July 12-13, 2012
Hilton Boston Back Bay
Boston, MA


Day 1 Thursday July 12, 2012

830Welcome and Announcements - Dan Eleuterio and Scott Harper
 R/V Revelle Measurements
0845Overview of Revelle Observations (Jim Moum*)
0855DYNAMO Moorings: Variations of Surface Mixed Layer Heat Budget during MJO (Nan-Hsun Chi)
0910Surface Fluxes (Jim Edson*)
0925Intraseasonal to convective air-sea fluxes in DYNAMO: Next steps for Revelle observations (Simon de Szoeke)
0930Ongoing research using ship-based Doppler lidar wind measurements made during DYANMO (Alan Brewer*)
0940NASA TOGA C-band (5 cm λ) Doppler Weather Radar Update (Liz Thompson)
0950X-band Measurements of the Sea Surface During DYNAMO from the R/V Revelle (Eric Terrill)
1005The Chemical, Physical, and Optical Properties of Aerosols in the Remote Indian Ocean (Langley DeWitt)
1020Near-Surface Structure of the Equatorial Indian Ocean (Aurelie Moulin)
1045DYNAMO Leg IV Wirewalkers & Spatial Variations (Robert Pinkel*)
1100SST modeling and SeaGlider Measurements (Piotr Flatau)
 Aircraft and other measurements
1115P3 DYNAMO/LASP Measurements (Qing Wang*)
1130Turbulence and surface wave measurements from Aircraft (Djamal Khelif*)
1145Ocean Skin Temperature from Airborne IR Imagery (Chris Zappa*)
1200DYNAMO Convective Systems - Insights from Data Provided by the NOAA P-3 Aircraft (David Jorgensen)
1215Aircraft microphysics (Patrick Chuang)
1230Aircraft Measurements for Understanding Air-Sea Coupling and Improving Coupled Model Predictions Over the Indian Ocean (Shuyi Chen*)
1345NRL DYNAMO Remote Sensing Overview (Jeff Hawkins)
1400COAMPS Real-time Coupled Forecast (Sue Chen*)
1415Extended Coupled COAMPS MJO Prediction (Sue Chen*)
1430Ocean Modeling for DYNAMO (Tommy Jensen)
1445Ocean Variability and Air-Sea Interaction using COAMPS: Plans (Toshi Shinoda*)
1500Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Dynamics and Predictability of MJO's (Art Miller)
1515The Analysis of DYNAMO Precipitation in TRMM and in Coupled COAMPS Using the EOF Based "Mesoscale MJO Index" (Maria Flatau*)
1530Large-eddy Simulation - Upper Ocean and New Analysis/Experiments (Eric Skyllingstad*)
 Review of DYNAMO objectives
1600LASP: From Field Observations to Model Improvement (Chidong Zhang*)
1630Ship-Based UAS Measurements of Air-Sea Interaction and Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes in the Equatorial Pacific (Ken Melville)
1700General Discussion

* Speaker presents in AMS DYNAMO session on Wednesday, July 11.

Day 2 Friday July 13, 2012

0830-1000General Discussion - Development of Collaborative Themes
  1. Wyrtki Jet dynamics
  2. gravity currents in ocean and atmosphere - slippery boundary layers?
  3. sea surface patchiness - where does the precip go?
  4. short fetch gravity wave field - how do they build ahead of the gust fronts?
  5. reconstruction of the specific event - the idea of doing this as guidance for analysis for all of us. In fact, possible article for BAMS. DYNAMO is doing an overview of everything. But we might do a nice aircraft/ship-centric article if people think this is a good idea.
    1. 24 Nov - arrival of leading edge of MJO wind burst - but not great aircraft coverage
    2. Nov 13 or 26, boundary layer centric flights over Revelle designed to make joint analyses
  6. effects of precipitation and convection on atmospheric boundary layers
  7. upper ocean mixing in response to various atmospheric forcing, surface warm layer
  8. air-sea flux and coupling mechanisms in various convective regimes
  9. fresh water lenses (maybe included in sea surface patchiness in #3 above)
1030Issue Discussion from Meeting
1130Publications and meetings discussion items:
  • A BAMS paper is under preparation that summarizes the basic information of all aspects of the field campaign;
  • A special collection will be arranged for AMS journal articles;
  • Another possible special collection can be arranged for AGU journal articles;
  • A special issue of the Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan will be arranged;
  • J. Moum will lead an article on the Nov 24 case (journal to be decided);
  • A special session has been proposed to the AGU fall meeting and abstracts are solicited;
  • A data-modeling workshop is being arranged on Big Island, Hawaii, March 4-9, 2013.
1200Concluding Remarks - Dan Eleuterio and Scott Harper
1230End of Meeting

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Steve Williams, NCAR/EOL
sfw AT ucar.edu

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