagbits!=0)
lidiag_26m lidiag.26m   time LICOR 7500 diagnostic value
h2o_26m h2o.26m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 water vapor density
co2_26m co2.26m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 CO2 density
T_26m T.26m degC time Air Temperature from NCAR hygrothermometer
RH_26m RH.26m % time Relative Humidity from NCAR hygrothermometer
Wetness_26m Wetness.26m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Tsfc_26m Tsfc.26m degC time Infra-red surface temperature
Rpar_26m Rpar.26m w/m^2 time Photosynthetically active radiation
u_32m u.32m m/s time Wind U component from CSAT3
v_32m v.32m m/s time Wind V component from CSAT3
w_32m w.32m m/s time Wind W component from CSAT3
tc_32m tc.32m degC time Virtual air temperature from speed of sound, CSAT3
ldiag_32m ldiag.32m   time CSAT3 logical diagnostic, 0=OK, 1=(diagbits!=0)
lidiag_32m lidiag.32m   time LICOR 7500 diagnostic value
h2o_32m h2o.32m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 water vapor density
co2_32m co2.32m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 CO2 density
p_32m p.32m mb time Barometric Pressure, Paroscientific 6000
T_32m T.32m degC time Air Temperature from NCAR hygrothermometer
RH_32m RH.32m % time Relative Humidity from NCAR hygrothermometer
Wetness_32m Wetness.32m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Tsfc_32m Tsfc.32m degC time Infra-red surface temperature
Rpar_32m Rpar.32m w/m^2 time Photosynthetically active radiation
u_38m u.38m m/s time Wind U component from CSAT3
v_38m v.38m m/s time Wind V component from CSAT3
w_38m w.38m m/s time Wind W component from CSAT3
tc_38m tc.38m degC time Virtual air temperature from speed of sound, CSAT3
ldiag_38m ldiag.38m   time CSAT3 logical diagnostic, 0=OK, 1=(diagbits!=0)
h2o_38m h2o.38m g/m^3 time Water vapor density from CSI IRGA
co2_38m co2.38m g/m^3 time CO2 density from CSI IRGA
T_38m T.38m degC time Air Temperature from NCAR hygrothermometer
RH_38m RH.38m % time Relative Humidity from NCAR hygrothermometer
irgadiag_38m irgadiag.38m   time CSI IRGA diagnostic
Wetness_41m Wetness.41m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
u_43_9m u.43.9m m/s time Wind U component from CSAT3
v_43_9m v.43.9m m/s time Wind V component from CSAT3
w_43_9m w.43.9m m/s time Wind W component from CSAT3
tc_43_9m tc.43.9m degC time Virtual air temperature from speed of sound, CSAT3
ldiag_43_9m ldiag.43.9m   time CSAT3 logical diagnostic, 0=OK, 1=(diagbits!=0)
lidiag_43_9m lidiag.43.9m   time LICOR 7500 diagnostic value
h2o_43_9m h2o.43.9m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 water vapor density
co2_43_9m co2.43.9m g/m^3 time LICOR 7500 CO2 density
p_43_9m p.43.9m mb time Barometric Pressure, Paroscientific 6000
T_43_9m T.43.9m degC time Air Temperature from NCAR hygrothermometer
RH_43_9m RH.43.9m % time Relative Humidity from NCAR hygrothermometer
Rsw_dfs_spn1 Rsw.dfs.spn1 W/m^2 time Incoming Diffuse Short Wave, SPN1
Rsw_global_spn1 Rsw.global.spn1 W/m^2 time Incoming Short Wave, SPN1
Rsw_in Rsw.in W/m^2 time Incoming Short Wave
Rsw_in_41m Rsw.in.41m W/m^2 time CNR4 incoming short wave
Rsw_out Rsw.out W/m^2 time Outgoing Short Wave
Rsw_out_41m Rsw.out.41m W/m^2 time CNR4 outgoing short wave
Wetness_13_9m Wetness.13.9m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Wetness_20m Wetness.20m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Wetness_26m Wetness.26m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Wetness_32m Wetness.32m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Wetness_41m Wetness.41m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Wetness_8m Wetness.8m V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Wetness_rad Wetness.rad V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor
Gsoil_5cm_a Gsoil.5cm.a W/m^2 time Soil Heat Flux
Gsoil_5cm_b Gsoil.5cm.b W/m^2 time Soil Heat Flux
Lambdasoil_a Lambdasoil.a W/m/DegK time TP01 derived thermal conductivity
Lambdasoil_b Lambdasoil.b W/m/DegK time TP01 derived thermal conductivity
Qsoil_a Qsoil.a vol% time Soil Moisture
Qsoil_b Qsoil.b vol% time Soil Moisture
Tsoil_0_6cm_a Tsoil.0.6cm.a degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_0_6cm_a2 Tsoil.0.6cm.a2 degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_0_6cm_b Tsoil.0.6cm.b degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_1_9cm_a Tsoil.1.9cm.a degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_1_9cm_a2 Tsoil.1.9cm.a2 degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_1_9cm_b Tsoil.1.9cm.b degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_3_1cm_a Tsoil.3.1cm.a degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_3_1cm_a2 Tsoil.3.1cm.a2 degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_3_1cm_b Tsoil.3.1cm.b degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_4_4cm_a Tsoil.4.4cm.a degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_4_4cm_a2 Tsoil.4.4cm.a2 degC time Soil Temperature
Tsoil_4_4cm_b Tsoil.4.4cm.b degC time Soil Temperature
GPSnsat_pond GPSnsat.pond count time Number of GPS satellites tracked
GPSstat_pond GPSstat.pond none time GPS rcvr status: 1=OK(A), 0=warning(V)
Hailr_wxt_pond Hailr.wxt.pond s-1 cm-2 time WXT hail rate
Ifan_3m_pond Ifan.3m.pond mA time NCAR hygrothermometer aspiration fan current
P_3m_pond P.3m.pond mb time WXT pressure
Rainr_ott_pond Rainr.ott.pond mm/hr time OTT optical disdrometer
Rainr_tb_pond Rainr.tb.pond mm/hr time Tipping bucket
Rainr_wxt_pond Rainr.wxt.pond mm/hr time WXT rain rate
RH_3m_pond RH.3m.pond % time Relative Humidity from NCAR hygrothermometer
RH_wxt_3m_pond RH.wxt.3m.pond % time WXT relative humidity
Rsw_dfs_spn1_pond Rsw.dfs.spn1.pond W/m^2 time Incoming Diffuse Short Wave, SPN1
Rsw_global_spn1_pond Rsw.global.spn1.pond W/m^2 time Incoming Short Wave, SPN1
Rsw_in_pond Rsw.in.pond W/m^2 time Incoming Short Wave
Spd_3m_pond Spd.3m.pond m/s time WXT 510 wind speed
T_3m_pond T.3m.pond degC time Air Temperature from NCAR hygrothermometer
T_wxt_3m_pond T.wxt.3m.pond degC time WXT ambient temp
U_3m_pond U.3m.pond m/s time WXT 510 wind U component
V_3m_pond V.3m.pond m/s time WXT 510 wind V component
Vdsm_pond Vdsm.pond V time Mote voltage
Vsupply_wxt_pond Vsupply.wxt.pond V time WXT 510 supply voltage
Wetness_pond Wetness.pond V time Decagon Leaf Wetness Sensor