RAF Data Files for Project: Great Lakes AerosolLoading

    Project no.:  1978-672     Project name:  Great Lakes Aerosol Loading
       Aircraft:  N306D        Scientist(s):  Herman Sievering
      Data type:  DRT         Programmer(s):  ?
 Processor used:  GENPRO
  Output format:  GENPRO-I

 HPSS path name:  /EOL/1978/glale/aircraft/queenairb80_n306d/DRT/GENPRO-I
 HPSS file name:  Gxxxxx              GxxxxxC
     MSS format:  TBM                 COS-blocked copies

                     Date        Start      End         File Sizes (Mbytes)
 fltno   Gxxxxx   mm/dd/yyyy     Time       Time         TBM      COS-blocked
 RF01    G50079*  05/16/1978    ~17:34     ~18:03      +            +
 RF02    G50080*  05/17/1978    ~06:38     ~08:41      +            +
 RF03    G50081   05/17/1978    ~11:18     ~14:10      16.711680    22.040576
 RF04    G50082   05/18/1978    ~06:44     ~08:25      +            +
 RF05    G50083   05/18/1978    ~11:23     ~14:41       0.860160     0.917504
 RF06    G50084   05/19/1978    ~06:38     ~08:56      12.656640    16.703488
 RF07    G50085   05/19/1978    ~11:23     ~15:12      20.766720    20.615168
 RF08    G50086   05/22/1978    ~07:05     ~08:48      +            +
 RF09    G50087   05/22/1978    ~11:07     ~14:02      +            +
 RF10    G50088   05/24/1978    ~11:25     ~14:37      +            +
 RF11    G50089   05/25/1978    ~06:53     ~08:54      +            +
 RF12    G50090   05/25/1978    ~11:38     ~14:54      +            +
 RF13    G50091   05/26/1978    ~06:40     ~08:29      +            +
 RF14    G50092   05/26/1978    ~11:26     ~14:44      +            +
 * Note:  These bitfiles apparently were overwritten with data from project
            1978-667 Snow Physics.
 + Note:  Bitfile missing from SCD Mass Store System archive.
 ~ Note:  Approximate times are takeoff and landing times obtained from
            Research Flight Reports.