CACHE94: Logbook Message Directory

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Entry Date Title Site Author
2Fri 15-Jul-1994OSU Sonic levels noneGordon Maclean
3Mon 18-Jul-1994DID ERROR! nonesrs
4Sun 31-Jul-1994Prop data rate changed to 1 hz: nonesrs
5Sun 31-Jul-1994Fast T cal for t.10m.flux and t.15m.flu nonesrs
6Mon 01-Aug-1994problem with new 10 hz/-5 volt filters: nonesrs
7Mon 01-Aug-1994New PVM gain settings: nonesrs
8Mon 01-Aug-1994Aspirated Humitter changes: noneSteve Semmer
9Tue 02-Aug-199415m Krypton problems: nonesrs
10Tue 02-Aug-1994fast T on walk calibration: nonesrs
11Tue 02-Aug-1994PVM.CAL noneask
12Tue 02-Aug-1994AIR humidity bad! noneSteve Semmer
13Tue 02-Aug-1994Marigold, rain detect change: nonesrs
14Tue 02-Aug-1994AIR RH looks good! noneSteve Semmer
15Tue 02-Aug-1994Changes in marigold A/D channels: nonesrs
16Tue 02-Aug-1994Output signal of O3: nonesrs
17Wed 03-Aug-1994Changes in config files: nonesrs
18Wed 03-Aug-1994FSSP.CALIB.MOUNT noneask
19Wed 03-Aug-1994FSSP work: nonesrs
20Thu 04-Aug-1994marigold crashed around 12:49 last nigh nonesrs
21Thu 04-Aug-1994Potential sync problem: nonesrs
22Thu 04-Aug-1994Sensor status this morning: nonesrs
23Thu 04-Aug-1994Data rate on props at 5hz: nonesrs
24Thu 04-Aug-1994COSMOS CRASH! nonesrs
25Thu 04-Aug-1994Solent sonic anemometer reinstalled on noneacd
26Thu 04-Aug-1994Ten meter krypton hygrometer dried noneACD
27Thu 04-Aug-1994Props back to 1 hz: nonesrs
28Thu 04-Aug-1994PVMs switched at 10 m. noneRJV
29Thu 04-Aug-199415 m. krypton hygrometer removed noneRJV
30Thu 04-Aug-1994CPCs not hooked up: nonesrs
31Fri 05-Aug-199415m Krypton running: nonesrs
32Fri 05-Aug-1994!2.5m psychrometer removed noneOperator
33Fri 05-Aug-1994Morning Status: nonesrs
34Fri 05-Aug-1994RNET change on gain: nonesrs
36Sat 06-Aug-1994PVM CALIB./OCCULTATION/HEIGHT noneask
37Sat 06-Aug-1994O3 Calibration and Zero noneask
38Sun 07-Aug-1994GILL running: nonesrs
39Sun 07-Aug-1994Fast T walkup down! nonesrs
40Sun 07-Aug-1994PAR sensors installed. noneacd
41Sun 07-Aug-1994Prop Angles: nonesrs
42Sun 07-Aug-1994Props changed to 5 hz at 21:20 GMT. nonesrs
43Sun 07-Aug-1994Remote Site is setup nonepa
44Sun 07-Aug-1994Comparision RH HMP35C, ASTER PSYC nonePeter Anthoni
45Mon 08-Aug-1994More sensors! nonesrs
46Mon 08-Aug-1994morning status Monday, 8 Aug, start of noneacd
47Mon 08-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug 8,1994 nonepa
48Mon 08-Aug-1994Flux tower stabilizing bboom afixed noneacd
49Tue 09-Aug-1994New orientation of 10m Kr on flux tower noneacd
50Tue 09-Aug-1994Moved canopy par sensors: nonesrs
51Tue 09-Aug-1994Props set to 2hz nonegdm
52Tue 09-Aug-1994morning status noneask
53Tue 09-Aug-1994RAIN DETECTOR noneask
54Tue 09-Aug-1994fast T on walkup fixed: nonesrs
55Tue 09-Aug-1994Licor CO2 fast sensor installed noneacd
56Tue 09-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date:Aug 09,1994(22 nonepa
57Tue 09-Aug-1994Work on the flux tower: nonesrs
58Tue 09-Aug-1994ATI angles from jd 220: nonesrs
59Wed 10-Aug-1994New ATI angles: nonesrs
60Wed 10-Aug-1994WINDS noneask
61Wed 10-Aug-1994Morning status Wednesday, 10 Aug 94 noneacd
62Wed 10-Aug-1994Gravmoist of duff noneacd
63Wed 10-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: 10 August noneask
