Lidars in Flat Terrain

06/15/1996 - 08/30/1996
Project Location
Champaign, Illinois

Three lidars were deployed at the LIFT experiment in 1996, a backscatter lidar (SABL), a Doppler lidar (HRDL), and an ozone DIAL. In addition, two ISS and three Flux-PAM stations were deployed for a companion field study, Flatland Observatory Project II. Stephen Cohn (SSSF), along with Wayne Angevine (NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory) are examining the ability of different instruments used in this study to measure the convective boundary layer height and entrainment zone thickness. Other boundary layer properties are being studied with the LIFT dataset in collaboration with Robert Banta and Christoff Senff (NOAA/NCAR Joint Optical Remote Sensing Group), including vertical velocity statistics, boundary-layer turbulence, and shallow nocturnal low-level jets. In addition, coincident profiler and lidar data are being used by Cohn and Kent Goodrich (Univ. of Colorado) to evaluate new wind profiler signal processing techniques.


Principal Investigators:

  • Stephen Cohn NCAR/EOL

Data Manager: