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In Situ Aircraft Temperature Measurement

MJ Mahoney

Initial Release: September 16, 2002  
Last Revision: October  10, 2007


While analyzing some data from a recent field campaign (CAMEX-4), I noticed that I was not getting very good agreement between the ER-2 Nav Data Recorder outside air temperature (OAT, or static air temperature)  and the measured MTP outside air temperature. Then I remembered that the Nav Data Recorder pressure altitudes were in error because of a leak in the static air line,  which caused the actual altitude to be underestimated by 600 meters or more. So the question was: could this explain the differences in the temperatures as well?

Keeping things simple to start off, I recalled that the relationship ( a derivation is provided below ) between static air temperature (SAT or Ts), and total air temperature (TAT or Tt), was given by:

(1)    Tt_Ts
where gamma  is the ratio of the specific heats at constant pressure and volume, and  Mach No is the Mach Number, which is the ratio of the aircraft's true air speed (TAS or va) , and the local velocity of sound vs . Now the velocity of sound (to first order) depends only on the static air temperature ( Vs ), where all the quantities have been previously defined except the Gas Constant, R , which for dry air is 287.053 J kg-1 K -1 .

I didn't know off hand how Equation (1) was derived; I had simply been told it years ago when I asked someone how SAT and TAT where related. So this got me thinking because I wanted to know to determine how large the SAT error would be if the pressure altitude of an airplane was incorrect by 600 meters.

First off, I though there was a catch-22 in Equation (1). If T t was measured (see below), then Ts could be determined if the Mach Number was known, but Mach Number also depends on the velocity of sound, which in turn depends on the thing that you want to know, T s , and the true air speed. It turns out that Mach Number can be determined independently if the total and static pressure are known by using the equation.

(2)  M pt ps

Then a measurement of the static air temperature can be determined from:

(3)     Ts(M)
As it turns out, Tt cannot be measured because that would require 100% conversion of the kinetic energy of the adiabatic flow into heat in the probe, and this can never be achieved. The measured temperature (Tm ) is instead corrected to approximate Tt very accurately by applying a correction that depends on aircraft attitude and Mach Number. So there IS a catch-22, but since the corrections are small, the Mach Number effect on the correction is second order.

Derivation of Equation (1)

It all begins with the First Law of Thermodynamics -- the conservation of energy. A closed system has three forms of energy: internal, kinetic, and potential, and what the First Law of Thermodynamics states is that any changes in the total energy (Delta E ) of the system -- that is, the sum of changes in the internal energy (Delta Ei ), the kinetic energy (Delta Ek ), and the potential energy (Delta Ep ) -- during a thermodynamic state change must equal the heat added to the system (Q) minus the work done by the system (W). That is,

(4)       FirstLaw

or equivalently,

(5)      First Law 2

The subscripts "1" and "2" just refer to the two different thermodynamic states, before and after the state change. Now for our purposes, and without loss of generality, we will assume that there is no change in potential energy, and note that the mechanical work done during the state change is just:

(6)      Work

where p and V are the pressure and volume. With this substitution we can introduce the initial and final enthalpies, or energy content, defined by:  Hs  and  Ht . Equation (5) can then be written as:

(6)     Ht - Hs .

While some state variables, such a temperature, do not depend on the amount of material present, others, such as the internal energy and enthalpy, do. Because of this it is, convenient to define the latter state variable per unit mass, and give them names like specific internal energy and specific enthalpy, and denote them by lower case letters such as h1 and h2 for the specific enthalpy.

