FLOSSII: Logbook Entries

FLOSSII: Sonics Messages: 8 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
177 Fri 28-Feb-2003weird 1m sonic spectratoweroncley1
174 Thu 27-Feb-2003USFS station further Southtoweroncley
150 Wed 19-Feb-2003New sonic boom angles at towertowersemmer
127 Tue 28-Jan-2003Sonic Level offsets: lake, 15mlakemilitzer
91 Sun 29-Dec-2002sonic tiltsall stnsoncley9
25 Thu 21-Nov-2002Sonic boom anglestowermaclean
24 Thu 21-Nov-2002PAM Stn2 Reconfigurationsagemilitzer
23 Thu 21-Nov-2002PAM Stn3 Reconfigurationlakemilitzer

177: Sonics, Site tower, Fri 28-Feb-2003 09:13:59 MST, weird 1m sonic spectra
While looking over plots last night, Dean and I noticed that the 1m sonic
has a velocity spectra that are significantly different than the other sonics
on the tower -- with more energy and shifted to higher frequencies, especially
during the day. This has been going on for as long as we've generated spectra.

This may be due simply to the lower height, or it may indicate turbulence 
generation from the tower or other local clutter.  I'll try to produce a 
normalized spectral plot to see if it is just a height issue.

P.S. I've generated and attached the plot.  Everything looks great (I only used
nominal heights -- hopefully it would look even better with actual sensor 
heights.)  I wonder if the WWW plots are being produced correctly?  I'll 
check that now.

P.P.S. Yes, the WWW plots are okay.  It is just an optical illusion that the
1m is different when the 2m data aren't on this plot.  I may add it...

174: Sonics, Site tower, Thu 27-Feb-2003 16:16:30 MST, USFS station further South
Instead of being near the SE tower guy points, Bill Massman's station is more
to the south of our tower.  Using the datascope, I estimate that his station
is between 152-160 degrees from our sonics.  A wind direction histogram
indicates that this range of directions occurs only 2% of the time (and all
directions occur at least 1% of the time), so we will let him keep this
station where it is.

150: Sonics, Site tower, Wed 19-Feb-2003 16:01:55 MST, New sonic boom angles at tower
New sonic angles

sonic height        angle             diff from Nov
                    deg min sec       deg min sec
1m                  88 47 35          00 17 15
2m                  88 26 10         -00 04 10
5m                  88 26 10         -00 04 10
10m                 88 41 50          00 11 30
15m                 88 58 15          00 27 55
20m                 88 49 10         -00 09 55
30m                 89 08 05         -00 15 55
127: Sonics, Site lake, Tue 28-Jan-2003 15:05:15 MST, Sonic Level offsets: lake, 15m
Using the electronic level we observed:

Lake Sonic: .3 degrees sag.
15m Sonic:  .4 degrees sag.
91: Sonics, Site all stns, Sun 29-Dec-2002 22:05:31 MST, sonic tilts
Attached are tilt plots over the last month.  All show small biases (3cm max?),
and reasonable angles (1.3deg max?).  There are some bad periods (icing?) in
the upper sonics.  More serious is that the 10m level had a bias shift sometime.
I'll have to investigate this more.

25: Sonics, Site tower, Thu 21-Nov-2002 09:42:42 MST, Sonic boom angles
Boom angles at tower, as shot with the theodilite:
    d   m  s
1m  88 30 20
2m  88 30 20
5m  88 30 20
10m 88 30 20
15m 88 30 20
20m 88 58 05
30m 89 24 00

		DataScope	Compass
Stn2 (Sage) 	  78.8		  79
Stn3 (Lake)	  79.0		  80-
(0-declination set in compass/datascope)

Added, Dec 26, by GDM:
Using a declination of 11.5 deg east, the values for sage and lake become:
Stn2 (Sage)       90.3
Stn3 (Lake)       90.5

To get our normal boom azimuth angle, add 180.

24: Sonics, Site sage, Thu 21-Nov-2002 08:49:43 MST, PAM Stn2 Reconfiguration
CSAT3 s/n 536 changed from 20hz straight to 20hz oversampling mode.

Swapped TRH: new=101  removed=1
Swapped Krypton: new=1395  removed=1133
Swapped Electronics box new=2  removed=6
New config: Freewave s/n2105 fastout fmt0141.dat
Swapped Logger, installed 4-component Rad, config file FLOSSlog.dat

23: Sonics, Site lake, Thu 21-Nov-2002 08:43:20 MST, PAM Stn3 Reconfiguration
CSAT3 s/n 537 changed from 20hz straight to 20hz oversampling mode.

Swapped TRH: new=502  removed=5
Swapped Krypton: new=1397  removed=1393
Swapped Electronics box new=9  removed=7
New config: Freewave s/n2088 fastout fmt0141.dat
Swapped Logger, installed 4-component Rad, config file FLOSSlog.dat