JAWS Digital Media


JAWS: The Movie (Youtube)

Terminal NEXRAD Zone (mpeg video, 299 MB)

The Day "All Hell" Broke Loose (mpeg video, 412 MB)



Microbursts: Defeating a Killer (PPS)

Microburst Media (MPEG Video, 71 MB)

History of Windshear by Rita Roberts, Jim Wilson, and Robert Marfuta [PPS] (large file), [PDF]*the PPS file contains videos and the PDF does not. Note: If you do not have PowerPoint software, the .ppt or .pps files can be viewed with PowerPoint Viewer software (available for free download).



"Tornadoes, Microbursts, and Silver Linings: How the Jumbo Outbreak of 1974 helped lead to safer air travel". AtmosNews, April 1, 2014. This is an article detailing Ted Fujita's work surrounding tornadoes and microbursts and how it lead to safer air travel.

"On the Track of Deadly Wind Shear", Popular Science, 1983

New Airport System Facilitates Smoother Take-offs and Landings

UCAR Staff Notes - May '82, Sep '87