64Wed 10-Aug-1994OZONE INLET CHANGE noneask
65Wed 10-Aug-1994Work on flux tower: nonesrs
66Wed 10-Aug-1994T.soil.duff dead! nonesrs
67Thu 11-Aug-1994NET rad problems! noneSteve Semmer
68Thu 11-Aug-1994Covars restarted on daisy at 2:40 GMT. nonesrs
69Thu 11-Aug-1994Marigold covars down for a time: nonesrs
70Thu 11-Aug-1994morning status, Aug 11. 94 (223) nonepa
71Thu 11-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug.11 (223), nonepa
72Fri 12-Aug-1994xstrip version in sun4/ needs update nonepa
73Fri 12-Aug-1994COSMOS died at ca. 2:20 Aug 12 nonepa
74Fri 12-Aug-1994AIRBLAST on.signal shows up as mode.lic nonepa
75Fri 12-Aug-1994Morning Status Friday, 12 Aug 94, 0830 noneacd
76Fri 12-Aug-1994Cosmos and Marigold crash at 1600gmt noneacd
77Fri 12-Aug-1994COSMOS crash! nonesrs
78Fri 12-Aug-1994AIR sensor removed from dailyplots: nonesrs
79Fri 12-Aug-1994MARIGOLD crashed again! nonesrs
80Fri 12-Aug-1994FSSP restarted at 17:22 GMT. nonesrs
81Fri 12-Aug-1994Gain setting on licorco2mode noneacd
82Fri 12-Aug-1994Archive tapes for 222,223 have added fi noneOperator
84Fri 12-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date:August 12 (#22 noneask
85Fri 12-Aug-1994Characterization of forest duff noneacd
86Sat 13-Aug-1994Morning status Saturday, 13 Aug 94 noneacd
87Sat 13-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug 13 (#225) noneask
88Sat 13-Aug-1994Remote site RH probe-PSYC comparison nonePeter Anthoni
89Sun 14-Aug-1994COSMOS decided to take a nap @02:05,226 nonepa
90Sun 14-Aug-1994morning status nonesrs
91Sun 14-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug 14, 94 (2 nonepa
92Sun 14-Aug-1994Cleaned water off 10m ati flux: nonesrs
93Sun 14-Aug-1994Flux sonic boom angles added to sonic.c nonesrs
94Sun 14-Aug-1994Another cleaning of ati.10m.flux: nonesrs
95Sun 14-Aug-1994ATI.10m.flux looking good! nonesrs
96Sun 14-Aug-1994Remote site data in ../results/remsite/ nonepa
97Mon 15-Aug-1994Status update: nonesrs
98Mon 15-Aug-1994Morning status Monday, 15 Aug, 94, 0930 noneacd
99Mon 15-Aug-1994Archives and Covars stopped on cosmos a nonesrs
100Mon 15-Aug-1994New Configuration: nonesrs
101Mon 15-Aug-1994H2O2 status: nonesrs
102Mon 15-Aug-1994More changes for dailyplots: nonesrs
103Mon 15-Aug-1994Restarted marigold and cosmos: nonesrs
104Mon 15-Aug-1994Move Solent position on walk-up tower b noneacd
105Mon 15-Aug-1994COSMOS DOWN! nonesrs
106Mon 15-Aug-1994Aspirated humitter drying out! noneSteve Semmer
107Mon 15-Aug-1994pvm.10m.flux moved to 10m.walk at 22:00 nonesrs
108Mon 15-Aug-1994Data from Solent is bad! nonesrs
109Mon 15-Aug-199410m Krypton has problems in head: nonesrs
110Tue 16-Aug-199410m Krypton update: nonesrs
111Tue 16-Aug-1994pvm.15m.flux moved to 10m.flux spot at nonepa
112Tue 16-Aug-1994Height change PVM from 15-m to 10-m nonejm
113Tue 16-Aug-199410m Krypton back on: nonesrs
114Tue 16-Aug-1994ATI.10m.walk level sensor plug fixed nonepa
115Tue 16-Aug-1994Morning status: Tuesday, JD 228. nonejm
116Tue 16-Aug-1994atik.flux sonics revived nonespo
117Tue 16-Aug-1994Prop/Vane Xmit rate changed to 1Hz nonejm
118Tue 16-Aug-1994T.soil.duff running again: nonesrs
119Tue 16-Aug-1994cal_files issue: nonesrs
120Wed 17-Aug-1994Marigold: Changed for Peter's 3 Analog nonejm
