This document has been modified/extracted from the original Journal article on Universal Format. Editorial modifications are noted in [square brackets]. RAR 10/2000 The original report can be found in: Barnes, Stanley L, 1980: Report on a meeting to establish a common Doppler radar data exchange format. The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol 61, No. 11, pp1401-1404. Nov 1980 Universal Format Radar Tape Structure ===================================== Universal format tapes conform to the following five specification: 1. 9 track tapes, 1600 or 6250 cpi density. [Now extended to other media] 2. 16-bit words, signed integers, 2's complement. [Note that words are "big-endian" (most significant byte at end of word)] 3. Physical records, length <= 4095 words. [Record lengths now < 65536 bytes.] 4. File marks between volume scans (volumes). 5. ASCII words are left justified, blank filled. MANDATORY HEADER BLOCK Word 1 UF (ASCII) 2 Record length (16-bit words) 3 Position of first word of nonmandatory header block. (If no nonmandatory header block exists, this points to the first existing header block following the mandatory. In this way, word (3) always gives 1 + the length of the mandatory header. 4 Position of first word of local use header block. (If no local use headers exist, this points to the start of the data header block.) 5 Position of first word of data header block 6 Physical record number relative to beginning of file 7 Volume scan number relative to beginning of tape 8 Ray number within volume scan 9 Physical record number within the ray (one for the first physical record of each ray) 10 Sweep number within this volume scan 11-14 Radar name (8ASCII characters, includes processor ID.) 15-18 Site name (8 ASCII characters) 19 Degrees of latitude (North is positive, South is negative) 20 Minutes of latitude 21 Seconds (x64) of latitude 22 Degrees of longitude (East is positive, West is negative) 23 Minutes of longitude 24 Seconds (x64) of longitude (Note: minutes and seconds have same sign as degrees.) 25 Height of antenna above sea level (meters) 26 Year (of data) (last 2 digits) 27 Month 28 Day 29 Hour 30 Minute 31 Second 32 Time zone (2 ASCII -- UT, CS, MS, etc.) 33 Azimuth (degrees x 64) to midpoint of sample 34 Elevation (degrees x 64) 35 Sweep mode: 0 - Calibration 1 - PPI (Constant elevation) 2 - Coplane 3 - RHI (Constant azimuth) 4 - Vertical 5 - Target (stationary) 6 - Manual 7 - Idle (out of control 36 Fixed angle (degrees x 64) (e.g., elevation of PPI; azimuth of RHI; coplane angle) 37 Sweep rate (degrees/seconds x 64) 38 Generation date of common format - Year 39 Month 40 Day 41-44 Tape generator facility name (8 character ASCII) 45 Deleted of missing data flag (Suggest 100000 octal) OPTIONAL HEADER BLOCK Word 1-4 Project name (8 ASCII) 5 Baseline azimuth (degrees x 64) 6 Baseline elevation (degrees x 64) 7 Hour (start of current volume scan) 8 Minute (start of current volume scan) 9 Second (start of current volume scan) 10-13 Field tape name (8 ASCII) 14 Flag (= 0 if number of range gates, R min, and spacing are the same for all data within this volume scan; = 1 if these are the same only within each sweep; = 2 if these are the same only within each ray). LOCAL USE HEADER BLOCK Any use, any contents DATA HEADER Word 1 Total number of fields this ray 2 Total number of records this ray 3 Total number of fields this record 4 1st field name (2 ASCII): e.g., VE - velocity (m/s) SW - spectral width (m/s) DM - reflected power dB(mW) DZ - dB(Z) etc. 5 Position of 1st word of 1st field header 6 2nd field name 7 Position of 1st word of 2nd field header etc. FIELD HEADER Word 1 Position of first data word 2 Scale factor (meteorological units = tape value divided by scale factor) 3 Range to first gate (km) 4 Adjustment to center of first gate (m) 5 Sample Volume spacing (m) 6 Number of sample volumes 7 Sample volume depth (m) 8 Horizontal beam width (degrees x 64) 9 Vertical beam width (degrees x 64) 10 Receiver bandwidth (MHz) 11 Polarization transmitted (0 = horizontal; 1 =vertical; 2 = circular; >2 = elliptical) 12 Wavelength (cm x 64) 13 Number of samples used in field estimate 14 Threshold field (e.g., DM) (2 ASCII) 15 Threshold value 16 Scale 17 Edit code (2 ASCII) 18 Pulse repetition time (microseconds) 19 Bits per sample volume (16 for exchanged tape) 20-? Words for individual fields, as follows for VF, VE, VR, VT, VP: word 20 Nyquist velocity (scaled) 21 FL (2 ASCII) if flagged in least significant bit with NCAR bad velocity flag (1 = good, 0 = bad) for DM: word 20 Radar constant = RC, such that dB(Z) = [ (RC + DATA/SCALE] + 20log(range in km) 21 Noise power (dB(mW) x scale) 22 Receiver gain (dB x scale) 23 Peak power (dB(mW) x scale) 24 Antenna gain (dB x scale) 25 Pulse duration (microseconds x 64)