netcdf SPRITE-IIrf01 { dimensions: Time = UNLIMITED ; // (12061 currently) sps1 = 1 ; variables: int Time(Time) ; Time:long_name = "time of measurement" ; Time:standard_name = "time" ; Time:units = "seconds since 2013-07-26 00:00:00 +0000" ; Time:strptime_format = "seconds since %F %T %z" ; float A2DTEMP_ADS0(Time) ; A2DTEMP_ADS0:_FillValue = -32767.f ; A2DTEMP_ADS0:units = "deg_C" ; A2DTEMP_ADS0:long_name = "A2D Temperature" ; A2DTEMP_ADS0:actual_range = 42.25f, 47.3125f ; A2DTEMP_ADS0:Category = "Raw" ; A2DTEMP_ADS0:SampledRate = 1 ; A2DTEMP_ADS0:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; float A2DTEMP_ADS1(Time) ; A2DTEMP_ADS1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; A2DTEMP_ADS1:units = "deg_C" ; A2DTEMP_ADS1:long_name = "A2DTemperature" ; A2DTEMP_ADS1:actual_range = 37.0625f, 42.f ; A2DTEMP_ADS1:Category = "Raw" ; A2DTEMP_ADS1:SampledRate = 1 ; A2DTEMP_ADS1:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; float A2DTEMP_MPDB0(Time) ; A2DTEMP_MPDB0:_FillValue = -32767.f ; A2DTEMP_MPDB0:units = "deg_C" ; A2DTEMP_MPDB0:long_name = "A2DTemperature" ; A2DTEMP_MPDB0:actual_range = 21.4375f, 37.25f ; A2DTEMP_MPDB0:Category = "Raw" ; A2DTEMP_MPDB0:SampledRate = 1 ; A2DTEMP_MPDB0:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; float A2DTEMP_RAD(Time) ; A2DTEMP_RAD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; A2DTEMP_RAD:units = "deg_C" ; A2DTEMP_RAD:long_name = "A2D Temperature" ; A2DTEMP_RAD:actual_range = 32.9375f, 62.6875f ; A2DTEMP_RAD:Category = "Raw" ; A2DTEMP_RAD:SampledRate = 1 ; A2DTEMP_RAD:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; float ACINS(Time) ; ACINS:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ACINS:units = "m/s2" ; ACINS:long_name = "IRS Vertical Acceleration" ; ACINS:actual_range = -1.952227f, 2.012046f ; ACINS:Category = "Aircraft State" ; ACINS:SampledRate = 50 ; ACINS:TimeLag = -80 ; ACINS:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; ACINS:DespikeSlope = 4.f ; ACINS:DataQuality = "Good" ; float ADIFR(Time) ; ADIFR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ADIFR:units = "hPa" ; ADIFR:long_name = "Vertical Differential Pressure, Radome" ; ADIFR:actual_range = -21.16393f, 4.609765f ; ADIFR:Category = "Uncorr\'d Raw" ; ADIFR:SampledRate = 50 ; ADIFR:DataQuality = "Good" ; float ADIFRTEMP(Time) ; ADIFRTEMP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ADIFRTEMP:units = "deg_C" ; ADIFRTEMP:long_name = "Temperature of ADIFR Probe" ; ADIFRTEMP:actual_range = 6.403494f, 25.3f ; ADIFRTEMP:Category = "Raw" ; ADIFRTEMP:SampledRate = 1 ; ADIFRTEMP:DataQuality = "Good" ; float ALT_G(Time) ; ALT_G:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ALT_G:units = "m" ; ALT_G:long_name = "Avionics GPS Altitude (MSL)" ; ALT_G:standard_name = "altitude" ; ALT_G:actual_range = 1700.41f, 13510.48f ; ALT_G:Category = "Position" ; ALT_G:SampledRate = 1 ; ALT_G:TimeLag = -500 ; ALT_G:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; ALT_G:DataQuality = "Good" ; float AT_A(Time) ; AT_A:_FillValue = -32767.f ; AT_A:units = "deg_C" ; AT_A:long_name = "ADC Ambient Air Temperature" ; AT_A:actual_range = -61.91075f, 19.98815f ; AT_A:Category = "Raw" ; AT_A:SampledRate = 2 ; AT_A:TimeLag = -2000 ; AT_A:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; AT_A:DataQuality = "Good" ; float AT_A2(Time) ; AT_A2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; AT_A2:units = "deg_C" ; AT_A2:long_name = "ADC Ambient Air Temperature" ; AT_A2:actual_range = -61.91088f, 19.98814f ; AT_A2:Category = "Raw" ; AT_A2:SampledRate = 2 ; AT_A2:DataQuality = "Good" ; float BDIFR(Time) ; BDIFR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; BDIFR:units = "hPa" ; BDIFR:long_name = "Horizontal Differential Pressure, Radome" ; BDIFR:actual_range = -5.485064f, 2.820168f ; BDIFR:Category = "Uncorr\'d Raw" ; BDIFR:SampledRate = 50 ; BDIFR:DataQuality = "Good" ; float BDIFRTEMP(Time) ; BDIFRTEMP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; BDIFRTEMP:units = "deg_C" ; BDIFRTEMP:long_name = "Temperature of BDIFR Probe" ; BDIFRTEMP:actual_range = 12.9f, 24.4f ; BDIFRTEMP:Category = "Raw" ; BDIFRTEMP:SampledRate = 1 ; BDIFRTEMP:DataQuality = "Good" ; float CAVP_DPL(Time) ; CAVP_DPL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; CAVP_DPL:units = "hPa" ; CAVP_DPL:long_name = "Dewpoint Cavity Pressure, Left" ; CAVP_DPL:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; CAVP_DPL:actual_range = 88.10136f, 838.3804f ; CAVP_DPL:Category = "Analog" ; CAVP_DPL:SampledRate = 100 ; CAVP_DPL:DataQuality = "Good" ; CAVP_DPL:CalibrationCoefficients = 0.f, 220.f ; float CAVP_DPR(Time) ; CAVP_DPR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; CAVP_DPR:units = "hPa" ; CAVP_DPR:long_name = "Dewpoint Cavity Pressure, Right" ; CAVP_DPR:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; CAVP_DPR:actual_range = 90.87229f, 838.3005f ; CAVP_DPR:Category = "Analog" ; CAVP_DPR:SampledRate = 100 ; CAVP_DPR:DataQuality = "Good" ; CAVP_DPR:CalibrationCoefficients = 0.f, 220.f ; float DAY(Time) ; DAY:_FillValue = -32767.f ; DAY:units = "day" ; DAY:long_name = "Raw Tape Date Component" ; DAY:actual_range = 26.f, 26.f ; DAY:Category = "Raw" ; DAY:SampledRate = 1 ; DAY:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; float GGALT(Time) ; GGALT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGALT:units = "m" ; GGALT:long_name = "Reference GPS Altitude (MSL)" ; GGALT:standard_name = "altitude" ; GGALT:actual_range = 1699.984f, 13510.74f ; GGALT:Category = "Position" ; GGALT:SampledRate = 5 ; GGALT:DataQuality = "Good" ; float