121Wed 17-Aug-1994marigold and cosmos sort-of crashed nonespo
122Wed 17-Aug-1994Synch problem in fun.plot.prep nonepa
123Wed 17-Aug-1994Data Error in fast228200000 after 23:19 nonepa
124Wed 17-Aug-1994Evening status nonespo
125Wed 17-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug 16 nonepa
126Wed 17-Aug-1994Remote site has a wind monitor now nonepa
127Wed 17-Aug-1994Added channels for CO2.licor nonepa
128Wed 17-Aug-1994changed co2 zero check from 20s to 30s nonepa
129Wed 17-Aug-1994Morning status Day 229, 17-Aug-94, 15:3 noneso
130Thu 18-Aug-1994Swapped Props at 15-m with 2.5-m nonejm
131Thu 18-Aug-199415-m Psyc/RH Profile test noneJohn Militzer
132Thu 18-Aug-1994Morning status Day 230, 18-Aug-94, 15:3 nonejm
133Thu 18-Aug-1994psyc.2.5m replaced noneSteve Oncley
134Thu 18-Aug-1994Tower work over last 2? hours nonespo
135Thu 18-Aug-1994Cleaned ati sonic cards nonespo
136Fri 19-Aug-1994Installed Krypton at 10-m. Cleaned 15- nonejm
137Fri 19-Aug-1994Aspirated 10-m Humitter removed/corrode noneJohn Militzer
138Fri 19-Aug-1994PMV calibration disk, Wed 8-17-94 retro noneRJV
139Fri 19-Aug-1994PVM calibration disk, Fri. 8-19-94, dur noneRJV
140Fri 19-Aug-1994FSSP PVM colocated intercomparison on w noneRJV
141Fri 19-Aug-1994cloud base obs on road for 8-18-94 noneRJv
142Fri 19-Aug-1994Morning status Day 231, 19-Aug-94, 18Z nonejm
144Fri 19-Aug-1994OSU PVM taken down from walkup tower noneRJV
146Sat 20-Aug-1994mode.licor changed to 20 Hz nonespo
147Sat 20-Aug-1994Forgot to reconnect Solent and FSSP nonespo
148Sat 20-Aug-1994Morning status Day 232, 20-Aug-94, 15:3 nonejm
149Sat 20-Aug-1994Status of Psyc swap. Ref Note 131. noneJohn Militzer
150Sat 20-Aug-1994aOzone meter calibration Sat 8-20 9:50 noneRJV
151Sat 20-Aug-1994reseated atik.10m.flux transducers nonespo
152Sat 20-Aug-1994corrupted marigold.covar nonespo
153Sat 20-Aug-1994Rain seatainer produces -5 V during pre noneRJV
154Sat 20-Aug-1994playing around with atik.10m.flux nonespo
155Sat 20-Aug-1994t.10m.flux disconnected temporarily nonespo
156Sat 20-Aug-1994more atik.10m.flux work nonespo
157Sun 21-Aug-1994PVMs subjected to calibration disk: Sat noneRJV
158Sun 21-Aug-1994sonic work continued.. nonespo
159Sun 21-Aug-1994check time w/ WWV nonespo
160Sun 21-Aug-1994RH profile noneSteve Oncley
161Sun 21-Aug-1994Morning status Day 233, 21-Aug-94 nonespo
162Mon 22-Aug-1994Analytic Applications IR hygrometer ins nonespo
163Mon 22-Aug-1994Tex and Latex nonespo
164Mon 22-Aug-1994Splus TRUNC_AUDIT nonespo
165Mon 22-Aug-1994Morning status Day 234, 22-Aug-94 nonespo
166Mon 22-Aug-1994'bkfiles' script modified nonejm
167Mon 22-Aug-1994marigold covars restarted nonespo
168Tue 23-Aug-1994Air Condition tries to be a musician nonePeter Anthoni
169Tue 23-Aug-1994restarted covar_cosmos nonespo
170Tue 23-Aug-1994sonic work nonespo
171Tue 23-Aug-1994Morning status Day 235, 23-Aug-94,16Z nonejm
172Tue 23-Aug-1994archiving changed for marigold nonespo
173Tue 23-Aug-1994Lots of work will be done today nonespo
175Tue 23-Aug-1994Krypton's cleaned noneOperator
176Tue 23-Aug-199415-m ATI W sensors re-seated nonespo
177Tue 23-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Tuesday Augus noneask
178Tue 23-Aug-1994Zeroed atik.10m.flux nonespo
