NCAR Weather Station Contact

If you would like to get archived weather data from the NCAR weather stations, visit one of the links below and look for Data Availability near the bottom of the page, access to the data is explained there: NCAR does not maintain data archives for any sites other than the two Boulder, CO. stations, if you need this kind of information, we suggest contacting the local newspaper office, the local airport, or the National Weather Service. The following link may also have pointers to sites that you may find to be useful: If you have problems with the weather plots not updating on your web browser, try using the Reload button or even Shift-Reload, that usually solves the problem.

Before you send us email, be sure to read the Weather Station Info pages above, a lot of questions will be answered there.
Lastly, if the NCAR weather station data goes away, please don't send email, we're probably working on the problem already. We appreciate your concern nonetheless.

NCAR Foothills and Mesa Lab Weather Station Contact: wwweather and add