Educational Resources

DYNAMO Educational Activities

UCAR Center for Science Education :: Radar & Weather Together (activities to understand basic principles of radar)

UCAR MetEd :: The Madden-Julain Oscillation Life Cycle (free login required)

UCAR MetEd :: The Role of the MJO in Atmospheric and Oceanic Variability (free login required)

UCAR MetEd :: Introduction to Tropical Meteorology (free login required)


NOAA Teacher at Sea Blog

Jackie Hams, NOAA Teacher at Sea, will be aboard the R/V Revelle form November 6-December 10, 2011, blogging about her first-hand experiences while working on a research vessel during a large-scale atmospheric science field project. Jackie will be doing everything from setting research buoys adrift to launching weather balloons.


Madden-Julian Conversation

This blog will be about the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), and the field campaign in the Indian Ocean to study it.The authors will include a team of scientists from Columbia University, Colorado State University, and Harvard University who will be (along with many others) involved in this campaign.