179Tue 23-Aug-1994AA hygrometer cleaned nonespo
180Tue 23-Aug-1994CO2 zero mode signal delayed (slow risi nonepa
181Tue 23-Aug-1994Marigold Taken Down Briefly nonejm
182Tue 23-Aug-1994Psyc's Replaced at 7.5-m, 15-m noneJohn Militzer
183Wed 24-Aug-1994Soil moisture sample taken nonespo
185Wed 24-Aug-1994Morning status Day 236, 24-Aug-94 nonespo
186Wed 24-Aug-1994Tower work nonespo
187Wed 24-Aug-1994cosmos rebooted nonespo
188Wed 24-Aug-1994GSI PVM Baseline & Optical Cleaning noneask
189Wed 24-Aug-1994PAR sensor replaced (on/below Dark Hors nonepa
190Wed 24-Aug-1994PYG - Down Battery replaced: now workin nonejm
191Wed 24-Aug-1994late OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug 22, nonepa
192Thu is 1.2mV low nonepa
193Thu 25-Aug-1994Morning status Day 237, 25-Aug-94, 16:4 nonejm
194Thu 25-Aug-1994Don't use did aliases? nonespo
195Thu 25-Aug-1994Swapped 2.5-m Psyc noneJohn Militzer
196Thu 25-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug. 25, Thu. noneask
197Thu 25-Aug-1994README: Maintainance tasks: nonespo
198Fri 26-Aug-1994CO2 mean volt output is fairly low nonepa
199Fri 26-Aug-1994Morning status Day 238, 26-Aug-94 nonespo
200Fri 26-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: 26 Aug. Fri ( noneask
201Fri 26-Aug-1994marigold crash nonespo
202Fri 26-Aug-1994krypton.10m.flux removed nonespo
203Fri is 1.2mV low nonepa
204Fri 26-Aug-1994Calibration for c.pvm.15m.flux changed nonespo
205Fri 26-Aug-1994BELATED ENTRY (8/20): PVM CALIB./OCCULT noneask
206Fri 26-Aug-1994CO2 licor check nonepa
207Sat 27-Aug-1994marigold reboot noneCharlie
208Sat 27-Aug-1994splus gobbled up swap? noneclm
209Sat 27-Aug-1994forest fire noneclm
210Sat 27-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug. 27, Sat. noneask
211Sat 27-Aug-1994System Down 1537 - 1800 JD239 noneclm
212Sat 27-Aug-1994ADAM reboots and siostatus command noneclm
213Sat 27-Aug-1994Morning status Day 239, 27-Aug-94 noneclm
214Sun 28-Aug-1994CO2 changes noneclm,pa
215Sun 28-Aug-1994O3 still high noneclm
216Sun 28-Aug-1994marigold died at jday 240, 02:20 nonepa
217Sun 28-Aug-199415m propvane speed out noneclm
219Sun 28-Aug-1994Morning status Day 240, 28-Aug-94 noneOperator
220Sun 28-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug 28, 240 noneask/pa
221Mon 29-Aug-1994Morning status Day 241, 29-Aug-94 noneOperator
222Mon 29-Aug-1994Repair work on props and psychrometers. noneSN
223Mon 29-Aug-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Aug. 29, Mon noneask
224Tue 30-Aug-1994Prop tower 15m anemometer replaced noneSN
225Tue 30-Aug-1994Morning status Day 242, 30-Aug-94 noneOperator
226Tue 30-Aug-19942.5 Meter Psychrometer nonesn
227Wed 31-Aug-1994Morning status Day 243, 31-Aug-94 nonesn
228Wed 31-Aug-19942.5 Meter Psychrometer nonesn
229Wed 31-Aug-199415m Krypton cleaned at 1930 noneclm
230Thu 01-Sep-1994Morning status Day 244, 01-Sep-94 noneOperator
231Thu 01-Sep-1994System Backup nonesn
232Thu 01-Sep-1994Humitters drying out noneSantiago Newbery
233Thu 01-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 1 (Thu) noneask
234Thu 01-Sep-1994Walk-up ATI spiking nonesn
235Thu 01-Sep-1994Humitter failure noneSantiago Newbery
236Fri 02-Sep-1994Removed the 10m psyc around 2200 noneCharlie Martin
