Soil Sensor Suite

A combination of sensors to measure the heat flux entering the soil:

Use of these sensors is described here and installation documentation here.


Calibration Methods

Gsoil sensors are calibrated by the manufacturer.

Soil moisture sensors use a generic calibration from the manufacturer, but are checked in the field using manual gravimetric measurements (that also measure the soil bulk density).  Occasionally, the calibration is adjusted in post-processing based on these manual measurements.

The thermal properties sensors are calibrated in the laboratory at one point by inserting in a preparation of agar gel.

Tsoil sensors are calibrated in the EOL oil bath.  Coefficients are loaded into and applied by EOL's front-end microprocessor for each sensor.

Lead Contact
Steve Oncley
Typical Sampling Rates
5 s (TPO1 values change every 3 hrs)