2012 LAOF Workshop

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The Workshop: Meeting the Challenges of Climate System Science, sponsored by NSF/AGS and hosted by NCAR/EOL, was held on 18-19 June 2012 in Boulder, Colorado, followed by the Synthesis Committee meeting on 20 June 2012. A detailed Workshop agenda is provided in the Appendix. Owing to space and budgetary limitations and to facilitate meaningful breakout session discussions, the workshop registration was limited to approximately 100 participants. In the end, 119 participants from four countries (U.S., UK, Australia, China) were present. These participants represented several disciplines within CSS and the intersection of weather, chemistry, and climate, such as ecology, hydrology, oceanography, and atmospheric science. There was also a good mixture of participants in technology development and management, data service, science, and modeling. Recognizing that this workshop was schedule-conflicted with the NCAR Community Earth System Model (CESM) Workshop, 4 there was an additional small-scale meeting in the spring of 2013 between LAOF Workshop organizers and CESM leaders to further refine the CESM needs of the LAOF.