
Net radiometers are used to determine the total net radiation (sum of visible and infrared; difference between incoming and outgoing) near the Earth's surface.  ISFS initially used the Model Q*7 made by REBS (Radiation and Energy Balance Systems, Inc.). They have two calibration coefficients -- one for positive values (generally daytime, dominated by visible radiation) and another, smaller, value for negative values (nighttime, infrared).  For a while, ISFS used these along with pyranometers and pyrgeometers which measure all 4 of these radiation components individually.  These have been superceeded by the NR01 which combines a set of pyranometers and pyrgeometers in one instrument.

In the Q7 manual provided by Campbell Scientific, there is a correction for convective cooling as a function of wind speed, that we applied.

Q7 manual [distributed by Campbell Scientific, Inc.]

Typical Sampling Rates