If a thermodynamic state change happens fast enough (or if the apparatus is well insulated),  negligible heat is added or taken away (that is, the process is adiabatic) and Q = 0. On rearranging Equation (6) and dividing through by the mass (m) to use specific enthalpy, we obtain the energy equation for invicid flow of an ideal gas:

(7)    Total Enthalpy

Now consider what happens when air is flowing by a total air temperature probe on an aircraft. If the aircraft is effectively stationary, the probe will measure the static air temperature Ts due to the average thermal motion of the air molecules hitting it. If the aircraft has a true air speed va, the temperature measured by the probe will clearly increase because of the extra translational energy of the air molecules hitting it. Thus, for the initial state (1) we have v1 ~ 0, and for the final state (2), v2 = va, so that Equation (7) becomes:

(8)   hs-ht

Now from introductory physics classes, we also know that the the specific heat at constant pressure is simply the derivative of specific enthalpy with respect to temperature, or  dh dT , or using infinitesimal notation, dh dT 2 . Substituting for the specific enthalpy difference in Equation (8), letting T1 = Tt and T2 = Ts, and rearranging, we have:

(9)    Tt Ts Cp

Now the velocity of sound (a) at any temperature (T) is given by Vsound , so on substituting for Ts and Tf, we can write:

(10)   vt-vs
On dividing through by vs, noting that vs = a, the speed of sound at temperature Ts, and that the Mach Number is M , we have
(11)    Vt_vs

Finally, using the expression (V Sound ) for the speed of sound again, we see that the ratio of  the velocities squared on the left hand side of Equation (11) is simply the ratio of the temperatures, or:

(12)    Tt_Ts

And we are done with the derivation of Equation (1). Of course, there are a lot of simplifying assumptions, such as adiabatic, invicid flow,  that go in to deriving this expression, and these need to be accounted for in order to obtain very accurate temperature measurements.

Derivation of Equation (2)

The derivation of  an expression for the Mach Number in terms of the total pressure and static pressure is actually a little involved, and again involves some thermodynamics. During a quasi-static adiabatic process, the change in internal energy is given by the work done, or: dU = -pdV . But the change in internal energy is also given by: dU = Cv m dT . Equating these two expressions, and using the Ideal Gas Law to eliminate the pressure, we can write:

(13)    Cv m dT

Noting that rho m_V and rearranging terms, Equation (13) becomes:

(14)    dT T
where we have also used the fact that R  and  gamma . This equation can also be written as: d ln(T) , which on integrating from the static temperature to the total temperature, and from the initial volume(Vs) to the final volume (Vt ), gives:

(15)    Tt Ts ,
or, noting that the volume and density are inversely related,

(16)    pt ps rho ratio

This establishes the fact that for a quasi-static adiabatic process p rho gamma , a result which we will now use to relate total and static temperatures to total and static pressures. Using the Ideal Gas Law to eliminate temperature in terms of pressure and density, the total to static temperature ratio can be written:

(17)    Tt Ts
Substituting this result into the left hand side of  Equation (12) and rearranging to solve for the Mach Number results in Equation (2), which is repeated here:

(18)    M pt ps

Since gamma the coefficient inside the radical is 5 and the exponent of the pressure ratio is 2/7.

Measuring the Total Air Temperature

TvsM Having derived Equation (1), it is necessary to point out some of the potential error sources. The whole point for using this equation is that it is very difficult to measure the static air temperature accurately; it is easier to calculate it based on other measurements. However, it is also difficult to measure the total air temperature accurately. Before proceeding, we need to be clear about what is meant by the various temperatures:
The figure to the right shows the relationship between these temperatures. As might be expected, Tr is always less than Tt, and both these approach Ts as the Mach Number approaches zero. All of these temperatures can be be related to the flight speed, but T m is more involved. As shown by the cyan and white vertical box, T m may be higher or lower than Tt and Tr due to sensor design, location, and parasitics for any particular flight condition (that is, speed and attitude). In extreme case such as for vortex-producing probe designs or for severe weather conditions, Tm may actually be less than T s. For a well-designed temperature probe, however, it is possible to achieve Tm > 0.995 Tt.

