VORTEX2 Planning Meeting
23 and 24 February 2009

National Center for Atmospheric Research
Foothills Lab, Building 1, Room 2198 ("EOL Atrium")
Boulder, Colorado

Tuesday, 24 February
Foothills Lab, Building 1, Room 2198 ("EOL Atrium")

8:30 am VORTEX2 forecasting and support
              presenters: Wicker and Coniglio
              contributors: Weisman, Weygandt, Xue

9:00 am Additional discussion of items from yesterday

10:00 am Break

10:15 am Data management (Dowell), Data management (Williams)
               presenters: Dowell, Williams

10:45 am Project logistics
               discussion leaders: Dowell, Wicker, and Wurman

11:30 am Summary of unfinished business and "action items"
               discussion leaders: Dowell and Rasmussen
               contributors: all

noon Adjourn

Acknowledgments: The NCAR Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) division is sponsoring refreshments for the meeting. Sudie Kelly, Bonnie Slagel, and Kathy Morgan provided helpful assistance with planning the meeting.