RAF Data Files for Project: MONEX-77

    Project no.:  1977-572     Project name:  MONEX-77
       Aircraft:  N595KR       Scientist(s):  Boogaard
      Data type:  DRT         Programmer(s):  ?
 Processor used:  GENPRO
  Output format:  GENPRO-I

 HPSS path name:  /EOL/1977/monex-77/aircraft/electra_n595kr/DRT/GENPRO-I
 HPSS file name:  Gxxxxx              GxxxxxC
     MSS format:  TBM                 COS-blocked copies

                     Date        Start      End         File Sizes (Mbytes)
 fltno   Gxxxxx   mm/dd/yyyy     Time       Time         TBM      COS-blocked
 RF01A   G00080   06/09/1977   02:59:34   07:48:01    33.792000    33.714176
 RF01B   G00081   06/09/1977   07:48:02   08:04:48     2.457600     2.293760
 RF02A   G00082   06/11/1977   03:40:12   08:29:35    33.792000    33.714176
 RF02B   G00083   06/11/1977   08:29:36      ?        14.622720*   14.622720*#
 RF02C   G00083   06/11/1977      ?          ?
 RF02D   G00083   06/11/1977      ?       10:40:00
 RF03A   G00084   06/15/1977   03:52:36   08:50:16    33.792000    33.714176
 RF03B   G00085   06/15/1977   08:50:17      ?        16.957440*   16.748544*
 RF03C   G00085   06/15/1977      ?       11:19:39
 RF04A   G00086   06/17/1977   02:59:24   07:48:36    33.714176    33.713280#
 RF04B   G00087   06/17/1977   07:48:37      ?        12.656640*   12.492800*
 RF04C   G00087   06/17/1977      ?       09:39:59
 RF05A   G00088   06/19/1977   02:58:48   07:56:57    33.718272*   33.715200*#
 RF05B   G00088   06/19/1977   07:59:32   08:01:55
 RF05C   G00089   06/19/1977   08:01:56   09:26:46   10.444800    10.326016
 RF05C   G00089   06/19/1977   09:35:02   09:38:27
 RF06A   G00090   06/22/1977      ?          ?        33.714176    33.713280#
 RF06B   G00091   06/22/1977      ?          ?        15.360000*   15.245312*
 RF06C   G00091   06/22/1977      ?          ?
 RF07A   G00092   06/23/1977   04:59:54   09:51:36    33.792000    33.714176
 RF07B   G00093   06/23/1977   09:51:37   10:34:52     5.529600     5.406720
 RF08A   G00094   06/26/1977   07:52:59   12:45:21    33.714176    33.713280#
 RF08B   G00095   06/26/1977      ?          ?         4.141056*   13.480320*#
 RF08C   G00095   06/26/1977      ?          ?
 RF09A   G00096   06/28/1977   02:57:52   06:51:25    33.718272*   33.576270*#
 RF09B   G00096   06/28/1977   07:04:12   07:58:27
 RF09C   G00097   06/28/1977   07:58:28   10:01:25    14.344192    14.342400#
 RF10A   G00098   06/29/1977   14:58:30   19:47:23    33.792000    33.714176
 RF10B   G00099   06/29/1977   19:47:24   20:56:28     8.355840     8.208384
 RF11A   G00100   06/30/1977      ?          ?        33.546240*   33.460224*
 RF11B   G00100   06/30/1977      ?          ?
 RF12A   G00135   07/03/1977   03:31:15   08:22:26    33.792000*   33.714176*
 RF12A   G00101   07/03/1977      ?          ?        33.792000*   33.714176*
 RF12B   G00101   07/03/1977      ?          ?
 RF12C   G00102   07/03/1977   08:22:27   10:27:02    14.622720    14.413824
 RF13A   G00103   07/04/1977      ?          ?        31.088640*   30.941184*
 RF13B   G00103   07/04/1977      ?          ?
 D1      G00133   06/07/1977      ?          ?        14.999552    14.997120#
 D2      G00134   06/14/1977   07:42:56   10:55:12                 21.648000#
* Note:  Bitfile size includes multiple flight segments.
# Note:  These COS-blocked bitfiles were archived directly from master
          1/2" tapes to the MSS path name /RAF/1977/572/fltno/GxxxxxC
          in June and July 1999.