GGLAT(Time) ; GGLAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGLAT:units = "degree_N" ; GGLAT:long_name = "Reference GPS Latitude" ; GGLAT:standard_name = "latitude" ; GGLAT:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ; GGLAT:actual_range = 33.55705f, 40.06716f ; GGLAT:Category = "Position" ; GGLAT:SampledRate = 5 ; GGLAT:DataQuality = "Good" ; GGLAT:coordinate_system = "WGS84" ; float GGLON(Time) ; GGLON:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGLON:units = "degree_E" ; GGLON:long_name = "Reference GPS Longitude" ; GGLON:standard_name = "longitude" ; GGLON:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; GGLON:actual_range = -105.1439f, -94.56501f ; GGLON:Category = "Position" ; GGLON:SampledRate = 5 ; GGLON:DataQuality = "Good" ; GGLON:modulus_range = -180.f, 180.f ; GGLON:coordinate_system = "WGS84" ; float GGNSAT(Time) ; GGNSAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGNSAT:units = "number" ; GGNSAT:long_name = "Reference GPS number of satellites tracked" ; GGNSAT:actual_range = 8.f, 12.f ; GGNSAT:Category = "Raw" ; GGNSAT:SampledRate = 5 ; GGNSAT:DataQuality = "Good" ; float GGQUAL(Time) ; GGQUAL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGQUAL:units = "none" ; GGQUAL:long_name = "Reference GPS Qual, 0=inval,1=GPS,2=DGPS,5=OMNISTAR" ; GGQUAL:actual_range = 1.f, 1.f ; GGQUAL:Category = "Raw" ; GGQUAL:SampledRate = 5 ; GGQUAL:DataQuality = "Good" ; float GGSPD(Time) ; GGSPD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGSPD:units = "m/s" ; GGSPD:long_name = "Reference GPS Ground Speed" ; GGSPD:actual_range = 4.404879f, 272.5891f ; GGSPD:Category = "Raw" ; GGSPD:SampledRate = 5 ; GGSPD:DataQuality = "Good" ; float GGSTATUS(Time) ; GGSTATUS:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGSTATUS:units = "none" ; GGSTATUS:long_name = "Reference GPS rcvr status: 1=OK(A), 0=warning(V)" ; GGSTATUS:actual_range = 1.f, 1.f ; GGSTATUS:Category = "Raw" ; GGSTATUS:SampledRate = 5 ; GGSTATUS:DataQuality = "Good" ; float GGTRK(Time) ; GGTRK:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGTRK:units = "degree_T" ; GGTRK:long_name = "Reference GPS Track Angle" ; GGTRK:valid_range = 0.f, 360.f ; GGTRK:actual_range = 0.06f, 359.98f ; GGTRK:Category = "Aircraft State" ; GGTRK:SampledRate = 5 ; GGTRK:DataQuality = "Good" ; GGTRK:modulus_range = 0.f, 360.f ; float GGVEW(Time) ; GGVEW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGVEW:units = "m/s" ; GGVEW:long_name = "Reference GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component" ; GGVEW:actual_range = -225.93f, 249.1974f ; GGVEW:Category = "Aircraft State" ; GGVEW:SampledRate = 5 ; GGVEW:DataQuality = "Good" ; float GGVNS(Time) ; GGVNS:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGVNS:units = "m/s" ; GGVNS:long_name = "Reference GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component" ; GGVNS:actual_range = -259.5401f, 222.1519f ; GGVNS:Category = "Aircraft State" ; GGVNS:SampledRate = 5 ; GGVNS:DataQuality = "Good" ; float GGVSPDB(Time) ; GGVSPDB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; GGVSPDB:units = "m/s" ; GGVSPDB:long_name = "Reference GPS Vertical Speed" ; GGVSPDB:actual_range = 3.402823e+38f, -3.402823e+38f ; GGVSPDB:Category = "Raw" ; GGVSPDB:SampledRate = 5 ; GGVSPDB:DataQuality = "Good" ; float HOUR(Time) ; HOUR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; HOUR:units = "hour" ; HOUR:long_name = "Raw Tape Time Component" ; HOUR:actual_range = 5.f, 8.f ; HOUR:Category = "Raw" ; HOUR:SampledRate = 1 ; HOUR:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; HOUR:modulus_range = 0.f, 24.f ; float IRIG_Status_303(Time) ; IRIG_Status_303:_FillValue = -32767.f ; IRIG_Status_303:units = "bits" ; IRIG_Status_303:long_name = "IRIG status: bit 0=SYNC,1=NOCODE,2=NOPPS,3=NOMAJT,4=NOYEAR,5=NOSYNC" ; IRIG_Status_303:actual_range = 0.f, 4.f ; IRIG_Status_303:Category = "Raw" ; IRIG_Status_303:SampledRate = 1 ; IRIG_Status_303:DataQuality = "Good" ; float IRIG_Status_304(Time) ; IRIG_Status_304:_FillValue = -32767.f ; IRIG_Status_304:units = "bits" ; IRIG_Status_304:long_name = "IRIG status: bit 0=SYNC,1=NOCODE,2=NOPPS,3=NOMAJT,4=NOYEAR,5=NOSYNC" ; IRIG_Status_304:actual_range = 0.f, 4.f ; IRIG_Status_304:Category = "Raw" ; IRIG_Status_304:SampledRate = 1 ; IRIG_Status_304:DataQuality = "Good" ; float IRIG_Status_305(Time) ; IRIG_Status_305:_FillValue = -32767.f ; IRIG_Status_305:units = "bits" ; IRIG_Status_305:long_name = "IRIG status: bit 0=SYNC,1=NOCODE,2=NOPPS,3=NOMAJT,4=NOYEAR,5=NOSYNC" ; IRIG_Status_305:actual_range = 0.f, 4.f ; IRIG_Status_305:Category = "Raw" ; IRIG_Status_305:SampledRate = 1 ; IRIG_Status_305:DataQuality = "Good" ; float IRIG_Tdiff_303(Time) ; IRIG_Tdiff_303:_FillValue = -32767.f ; IRIG_Tdiff_303:units = "sec" ; IRIG_Tdiff_303:long_name = "IRIG-UNIX clock diff" ; IRIG_Tdiff_303:actual_range = -0.000188f, -0.000115f ; IRIG_Tdiff_303:Category = "Raw" ; IRIG_Tdiff_303:SampledRate = 1 ; IRIG_Tdiff_303:DataQuality = "Good" ; float IRIG_Tdiff_304(Time) ; IRIG_Tdiff_304:_FillValue = -32767.f ; IRIG_Tdiff_304:units = "sec" ; IRIG_Tdiff_304:long_name = "IRIG-UNIX clock diff" ; IRIG_Tdiff_304:actual_range = -0.000205f, -9.8e-05f ; IRIG_Tdiff_304:Category = "Raw" ; IRIG_Tdiff_304:SampledRate = 1 ; IRIG_Tdiff_304:DataQuality = "Good" ; float IRIG_Tdiff_305(Time) ; IRIG_Tdiff_305:_FillValue = -32767.f ; IRIG_Tdiff_305:units = "sec" ; IRIG_Tdiff_305:long_name = "IRIG-UNIX clock diff" ; IRIG_Tdiff_305:actual_range = -0.000242f, -0.000114f ; IRIG_Tdiff_305:Category = "Raw" ; IRIG_Tdiff_305:SampledRate = 1 ; IRIG_Tdiff_305:DataQuality = "Good" ; float MACH_A(Time) ; MACH_A:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MACH_A:units = "none" ; MACH_A:long_name = "ADC Mach Number" ; MACH_A:actual_range = 0.03312761f, 0.8242409f ; MACH_A:Category = "Raw" ; MACH_A:SampledRate = 8 ; MACH_A:DataQuality = "Good" ; float MACH_A2(Time) ; MACH_A2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MACH_A2:units = "none" ; MACH_A2:long_name = "ADC Mach Number" ; MACH_A2:actual_range = 0.03312761f, 0.8242399f ; MACH_A2:Category = "Raw" ; MACH_A2:SampledRate = 8 ; MACH_A2:DataQuality = "Good" ; float MINUTE(Time) ; MINUTE:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MINUTE:units = "minute" ; MINUTE:long_name = "Raw Tape Time Component" ; MINUTE:actual_range = 0.f, 59.f ; MINUTE:Category = "Raw" ; MINUTE:SampledRate = 1 ; MINUTE:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; MINUTE:modulus_range = 0.f, 60.f ; float MIRRTMP_DPL(Time) ; MIRRTMP_DPL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MIRRTMP_DPL:units = "deg_C" ; MIRRTMP_DPL:long_name = "Raw Dew/Frost Point Temperature" ; MIRRTMP_DPL:actual_range = -81.20245f, 12.16573f ; MIRRTMP_DPL:Category = "Raw" ; MIRRTMP_DPL:SampledRate = 1 ; MIRRTMP_DPL:DataQuality = "Good" ; float MIRRTMP_DPR(Time) ; MIRRTMP_DPR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MIRRTMP_DPR:units = "deg_C" ; MIRRTMP_DPR:long_name = "Raw Dew/Frost Point Temperature" ; MIRRTMP_DPR:actual_range = -84.4254f, 12.47376f ; MIRRTMP_DPR:Category = "Raw" ; MIRRTMP_DPR:SampledRate = 1 ; MIRRTMP_DPR:DataQuality = "Good" ; float MONTH(Time) ; MONTH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MONTH:units = "month" ; MONTH:long_name = "Raw Tape Date Component" ; MONTH:actual_range = 7.f, 7.f ; MONTH:Category = "Raw" ; MONTH:SampledRate = 1 ; MONTH:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; float NOSETMP(Time) ; NOSETMP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; NOSETMP:units = "deg_C" ; NOSETMP:long_name = "Radome Environmental Box Temperature" ; NOSETMP:actual_range = -1.203935f, 23.98272f ; NOSETMP:Category = "Analog" ; NOSETMP:SampledRate = 100 ; NOSETMP:DataQuality = "Good" ; NOSETMP:CalibrationCoefficients = -50.f, 10.f ; float PALT_A(Time) ; PALT_A:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PALT_A:units = "m" ; PALT_A:long_name = "ADC Pressure Altitude" ; PALT_A:standard_name = "altitude" ; PALT_A:actual_range = 1585.196f, 12818.23f ; PALT_A:Category = "Position" ; PALT_A:SampledRate = 16 ; PALT_A:DataQuality = "Good" ; float PALT_A2(Time) ; PALT_A2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PALT_A2:units = "m" ; PALT_A2:long_name = "ADC Pressure Altitude" ; PALT_A2:standard_name = "altitude" ; PALT_A2:actual_range = 1585.196f, 12818.23f ; PALT_A2:Category = "Position" ; PALT_A2:SampledRate = 16 ; PALT_A2:DataQuality = "Good" ; float PCAB(Time) ; PCAB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PCAB:units = "hPa" ; PCAB:long_name = "Interior Cabin Static Pressure" ; PCAB:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; PCAB:actual_range = 824.4221f, 849.192f ; PCAB:Category = "Analog" ; PCAB:SampledRate = 10 ; PCAB:DataQuality = "Good" ; PCAB:CalibrationCoefficients = -1.26731f, 108.327f, -0.0176345f ; float PITCH(Time) ; PITCH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PITCH:units = "degree" ; PITCH:long_name = "IRS Aircraft Pitch Angle" ; PITCH:standard_name = "platform_pitch_angle" ; PITCH:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; PITCH:actual_range = -3.906016f, 13.70381f ; PITCH:Category = "Analog" ; PITCH:SampledRate = 50 ; PITCH:TimeLag = -80 ; PITCH:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; PITCH:DespikeSlope = 0.5f ; PITCH:DataQuality = "Good" ; PITCH:CalibrationCoefficients = 0.f, 1.f ; float PSF(Time) ; PSF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PSF:units = "hPa" ; PSF:long_name = "Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage" ; PSF:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; PSF:actual_range = 171.3914f, 837.2657f ; PSF:Category = "Uncorr\'d Raw" ; PSF:SampledRate = 50 ; PSF:DataQuality = "Good" ; float PS_A(Time) ; PS_A:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PS_A:units = "hPa" ; PS_A:long_name = "ADC Static Pressure" ; PS_A:actual_range = 169.8961f, 836.7455f ; PS_A:Category = "Raw" ; PS_A:SampledRate = 8 ; PS_A:DataQuality = "Good" ; float PS_A2(Time) ; PS_A2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PS_A2:units = "hPa" ; PS_A2:long_name = "ADC Static Pressure" ; PS_A2:actual_range = 169.8961f, 836.7455f ; PS_A2:Category = "Raw" ; PS_A2:SampledRate = 8 ; PS_A2:DataQuality = "Good" ; float PT_A(Time) ; PT_A:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PT_A:units = "hPa" ; PT_A:long_name = "ADC Total Pressure" ; PT_A:actual_range = 255.1066f, 878.3203f ; PT_A:Category = "Raw" ; PT_A:SampledRate = 16 ; PT_A:DataQuality = "Good" ; float PT_A2(Time) ; PT_A2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PT_A2:units = "hPa" ; PT_A2:long_name = "ADC Total Pressure" ; PT_A2:actual_range = 255.1073f, 878.3205f ; PT_A2:Category = "Raw" ; PT_A2:SampledRate = 16 ; PT_A2:DataQuality = "Good" ; float QCF(Time) ; QCF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QCF:units = "hPa" ; QCF:long_name = "Raw Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage" ; QCF:actual_range = -0.2369891f, 152.7464f ; QCF:Category = "Uncorr\'d Raw" ; QCF:SampledRate = 50 ; QCF:DataQuality = "Good" ; float QCFTEMP(Time) ; QCFTEMP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QCFTEMP:units = "deg_C" ; QCFTEMP:long_name = "Temperature of QCF Probe" ; QCFTEMP:actual_range = 1.3f, 24.7f ; QCFTEMP:Category = "Raw" ; QCFTEMP:SampledRate = 1 ; QCFTEMP:DataQuality = "Good" ; float QCR(Time) ; QCR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QCR:units = "hPa" ; QCR:long_name = "Raw Dynamic Pressure, Radome" ; QCR:actual_range = -0.02781115f, 152.9555f ; QCR:Category = "Uncorr\'d Raw" ; QCR:SampledRate = 50 ; QCR:DataQuality = "Good" ; float QCRTEMP(Time) ; QCRTEMP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QCRTEMP:units = "deg_C" ; QCRTEMP:long_name = "Temperature of QCR Probe" ; QCRTEMP:actual_range = 3.7f, 24.1f ; QCRTEMP:Category = "Raw" ; QCRTEMP:SampledRate = 1 ; QCRTEMP:DataQuality = "Good" ; float QC_A(Time) ; QC_A:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QC_A:units = "hPa" ; QC_A:long_name = "ADC Impact Pressure" ; QC_A:actual_range = 0.6418047f, 158.8476f ; QC_A:Category = "Raw" ; QC_A:SampledRate = 8 ; QC_A:DataQuality = "Good" ; float QC_A2(Time) ; QC_A2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QC_A2:units = "hPa" ; QC_A2:long_name = "ADC Impact Pressure" ; QC_A2:actual_range = 0.6418047f, 158.849f ; QC_A2:Category = "Raw" ; QC_A2:SampledRate = 8 ; QC_A2:DataQuality = "Good" ; float ROLL(Time) ; ROLL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ROLL:units = "degree" ; ROLL:long_name = "IRS Aircraft Roll Angle" ; ROLL:standard_name = "platform_roll_angle" ; ROLL:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; ROLL:actual_range = -23.93872f, 27.5671f ; ROLL:Category = "Aircraft State" ; ROLL:SampledRate = 50 ; ROLL:TimeLag = -80 ; ROLL:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; ROLL:DespikeSlope = 0.5f ; ROLL:DataQuality = "Good" ; float SECOND(Time) ; SECOND:_FillValue = -32767.f ; SECOND:units = "s" ; SECOND:long_name = "Raw Tape Time Component" ; SECOND:actual_range = 0.f, 59.f ; SECOND:Category = "Raw" ; SECOND:SampledRate = 1 ; SECOND:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; SECOND:modulus_range = 0.f, 60.f ; float TAS_A(Time) ; TAS_A:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TAS_A:units = "m/s" ; TAS_A:long_name = "ADC True Air Speed" ; TAS_A:standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_air" ; TAS_A:actual_range = 0.f, 248.5484f ; TAS_A:Category = "Aircraft State" ; TAS_A:SampledRate = 16 ; TAS_A:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; float TAS_A2(Time) ; TAS_A2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TAS_A2:units = "m/s" ; TAS_A2:long_name = "ADC True Air Speed" ; TAS_A2:standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_air" ; TAS_A2:actual_range = 0.f, 248.5482f ; TAS_A2:Category = "Aircraft State" ; TAS_A2:SampledRate = 16 ; TAS_A2:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; float TCAB(Time) ; TCAB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TCAB:units = "deg_C" ; TCAB:long_name = "Cabin Temperature at ADS Rack Location" ; TCAB:actual_range = 16.50473f, 22.73851f ; TCAB:Category = "Analog" ; TCAB:SampledRate = 10 ; TCAB:DataQuality = "Good" ; TCAB:CalibrationCoefficients = 0.f, 100.f ; float THDG(Time) ; THDG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; THDG:units = "degree_T" ; THDG:long_name = "IRS Aircraft True Heading Angle" ; THDG:standard_name = "platform_orientation" ; THDG:valid_range = 0.f, 360.f ; THDG:actual_range = 0.1992755f, 359.9693f ; THDG:Category = "Aircraft State" ; THDG:SampledRate = 25 ; THDG:TimeLag = -80 ; THDG:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; THDG:DespikeSlope = 0.5f ; THDG:DataQuality = "Good" ; THDG:modulus_range = 0.f, 360.f ; float TTHR1(Time) ; TTHR1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TTHR1:units = "deg_C" ; TTHR1:long_name = "Total Temperature, Deiced Right, HARCO" ; TTHR1:actual_range = -37.05304f, 25.46521f ; TTHR1:Category = "Analog" ; TTHR1:SampledRate = 100 ; TTHR1:TimeLag = -1000 ; TTHR1:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; TTHR1:DataQuality = "Good" ; TTHR1:CalibrationCoefficients = -82.4031f, 22.6579f, 0.293203f ; float TTHR2(Time) ; TTHR2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TTHR2:units = "deg_C" ; TTHR2:long_name = "Total Temperature, Deiced Right, HARCO" ; TTHR2:actual_range = -36.8382f, 25.38119f ; TTHR2:Category = "Analog" ; TTHR2:SampledRate = 100 ; TTHR2:TimeLag = -1000 ; TTHR2:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; TTHR2:DataQuality = "Good" ; TTHR2:CalibrationCoefficients = -82.0533f, 22.6136f, 0.30347f ; float TTRL(Time) ; TTRL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TTRL:units = "deg_C" ; TTRL:long_name = "Total Temperature, Radome Left" ; TTRL:actual_range = -36.57018f, 25.59577f ; TTRL:Category = "Analog" ; TTRL:SampledRate = 100 ; TTRL:DataQuality = "Good" ; TTRL:CalibrationCoefficients = -84.8767f, 26.4716f, 0.295478f ; float TT_A(Time) ; TT_A:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TT_A:units = "deg_C" ; TT_A:long_name = "ADC Total Air Temperature" ; TT_A:actual_range = -35.12153f, 25.32943f ; TT_A:Category = "Raw" ; TT_A:SampledRate = 2 ; TT_A:TimeLag = -2000 ; TT_A:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; TT_A:DataQuality = "Good" ; float TT_A2(Time) ; TT_A2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TT_A2:units = "deg_C" ; TT_A2:long_name = "ADC Total Air Temperature" ; TT_A2:actual_range = -35.12152f, 25.32944f ; TT_A2:Category = "Raw" ; TT_A2:SampledRate = 2 ; TT_A2:DataQuality = "Good" ; float VSPD(Time) ; VSPD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; VSPD:units = "m/s" ; VSPD:long_name = "IRS Vertical Speed" ; VSPD:actual_range = -10.91293f, 15.95841f ; VSPD:Category = "Aircraft State" ; VSPD:SampledRate = 50 ; VSPD:TimeLag = 80 ; VSPD:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; VSPD:DespikeSlope = 0.6f ; VSPD:DataQuality = "Good" ; float VSPD_G(Time) ; VSPD_G:_FillValue = -32767.f ; VSPD_G:units = "m/s" ; VSPD_G:long_name = "Avionics GPS Vertical Velocity" ; VSPD_G:actual_range = -11.29811f, 16.83383f ; VSPD_G:Category = "Aircraft State" ; VSPD_G:SampledRate = 1 ; VSPD_G:TimeLag = -1000 ; VSPD_G:TimeLagUnits = "milliseconds" ; VSPD_G:DataQuality = "Good" ; float YEAR(Time) ; YEAR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; YEAR:units = "year" ; YEAR:long_name = "Raw Tape Date Component" ; YEAR:actual_range = 2013.f, 2013.f ; YEAR:Category = "Raw" ; YEAR:SampledRate = 1 ; YEAR:DataQuality = "Preliminary" ; float AKRD(Time) ; AKRD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; AKRD:units = "degree" ; AKRD:long_name = "Attack Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure" ; AKRD:actual_range = -1.695521f, 7.038629f ; AKRD:Category = "Aircraft State" ; AKRD:DataQuality = "Good" ; AKRD:Dependencies = "4 ADIFR QCXC ATX PSXC" ; float AQRATIO(Time) ; AQRATIO:_FillValue = -32767.f ; AQRATIO:units = "" ; AQRATIO:long_name = "Al\'s Fudge Factor" ; AQRATIO:actual_range = -0.0002832707f, 0.5385338f ; AQRATIO:Category = "Derived" ; AQRATIO:DataQuality = "Good" ; AQRATIO:Dependencies = "2 QCF PSF" ; float ATHR1(Time) ; ATHR1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ATHR1:units = "deg_C" ; ATHR1:long_name = "Ambient Temperature, Deiced Right" ; ATHR1:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; ATHR1:actual_range = -63.02598f, 20.16292f ; ATHR1:Category = "Atmos. State" ; ATHR1:DataQuality = "Good" ; ATHR1:Dependencies = "2 TTHR1 XMACH2" ; ATHR1:RecoveryFactor = 0.985f ; float ATHR2(Time) ; ATHR2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ATHR2:units = "deg_C" ; ATHR2:long_name = "Ambient Temperature, Deiced Right" ; ATHR2:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; ATHR2:actual_range = -62.83653f, 20.16268f ; ATHR2:Category = "Atmos. State" ; ATHR2:DataQuality = "Good" ; ATHR2:Dependencies = "2 TTHR2 XMACH2" ; ATHR2:RecoveryFactor = 0.985f ; float ATRL(Time) ; ATRL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ATRL:units = "deg_C" ; ATRL:long_name = "Ambient Temperature, Radome Left" ; ATRL:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; ATRL:actual_range = -62.80882f, 20.18264f ; ATRL:Category = "Atmos. State" ; ATRL:DataQuality = "Good" ; ATRL:Dependencies = "2 TTRL XMACH2" ; ATRL:RecoveryFactor = 0.995f ; float ATTACK(Time) ; ATTACK:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ATTACK:units = "degree" ; ATTACK:long_name = "Attack Angle, Reference" ; ATTACK:actual_range = -1.695521f, 7.038629f ; ATTACK:Category = "Aircraft State" ; ATTACK:DataQuality = "Good" ; ATTACK:Dependencies = "1 AKRD" ; float ATX(Time) ; ATX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ATX:units = "deg_C" ; ATX:long_name = "Ambient Temperature, Reference" ; ATX:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; ATX:actual_range = -63.02598f, 20.16292f ; ATX:Category = "Atmos. State" ; ATX:DataQuality = "Good" ; ATX:Dependencies = "1 ATHR1" ; float DPXC(Time) ; DPXC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; DPXC:units = "deg_C" ; DPXC:long_name = "Dew/Frost Point Temperature, Reference" ; DPXC:standard_name = "dew_point_temperature" ; DPXC:actual_range = -81.7264f, 12.26847f ; DPXC:Category = "Atmos. State" ; DPXC:DataQuality = "Good" ; DPXC:Dependencies = "1 DP_DPL" ; float DP_DPL(Time) ; DP_DPL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; DP_DPL:units = "deg_C" ; DP_DPL:long_name = "Dew/Frost Point Temperature" ; DP_DPL:standard_name = "dew_point_temperature" ; DP_DPL:actual_range = -81.7264f, 12.26847f ; DP_DPL:Category = "Atmos. State" ; DP_DPL:DataQuality = "Good" ; DP_DPL:Dependencies = "1 EW_DPL" ; DP_DPL:Method = "Murphy-Koop" ; float DP_DPR(Time) ; DP_DPR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; DP_DPR:units = "deg_C" ; DP_DPR:long_name = "Dew/Frost Point Temperature" ; DP_DPR:standard_name = "dew_point_temperature" ; DP_DPR:actual_range = -86.05804f, 12.56297f ; DP_DPR:Category = "Atmos. State" ; DP_DPR:DataQuality = "Good" ; DP_DPR:Dependencies = "1 EW_DPR" ; DP_DPR:Method = "Murphy-Koop" ; float EWX(Time) ; EWX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; EWX:units = "hPa" ; EWX:long_name = "Ambient Water Vapor Pressure, Reference" ; EWX:standard_name = "water_vapor_pressure" ; EWX:actual_range = 0.0008035082f, 14.28124f ; EWX:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; EWX:DataQuality = "Good" ; EWX:Dependencies = "1 EW_DPL" ; float EW_DPL(Time) ; EW_DPL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; EW_DPL:units = "hPa" ; EW_DPL:long_name = "Ambient Water Vapor Pressure" ; EW_DPL:standard_name = "water_vapor_pressure" ; EW_DPL:actual_range = 0.0008035082f, 14.28124f ; EW_DPL:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; EW_DPL:DataQuality = "Good" ; EW_DPL:Dependencies = "3 MIRRTMP_DPL PSXC CAVP_DPL" ; EW_DPL:Method = "Murphy-Koop" ; float EW_DPR(Time) ; EW_DPR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; EW_DPR:units = "hPa" ; EW_DPR:long_name = "Ambient Water Vapor Pressure" ; EW_DPR:standard_name = "water_vapor_pressure" ; EW_DPR:actual_range = 0.0003920119f, 14.55944f ; EW_DPR:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; EW_DPR:DataQuality = "Good" ; EW_DPR:Dependencies = "3 MIRRTMP_DPR PSXC CAVP_DPR" ; EW_DPR:Method = "Murphy-Koop" ; float LATC(Time) ; LATC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; LATC:units = "degree_N" ; LATC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Inertial Latitude" ; LATC:standard_name = "latitude" ; LATC:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ; LATC:actual_range = 33.55709f, 40.06658f ; LATC:Category = "Position" ; LATC:DataQuality = "Good" ; LATC:Dependencies = "11 LAT LON GGLAT GGLON VNS VEW GGVNS GGVEW ROLL GGNSAT GGSTATUS" ; LATC:GPS_ROLL_MAX = 40.f ; LATC:GPS_TAUP = 600.f ; LATC:GPS_TAU = 120.f ; LATC:coordinate_system = "WGS84" ; float LONC(Time) ; LONC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; LONC:units = "degree_E" ; LONC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Inertial Longitude" ; LONC:standard_name = "longitude" ; LONC:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; LONC:actual_range = -105.1425f, -94.56496f ; LONC:Category = "Position" ; LONC:DataQuality = "Good" ; LONC:Dependencies = "1 LATC" ; LONC:coordinate_system = "WGS84" ; float MACHF(Time) ; MACHF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MACHF:units = "none" ; MACHF:long_name = "Aircraft Mach Number, Fuselage" ; MACHF:actual_range = 0.001303751f, 0.82078f ; MACHF:Category = "Derived" ; MACHF:DataQuality = "Good" ; MACHF:Dependencies = "2 QCFC PSFC" ; float MACHR(Time) ; MACHR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MACHR:units = "none" ; MACHR:long_name = "Aircraft Mach Number, Radome" ; MACHR:actual_range = 0.004971867f, 0.8223499f ; MACHR:Category = "Derived" ; MACHR:DataQuality = "Good" ; MACHR:Dependencies = "2 QCRC PSFC" ; float MACHX(Time) ; MACHX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MACHX:units = "none" ; MACHX:long_name = "Aircraft Mach Number, Reference" ; MACHX:actual_range = 0.001303751f, 0.82078f ; MACHX:Category = "Derived" ; MACHX:DataQuality = "Good" ; MACHX:Dependencies = "1 MACHF" ; float MR(Time) ; MR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; MR:units = "gram/kg" ; MR:long_name = "Mixing Ratio, T-Electric" ; MR:standard_name = "humidity_mixing_ratio" ; MR:actual_range = 0.002928242f, 10.80018f ; MR:Category = "Atmos. State" ; MR:DataQuality = "Good" ; MR:Dependencies = "2 PSXC EWX" ; float ONE(Time) ; ONE:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ONE:units = "none" ; ONE:long_name = "Constant value of 1." ; ONE:actual_range = 1.f, 1.f ; ONE:Category = "Housekeeping" ; ONE:DataQuality = "Good" ; ONE:Dependencies = "0" ; float PALT(Time) ; PALT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PALT:units = "m" ; PALT:long_name = "NACA Pressure Altitude" ; PALT:standard_name = "altitude" ; PALT:actual_range = 1549.36f, 12815.36f ; PALT:Category = "Position" ; PALT:DataQuality = "Good" ; PALT:Dependencies = "1 PSXC" ; float PALTF(Time) ; PALTF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PALTF:units = "feet" ; PALTF:long_name = "NACA Pressure Altitude" ; PALTF:standard_name = "altitude" ; PALTF:actual_range = 5083.202f, 42045.15f ; PALTF:Category = "Position" ; PALTF:DataQuality = "Good" ; PALTF:Dependencies = "1 PALT" ; float PSFC(Time) ; PSFC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PSFC:units = "hPa" ; PSFC:long_name = "Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage" ; PSFC:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; PSFC:actual_range = 169.9818f, 840.4509f ; PSFC:Category = "Atmos. State" ; PSFC:DataQuality = "Good" ; PSFC:Dependencies = "3 PSF AQRATIO MACH_A" ; float PSX(Time) ; PSX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PSX:units = "hPa" ; PSX:long_name = "Raw Static Pressure, Reference" ; PSX:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; PSX:actual_range = 171.3914f, 837.2657f ; PSX:Category = "Uncorr\'d Raw" ; PSX:DataQuality = "Good" ; PSX:Dependencies = "1 PSF" ; float PSXC(Time) ; PSXC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; PSXC:units = "hPa" ; PSXC:long_name = "Corrected Static Pressure, Reference" ; PSXC:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; PSXC:actual_range = 169.9818f, 840.4509f ; PSXC:Category = "Atmos. State" ; PSXC:DataQuality = "Good" ; PSXC:Dependencies = "1 PSFC" ; float QCFC(Time) ; QCFC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QCFC:units = "hPa" ; QCFC:long_name = "Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage" ; QCFC:actual_range = 0.001f, 157.7264f ; QCFC:Category = "Aircraft State" ; QCFC:DataQuality = "Good" ; QCFC:Dependencies = "4 QCF AQRATIO PSF MACH_A" ; float QCRC(Time) ; QCRC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QCRC:units = "hPa" ; QCRC:long_name = "Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Radome" ; QCRC:actual_range = 0.0145422f, 157.9662f ; QCRC:Category = "Aircraft State" ; QCRC:DataQuality = "Good" ; QCRC:Dependencies = "4 QCR AQRATIO PSF MACH_A" ; float QCX(Time) ; QCX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QCX:units = "hPa" ; QCX:long_name = "Raw Dynamic Pressure, Reference" ; QCX:actual_range = -0.2369891f, 152.7464f ; QCX:Category = "Uncorr\'d Raw" ; QCX:DataQuality = "Good" ; QCX:Dependencies = "1 QCF" ; float QCXC(Time) ; QCXC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; QCXC:units = "hPa" ; QCXC:long_name = "Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference" ; QCXC:actual_range = 0.001f, 157.7264f ; QCXC:Category = "Aircraft State" ; QCXC:DataQuality = "Good" ; QCXC:Dependencies = "1 QCFC" ; float RHODT(Time) ; RHODT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; RHODT:units = "gram/m3" ; RHODT:long_name = "Absolute Humidity, T-Electric" ; RHODT:actual_range = 0.0008027934f, 10.64059f ; RHODT:Category = "Atmos. State" ; RHODT:DataQuality = "Good" ; RHODT:Dependencies = "2 ATX EWX" ; float RHUM(Time) ; RHUM:_FillValue = -32767.f ; RHUM:units = "%" ; RHUM:long_name = "Relative Humidity" ; RHUM:standard_name = "relative_humidity" ; RHUM:actual_range = 2.050615f, 140.7309f ; RHUM:Category = "Atmos. State" ; RHUM:DataQuality = "Good" ; RHUM:Dependencies = "2 ATX EWX" ; float SSLIP(Time) ; SSLIP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; SSLIP:units = "degree" ; SSLIP:long_name = "Sideslip Angle, Reference" ; SSLIP:actual_range = -1.412424f, 5.939843f ; SSLIP:Category = "Aircraft State" ; SSLIP:DataQuality = "Good" ; SSLIP:Dependencies = "1 SSRD" ; float SSRD(Time) ; SSRD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; SSRD:units = "degree" ; SSRD:long_name = "Sideslip Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure" ; SSRD:actual_range = -1.412424f, 5.939843f ; SSRD:Category = "Aircraft State" ; SSRD:DataQuality = "Good" ; SSRD:Dependencies = "3 BDIFR QCXC XMACH2" ; SSRD:GV_RADOME_SSN = 2.f ; float TASF(Time) ; TASF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TASF:units = "m/s" ; TASF:long_name = "Aircraft True Airspeed, Fuselage" ; TASF:standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_air" ; TASF:actual_range = 0.4467294f, 247.0056f ; TASF:Category = "Aircraft State" ; TASF:DataQuality = "Good" ; TASF:Dependencies = "3 QCFC PSFC TTX" ; float TASHC(Time) ; TASHC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TASHC:units = "m/s" ; TASHC:long_name = "Aircraft True Airspeed, Humidity Corrected" ; TASHC:standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_air" ; TASHC:actual_range = 0.4480205f, 247.0115f ; TASHC:Category = "Aircraft State" ; TASHC:DataQuality = "Good" ; TASHC:Dependencies = "2 TASX MR" ; float TASR(Time) ; TASR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TASR:units = "m/s" ; TASR:long_name = "Aircraft True Airspeed, Radome" ; TASR:standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_air" ; TASR:actual_range = 1.703661f, 247.8983f ; TASR:Category = "Aircraft State" ; TASR:DataQuality = "Good" ; TASR:Dependencies = "3 QCRC PSFC TTX" ; float TASX(Time) ; TASX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TASX:units = "m/s" ; TASX:long_name = "Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference" ; TASX:standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_air" ; TASX:actual_range = 0.4467294f, 247.0056f ; TASX:Category = "Aircraft State" ; TASX:DataQuality = "Good" ; TASX:Dependencies = "1 TASF" ; float THETA(Time) ; THETA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; THETA:units = "K" ; THETA:long_name = "Potential Temperature" ; THETA:standard_name = "air_potential_temperature" ; THETA:actual_range = 305.9896f, 365.6267f ; THETA:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; THETA:DataQuality = "Good" ; THETA:Dependencies = "2 ATX PSXC" ; float THETAE(Time) ; THETAE:_FillValue = -32767.f ; THETAE:units = "K" ; THETAE:long_name = "Equivalent Potential Temperature" ; THETAE:standard_name = "equivelent_potential_temperature" ; THETAE:actual_range = 325.3928f, 365.6983f ; THETAE:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; THETAE:DataQuality = "Good" ; THETAE:Dependencies = "4 ATX PSXC EWX MR" ; float THETAP(Time) ; THETAP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; THETAP:units = "K" ; THETAP:long_name = "Pseudo-adiabatic Equivalent Potential Temperature" ; THETAP:standard_name = "equivelent_potential_temperature" ; THETAP:actual_range = 325.311f, 365.6958f ; THETAP:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; THETAP:DataQuality = "Good" ; THETAP:Dependencies = "4 ATX PSXC EWX MR" ; float THETAV(Time) ; THETAV:_FillValue = -32767.f ; THETAV:units = "K" ; THETAV:long_name = "Virtual Potential Temperature" ; THETAV:actual_range = 307.9434f, 365.6297f ; THETAV:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; THETAV:DataQuality = "Good" ; THETAV:Dependencies = "2 TVIR PSXC" ; float TTX(Time) ; TTX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; TTX:units = "deg_C" ; TTX:long_name = "Total Temperature, Reference" ; TTX:actual_range = -37.05304f, 25.46521f ; TTX:Category = "Uncorr\'d Raw" ; TTX:DataQuality = "Good" ; TTX:Dependencies = "1 TTHR1" ; float UI(Time) ; UI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; UI:units = "m/s" ; UI:long_name = "Wind Vector, East Component" ; UI:standard_name = "eastward_wind" ; UI:actual_range = -4.676199f, 42.51638f ; UI:Category = "Wind" ; UI:DataQuality = "Good" ; UI:Dependencies = "1 WI" ; float UIC(Time) ; UIC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; UIC:units = "m/s" ; UIC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component" ; UIC:standard_name = "eastward_wind" ; UIC:actual_range = -4.323702f, 42.66668f ; UIC:Category = "Wind" ; UIC:DataQuality = "Good" ; UIC:Dependencies = "1 WIC" ; float UX(Time) ; UX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; UX:units = "m/s" ; UX:long_name = "Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component" ; UX:actual_range = -36.41057f, 32.89829f ; UX:Category = "Wind" ; UX:DataQuality = "Good" ; UX:Dependencies = "1 WI" ; float UXC(Time) ; UXC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; UXC:units = "m/s" ; UXC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component" ; UXC:actual_range = -36.32521f, 32.32715f ; UXC:Category = "Wind" ; UXC:DataQuality = "Good" ; UXC:Dependencies = "1 WIC" ; float VEWC(Time) ; VEWC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; VEWC:units = "m/s" ; VEWC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component" ; VEWC:actual_range = -225.8406f, 249.1339f ; VEWC:Category = "Aircraft State" ; VEWC:DataQuality = "Good" ; VEWC:Dependencies = "6 LATC UI VI UX VY WI" ; float VI(Time) ; VI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; VI:units = "m/s" ; VI:long_name = "Wind Vector, North Component" ; VI:standard_name = "northward_wind" ; VI:actual_range = -28.00633f, 2.094698f ; VI:Category = "Wind" ; VI:DataQuality = "Good" ; VI:Dependencies = "1 WI" ; float VIC(Time) ; VIC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; VIC:units = "m/s" ; VIC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component" ; VIC:standard_name = "northward_wind" ; VIC:actual_range = -28.55901f, 1.94903f ; VIC:Category = "Wind" ; VIC:DataQuality = "Good" ; VIC:Dependencies = "1 WIC" ; float VNSC(Time) ; VNSC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; VNSC:units = "m/s" ; VNSC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component" ; VNSC:actual_range = -259.4966f, 222.2011f ; VNSC:Category = "Aircraft State" ; VNSC:DataQuality = "Good" ; VNSC:Dependencies = "1 LATC" ; float VY(Time) ; VY:_FillValue = -32767.f ; VY:units = "m/s" ; VY:long_name = "Wind Vector, Lateral Component" ; VY:actual_range = -41.92839f, 35.84635f ; VY:Category = "Wind" ; VY:DataQuality = "Good" ; VY:Dependencies = "1 WI" ; float VYC(Time) ; VYC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; VYC:units = "m/s" ; VYC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Lateral Component" ; VYC:actual_range = -42.07887f, 36.25029f ; VYC:Category = "Wind" ; VYC:DataQuality = "Good" ; VYC:Dependencies = "1 WIC" ; float WD(Time) ; WD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; WD:units = "degree_T" ; WD:long_name = "Horizontal Wind Direction" ; WD:standard_name = "wind_from_direction" ; WD:valid_range = 0.f, 360.f ; WD:actual_range = 0.f, 359.9474f ; WD:Category = "Wind" ; WD:DataQuality = "Good" ; WD:Dependencies = "2 UI VI" ; WD:modulus_range = 0.f, 360.f ; float WDC(Time) ; WDC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; WDC:units = "degree_T" ; WDC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction" ; WDC:standard_name = "wind_from_direction" ; WDC:valid_range = 0.f, 360.f ; WDC:actual_range = 0.f, 359.9701f ; WDC:Category = "Wind" ; WDC:DataQuality = "Good" ; WDC:Dependencies = "2 UIC VIC" ; WDC:modulus_range = 0.f, 360.f ; float WI(Time) ; WI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; WI:units = "m/s" ; WI:long_name = "Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component" ; WI:standard_name = "upward_air_velocity" ; WI:actual_range = -3.028408f, 3.932895f ; WI:Category = "Wind" ; WI:DataQuality = "Good" ; WI:Dependencies = "9 TASX VEW VNS PITCH ROLL THDG ATTACK SSLIP VSPD" ; float WIC(Time) ; WIC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; WIC:units = "m/s" ; WIC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component" ; WIC:standard_name = "upward_air_velocity" ; WIC:actual_range = -2.639899f, 3.980612f ; WIC:Category = "Wind" ; WIC:DataQuality = "Good" ; WIC:Dependencies = "9 TASX VEWC VNSC PITCH ROLL THDG ATTACK SSLIP VSPD_G" ; float WS(Time) ; WS:_FillValue = -32767.f ; WS:units = "m/s" ; WS:long_name = "Horizontal Wind Speed" ; WS:standard_name = "wind_speed" ; WS:actual_range = 0.f, 43.60356f ; WS:Category = "Wind" ; WS:DataQuality = "Good" ; WS:Dependencies = "2 UI VI" ; float WSC(Time) ; WSC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; WSC:units = "m/s" ; WSC:long_name = "GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed" ; WSC:standard_name = "wind_speed" ; WSC:actual_range = 0.f, 43.60652f ; WSC:Category = "Wind" ; WSC:DataQuality = "Good" ; WSC:Dependencies = "2 UIC VIC" ; float XMACH2(Time) ; XMACH2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; XMACH2:units = "none" ; XMACH2:long_name = "Aircraft Mach Number Squared" ; XMACH2:actual_range = 1.699767e-06f, 0.6736798f ; XMACH2:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; XMACH2:DataQuality = "Good" ; XMACH2:Dependencies = "2 QCXC PSXC" ; float ZERO(Time) ; ZERO:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ZERO:units = "none" ; ZERO:long_name = "Constant value of 0." ; ZERO:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; ZERO:Category = "Housekeeping" ; ZERO:DataQuality = "Good" ; ZERO:Dependencies = "0" ; // global attributes: :institution = "NCAR Research Aviation Facility" ; :Address = "P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000" ; :Phone = "(303) 497-1030" ; :creator_url = "" ; :creator_email = "codiac at" ; :Conventions = "NCAR-RAF/nimbus" ; :ConventionsURL = "" ; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ; :ConventionsVersion = "1.3" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF-1.0" ; :ProcessorRevision = "6825" ; :NIDASrevision = "6946" ; :ProcessorURL = "" ; :date_created = "2013-09-11T17:57:56 +0000" ; :ProjectName = "SPRITE-II" ; :project = "SPRITE-II" ; :Platform = "N677F" ; :FlightNumber = "rf01" ; :FlightDate = "07/26/2013" ; :TimeInterval = "05:12:00-08:33:00" ; :InterpolationMethod = "Linear" ; :latitude_coordinate = "LATC" ; :longitude_coordinate = "LONC" ; :zaxis_coordinate = "GGALT" ; :time_coordinate = "Time" ; :geospatial_lat_min = 33.55709f ; :geospatial_lat_max = 40.06658f ; :geospatial_lon_min = -105.1425f ; :geospatial_lon_max = -94.56496f ; :geospatial_vertical_min = 1699.984f ; :geospatial_vertical_max = 13510.74f ; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up" ; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m" ; :wind_field = "WSC WDC WIC" ; :landmarks = "39.9088 -105.117 jeffco" ; :Categories = "Position,Thermodynamic,Aircraft State,Atmos. State,Liquid Water,Uncorr\'d Raw,Wind,PMS Probe,Housekeeping,Chemistry,Radiation,Non-Standard" ; :time_coverage_start = "2013-07-26T05:12:00 +0000" ; :time_coverage_end = "2013-07-26T08:33:00 +0000" ; }