237Fri 02-Sep-1994Replacing gortex shields noneCharlie Martin
238Fri 02-Sep-1994Reinstalled 10m psyc noneCharlie Martin
239Fri 02-Sep-199415m propvane has come back to life noneclm
240Fri 02-Sep-1994CO2 licor calibration test nonepa
241Fri 02-Sep-1994Morning status Day 245 02-Sep-94 noneSantiago Newbery
242Fri 02-Sep-1994Delayed entry - xfssp devours swap spac nonesn
243Fri 02-Sep-1994t.AA.7.5.flux spikes fixed! nonesn
244Fri 02-Sep-1994La Pooh noneOperator
245Fri 02-Sep-1994xfssp definitely has a big memory leak noneSantiago Newbery
246Fri 02-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 2, Fri. noneAndy Kowalski
247Fri 02-Sep-1994Welcome to tklog!noneCharlie Martin
248Sat 03-Sep-1994cosmos crashednoneCharlie Martin
249Sat 03-Sep-1994psychrometer at 10m just diednoneCharlie Martin
250Sat 03-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 3., Sat. nonePeter Anthoni
251Sat 03-Sep-1994realtime covar cosmos not running from 257 to 1600; jd 246noneCharlie Martin
252Sat 03-Sep-1994higher variances on ati.10m.flux seen on jd 245noneCharlie Martin
253Sat 03-Sep-1994Morning status Day 246 03-Sep-94 noneSantiago Newbery
255Sat 03-Sep-1994jd display added to tklognoneCharlie Martin
256Sat 03-Sep-1994CO2 licor turned offnonePeter Anthoni
257Sat 03-Sep-199410 meter psychrometer is backnoneSantiago Newbery
258Sat 03-Sep-19942.5 meter prop downnoneSantiago Newbery
259Sun 04-Sep-19942.5m propvane reinstallednoneCharlie Martin
260Sun 04-Sep-19942.5m propvane speed defective againnoneCharlie Martin
261Sun 04-Sep-199415m propvane now working; units switched between 5m and 15mnoneCharlie Martin
262Sun 04-Sep-1994Morning status Day 247 04-Sep-94 noneSantiago Newbery
263Sun 04-Sep-1994CO2 restart at 15:50 saturday sept 3noneRick Vong
264Sun 04-Sep-1994krypton at 15m moved to 10m; unit stops workingnoneCharlie Martin
265Sun 04-Sep-1994ozone calib 9-4-94 ft`rom 12:15 until 12:45noneRick Vong
266Sun 04-Sep-1994PVM calib/ occult Sun 9-4-94noneRick Vong
267Sun 04-Sep-1994Prop anamometer worknoneSantiago Newbery
268Sun 04-Sep-1994PVM calib results from 9-4-94noneRick Vong
269Sun 04-Sep-1994removed krypton at 15m from towernoneCharlie Martin
270Mon 05-Sep-199410 meter psych out @ 22:00 GMTnoneSantiago Newbery
271Mon 05-Sep-199415m krypton had died at 2200 JD 246noneCharlie Martin
272Mon 05-Sep-1994Morning status Day 248 04-Sep-94 noneCharlie Martin
273Mon 05-Sep-1994System Backup donenoneSantiago Newbery
274Mon 05-Sep-1994Water inside ATI sonic boxnoneSantiago Newbery
275Mon 05-Sep-1994sonic ATI OSU walkup grounded at ca. 1400 Mon 9-5-94noneRick Vong
276Mon 05-Sep-1994More psychrometer musical chairs...noneSantiago Newbery
277Tue 06-Sep-1994new covariance group added; create_cdl breaksnoneCharlie Martin
278Tue 06-Sep-1994Whew, never again! (mucking around with covars)noneCharlie Martin
279Tue 06-Sep-1994permanent ground installed on walkup tower boomnoneCharlie Martin
280Tue 06-Sep-19945m psyc hiccupsnoneCharlie Martin
281Tue 06-Sep-1994Morning status Day 249 06-Sep-94 noneCharlie Martin
282Tue 06-Sep-1994ATI sonic on walkup now is grounded (OSU)noneRick Vong
283Tue 06-Sep-1994remote site status on Tues 9-6-94noneRick Vong
284Wed 07-Sep-1994h2o.AA.7.5,.flux looking very wild todaynoneCharlie Martin
