3D Sonic Anemometer / Thermometer

Short Name or Variable Name


Three-component ultrasonic anemoter/thermometers used to make the core turbulence measurements for ISFS, including the measurement of momentum flux and sensible heat flux using the eddy-covariance method.  Also used to measure latent heat flux and carbon dioxide flux in combination with other instruments.  NCAR purchased CSAT3 anemometers at the end of 2001. However several from other groups were used with our system in earlier programs.  We still have about 20 of these original models, though we now also have CSAT3A and CSAT3B models.


Campbell CSAT3 manual

Quick Reference Notes

Configuration for ASTER

Serializer Tests-04 Readme (Local Access Only)

Lead Contact
Steve Oncley
Typical Sampling Rates