Building Access and Visitor Policy

Building Access and Visitor Policy for EOL's Research Aviation Facility (RAF)

Researchers planning to work at RAF for projects or other activities should ask their RAF contact to apply for visitor access cards in advance of arriving at RAF.


Daniel Wick

Pavel Romashkin

Building Hours and Card Access Areas

Access to RAF is at all times controlled by access card. All RAF doors will be open for card access during normal business hours which are at the present time from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday (these times may change depending on staffing needs).  

After-hours card access will be restricted to the main door or the new lab area in the old hangar and hangar access will not be available, unless special arrangements are made as described below. Persons in the RAF building after hours should be prepared to show access cards to NCAR security.  

Visitors without access cards are required to register with the RAF main desk (sign in) and to be escorted by an RAF staff member. Pets are not permitted in the building.  

After-hours Hangar Access

After-hour access requires notification to NCAR security of the nature of the activity and the times requested.  

RAF policy requires the presence of a mechanic whenever work is done in the hangar or on the aircraft and this must be scheduled in advance through the Chief of Maintenance (Jason Morris). RAF mechanics and the RAF chief pilot will have access to the hangar after hours and are expected to inform RAF and NCAR security when they utilize this privilege.

Short-term Visitors or Temporary Employees Needing Access Cards

Short term visitors or temporary employees needing access cards shall be given a copy of this policy and must agree to abide by it as a condition of RAF granting access to the facility. Visitors and temporary employees must also identify their status as US or non-US persons (see export control compliance, below), which is to be reported to the RAF project manager prior to issuance of the card. Short-term visitors are not permitted to bring other visitors into the facility, but can request tours for visitors from RAF staff members (see below).

Visitors and Groups Requesting Tours of the Facility

EOL as a part of its mission encourages and supports educational activities, including aircraft tours. However, the hangar and lab spaces are generally not setup to handle tours without prior arrangement, because of potentially hazardous conditions in the hangars (e.g. painting operations, aircraft in various stages of assembly, fuel venting operations, etc.) and the potential for possible work interruptions that might be necessary to accommodate visitors. Consequently all tours of the aircraft at the RAF are to be done during business hours and approved in advance by the RAF administration. You can inquire about tour availability by contacting Aleta Baker. When the aircraft are away from home base, tours of the aircraft are approved by the RAF project manager.

Export Control Compliance

Except for information that is in the public domain and information that is categorized as fundamental research (which applies to most of the scientific activity at NCAR), information and access to it may possibly be subject to export controls.  For this reason, no non-public information will be shared with non-US persons (except following a review by the office of General Counsel, or OGC).  

Examples of information which is likely controlled include all technology that was either developed or modified with military funds; information, manuals, software, blue prints, maintenance manuals, etc. that are required for the development, maintenance, testing, repair of the C-130 and other military hardware; information about some other technologies (such as, but not limited to, certain radar and lidar technology).

The UCAR OGC assists UCAR employees in compliance with these export controls. Employees that deal with UCAR information outside of the public domain and fundamental research information should attend training sessions that are provided by OGC and contact OGC for guidance when possible information-sharing situations arise outside of the public domain/fundamental research area.  

RAF staff that provide tours of the facility are trained to be aware of these restrictions. Non-RAF employees that bring information/instruments into the facility that are subject to export controls must inform the RAF project manager.