285Wed 07-Sep-1994Morning status Day 250 07-Sep-94 noneSantiago Newbery
286Wed 07-Sep-1994Believe it or not...noneSantiago Newbery
287Wed 07-Sep-19942.5 meter psyc latch-up *again*noneSantiago Newbery
288Wed 07-Sep-19942.5 meter prop readings low againnoneSantiago Newbery
289Thu 08-Sep-19942.5 m psych ...againnoneSantiago Newbery
290Thu 08-Sep-1994ozone calib Wed 9-7-94 middaynoneRick Vong
291Thu 08-Sep-1994Cosmos crash at 6-7 pm Wed evenoneRick Vong
293Thu 08-Sep-1994AA hygrometer down this morningnoneRick Vong
294Thu 08-Sep-1994AA restartednoneCharlie Martin
295Thu 08-Sep-19942.5m and 10m psycs down this morningnoneCharlie Martin
296Thu 08-Sep-1994Morning status Day 251 07-Sep-94 noneCharlie Martin
297Thu 08-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 8 Thu. (J251). noneAndy Kowalski
298Thu 08-Sep-1994solent tc shows high variancenoneCharlie Martin
299Fri 09-Sep-199410 and 2.5 meter psychs replacednoneSantiago Newbery
300Fri 09-Sep-1994Morning status Day 252 9-Sep-94 noneSantiago Newbery
301Fri 09-Sep-1994AIR 15 m fast T died last nightnoneSantiago Newbery
302Fri 09-Sep-1994Sugg. for improvement on xcockpitsnoneSantiago Newbery
303Sat 10-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 9 Fri. (J252). noneAndy Kowalski
304Sat 10-Sep-1994t.15m.flux sensor replaced 0133 GMTnoneCharlie Martin
305Sat 10-Sep-1994boom out of sector for FSSPnoneRick Vong
306Sat 10-Sep-1994Morning status Day 253 10-Sep-94 noneSantiago Newbery
307Sat 10-Sep-19945 meter psych drops outnoneSantiago Newbery
308Sat 10-Sep-1994PVM off tower then bagged Sat. 9-10-94noneRick Vong
309Sat 10-Sep-1994ozone calibrationSAt pm 9-10-94noneRick Vong
310Sun 11-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep.10 Sat. (J253). noneAndy Kowalski
311Sun 11-Sep-1994cosmos needed to be rebootednoneAndy Kowalski
312Sun 11-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 11 (Sun) J254 noneask
313Sun 11-Sep-1994Working on 15m propnoneTom Horst
314Sun 11-Sep-1994Removed non-existent props from prop.confignoneTom Horst
315Sun 11-Sep-19945m hygrothermometer has finally dried outnoneTom Horst
316Mon 12-Sep-1994Prop alignmentnoneTom Horst
317Mon 12-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 12 Mon. (J255). noneAndy Kowalski
318Mon 12-Sep-1994Morning status Day 253 10-Sep-94 noneGordon Maclean
319Mon 12-Sep-1994Moved IR hygrometer to 10mnoneTom Horst
320Tue 13-Sep-1994ASTER crashed, new ADAM kernalnoneGordon Maclean
321Tue 13-Sep-1994Morning status Day 256 13-Sep-94 noneGordon Maclean
322Tue 13-Sep-1994h2o.AA.10m.flux covar and archive changesnoneGordon Maclean
323Wed 14-Sep-1994sick psycsnoneGordon Maclean
324Wed 14-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 13 Tue. (J256). noneAndy Kowalski
325Wed 14-Sep-1994Morning status Day 257 14-Sep-94 noneTom Horst
326Wed 14-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 14 Wed. (J257). noneAndy Kowalski
327Wed 14-Sep-199410 m prop is dyingnoneTom Horst
328Wed 14-Sep-1994FSSP range changenoneAndy Kowalski
329Thu 15-Sep-1994Retreived 5m and 10m hygrothermometersnoneTom Horst
330Thu 15-Sep-1994Morning status Day 258 15-Sep-94 noneTom Horst
331Thu 15-Sep-1994Water beads on ati.10m.walk wnoneTom Horst
332Thu 15-Sep-1994Hygrothermometer worknoneTom Horst