The parameter that relates the Tr to Tt and T s is called the recovery factor ( r ), which is defined by:

(19)    Recovery Factor
Using this definition in Equation (1) we obtain:

(20)    Tr over Ts
For most total temperature sensors, the recovery factor varies with Mach Number. It is now more common to use the recovery correction (Eta ) defined by:
(21)    Eta
Typically, the recovery correction varies with Mach Number below M = 1, but is constant for higher Mach Numbers. The recovery factor is related to the recovery correction by:
(22)    rEta
Based on wind tunnel measurements for a specific total air temperature probe, a chart for the dependence of  the recovery correction on Mach Number can be created. This in turn can be used in Equation (22) to obtain the recovery factor (r), which in turn, by assuming that Tm very closely equals Tr , allows Equation (20) to be solved for T s.  How well all this can be done depends on how well the total temperature probe is characterized for a number of other important effects:
Generally the probe manufacturer will provide tables or equations which can be used in the Air Data Computer (ADC) to correct for these effects.

Since we basically have all we need to calculate the true air speed (TAS), we finish off with that. Since TAS is simply Mach Number times the speed of sound at the static air temperature, we can use Equation (21) to solve for Tt in terms of Tr and Eta , substitute this value of Tt into Equation (3) for Ts , and then use this value of Ts in the expression for the speed of sound (vs ), to obtain:
(23)    TAS .

The Bottom Line

Having gone through all of this, we still need to answer the question that started it all: "Could the pressure altitude error explain the fact that based on radiosonde comparisons the Nav Data Recorder static air temperature was 1.5 K too warm. The answer is yes. The ER-2 flies at Mach = 0.715 and the flight data indicates this Mach Number. The Air Data Computer (ADC) calculates Mach number using static and dynamic pressure, therefore, it appears that the dynamic pressure measurement must be correct, and that the reported total pressure is in error. Based on comparisons with radionsondes, I concluded that the pressure altitude was in error by up to 700 meters. If I change the static pressure to reflect this, but use the same dynamic pressure, the effect is to increase the static temperature by 1.9 K. However, I was also told by DFRC personnel that the  ADC used a recovery factor of 1 in deriving the static air temperature from Equation (20). If the correct recovery factor for Mach 0.715 is used (r = 0.98), the effect of using a recovery factor of 1 is to reduce the static air temperature by 0.4 K. The net result of these two effects is that the static air temperature is 1.5 K too warm, in perfect agreement with our comparisons against radiosondes.

The End

Just for the Fun of it!

I started off writing this page by saying that to understand in situ temperature measurements you had to understand how a refrigerator works, but this made the discussion more complicated than it needed to be. But since this was written, here it is anyway! What we are specifically interested in to understand refrigerators is called a throttling process (or porous plug experiment) that leads to a state change. We start off with a fluid or gas at high pressure and squeeze it through a porous plug or needle valve in a manner that keeps the pressure constant on both sides of the porous plug and allows no heat to enter or escape during the process. Eventually all the fluid or gas is transferred from one side of the plug to the other. When that is done, the volume on the high pressure side (denoted by subscript "t") will go from V t to zero, and on the low pressure side (denoted by subscript "s") will go from 0 to Vs. The net work done is: W = Vt p t - V s ps .

If the process happens fast enough or is well insulated,  no heat is added or taken away (that is, the process is adiabatic) and Q = 0. Then First Law of Thermodynamics can be caste in the form.

(A1)  1st Law    , or  Enthalpy

where we have introduced the thermodynamic quantity, H, which called the enthalpy of the process -- a conserved quantity. If we write Equation (A1) per unit mass (m) of air, and note that V/m , where rho is the density, then we obtain:
(A2)  1st Law KE=0 , or     ht = hs

where the lower case is used indicate the specific internal energy and enthalpy. Using the Ideal Gas Law (Ideal Gas Law ), we can also write:

(A3)  Tt -Ts

And this is how a refrigerator works. The change in internal energy results in a temperature change of the gas, which is needed for cooling.

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