Flight Crew Staffing

To effectively carry out assigned projects, operational crews should consist of the following minimum personnel:

NCAR/RAF Flight Crew for the GV Aircraft

  • One Aircraft Commander (Pilot In Command)
  • One Co-pilot
  • A & P Mechanic (required on flights are planned to not return to primary base of operations, or have a strong chance of not returning to the primary base of operations)
  • One RAF Technician (ADS operator and flight safety officer)

NCAR/RAF Flight Crew for the C-130 Aircraft

  • One Aircraft Commander (Pilot In Command)
  • One Co-pilot
  • Flight Engineer
  • One RAF Technician (ADS operator and flight safety officer)

For Field Projects Not Based at a Fixed Location, In Additions to the Crew Listed Above

  • RAF Project Manager

For Field Projects with Flight Operations in Close Proximity to Convection or Other Complex Weather Systems

EOL/RAF onboard Mission Coordinator (an experienced meteorologist capable of interpreting real time meteorological data, discussing these data with a ground-based Mission Coordinator, the on-board Mission Scientist and relaying information to the pilots).