333Thu 15-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 15 Thu. (J258). noneAndy Kowalski
334Fri 16-Sep-1994Morning status Day 259 16-Sep-94 noneTom Horst
335Fri 16-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 16 Fri. (J259). noneAndy Kowalski
336Sat 17-Sep-1994Morning status Day 260 17-Sep-94 noneTom Horst
337Sat 17-Sep-1994Extended 10m AA IR hygrometer boomnoneTom Horst
339Sat 17-Sep-1994Clean GSI PVM and move to 10mnoneAndy Kowalski
340Sat 17-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 17 Sat. (J260). noneAndy Kowalski
341Sat 17-Sep-1994Repair of 5m and 15m propsnoneTom Horst
342Sun 18-Sep-1994Morning status Day 261 18-Sep-94 noneTom Horst
343Sun 18-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 18 Sun. (J261). noneAndy Kowalski
344Mon 19-Sep-1994restarted 15m psycnoneGordon Maclean
345Mon 19-Sep-1994Morning status Day 262 19-Sep-94 noneTom Horst
346Mon 19-Sep-199412.5 m RH is suspectnoneTom Horst
347Mon 19-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 19 Mon. (J262). noneAndy Kowalski
348Mon 19-Sep-1994Dried out sonic electronics noneTom Horst
349Mon 19-Sep-1994Water sealed 2.5m propnoneGordon Maclean
350Mon 19-Sep-1994Removed psyc.15mnoneGordon Maclean
351Tue 20-Sep-1994Morning status Day 263 20-Sep-94 noneTom Horst
352Tue 20-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 20 Tues. (J263). noneAndy Kowalski
353Tue 20-Sep-19947.5 m prop has stopped transmittingnoneTom Horst
354Wed 21-Sep-1994Remounted 7.5m prop vanenoneTom Horst
355Wed 21-Sep-1994Profile tower hauling rope gone awrynoneAndy Kowalski
356Wed 21-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 21 Wed. (J264). noneAndy Kowalski
357Thu 22-Sep-1994Replaced psyc at 15m, JD 263noneGordon Maclean
358Thu 22-Sep-19947.5m and 10m prop-vanes destroyed yesterdaynoneTom Horst
359Thu 22-Sep-1994Morning status Day 265 22-Sep-94 noneTom Horst
360Thu 22-Sep-1994Moved 2.5m and 5m props to 7.5m and 10mnoneTom Horst
361Fri 23-Sep-1994Sonic and fast T calibrationsnoneTom Horst
362Fri 23-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 22 Thu. (J265). noneAndy Kowalski
363Fri 23-Sep-1994raw data for day 265 lostnoneGordon Maclean
364Fri 23-Sep-1994Morning status Day 266 23-Sep-94 noneTom Horst
365Fri 23-Sep-1994Removed soil temp probes & flux plates, checked levelsnoneGordon Maclean
366Fri 23-Sep-1994props lost power for 5 minutesnoneGordon Maclean
367Fri 23-Sep-1994OSU DAILY CHECKLIST Date: Sep. 23 Fri. (J266). noneAndy Kowalski
368Fri 23-Sep-1994CO2 Licor offset jump at jday 249nonePeter Anthoni
369Fri 23-Sep-1994Hygrothermometer intercomparisonnoneTom Horst
370Fri 23-Sep-199410m Sonic zeroesnoneTom Horst
375Sat 24-Sep-1994ATI sonic (OSU) zero air chambers at 1259 GMT 6 pm Fri eve 9-23-94noneRick Vong
376Sat 24-Sep-1994FSSP offline for calibration at 6 pm Fri 9-23 PDTnoneRick Vong
377Sat 24-Sep-199410m Walk FAST T calibration 267 @ ca. 1:20nonePeter Anthoni
378Sat 24-Sep-1994Archiving terminated, jd 267 15:10 GMTnoneGordon Maclean
379Sat 01-Oct-1994chanB/C.peter cal_files changesnonePeter Anthoni
380Mon 31-Oct-1994Post OPS PVM Configuration SummarynoneAndy Kowalski
381Tue 15-Nov-1994A note on "Soil Moisture"noneTony Delany
382Tue 15-Nov-1994Soil moisture sample taken nonespo