MTP Instrument Descriptions

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An MTP is a passive microwave radiometer that measures the  thermal emission and absorption from oxygen molecules in the atmosphere along the instrument's line of sight, and then uses this information to retrieve a vertical profile of temperature by assuming horizontal temperature stratification and by using an atmospheric microwave opacity model . [In this link, the three altitudes of 0 km, 10 km, and 20 km are representative of ground based, DC8 and ER2/WB57 projects. This absorption model is from P.W. Rosenkranz, Ch. 2 and Appendix, in Atmospheric Remote Sensing  By Microwave Radiometry, M.A. Janssen, Editor, New York : Wiley, 1993. ]. Because any oxygen emission is absorbed in proportion to its distance from the radiometer, the integrated emission can be represented by a "weighting function" which characterizes the weighted mean distance of the emission. In the special case where the temperature lapses at a constant rate with distance, it is easy to show that the brightness temperature measured by the radiometer is exactly equal to the physical temperature at the e-folding distance for the absorption. More complicated situations require more detailed treatment.

An MTP generally consists of two assemblies: a sensor unit (SU), which receives and detects the signal, and a data unit (DU), which controls the SU and records the data. In addition, on some platforms there may be a third element, a real-time analysis computer (RAC), which analyzes the data to produce temperature profiles and other data products in real time. The SU is connected to the DU with power, control, and data cables. In addition the DU has interfaces to the aircraft navigation data bus and the RAC, if one is present.

Navigation data is needed so that information such as altitude, pitch and roll are available. Aircraft altitude is needed to perform retrievals (which are altitude dependent), while pitch and roll are needed for controlling the position of a stepper motor which must drive a scanning mirror to predetermined elevation angles. Generally, the feed horn is nearly normal to the flight direction and the scanning mirror is oriented at 45-degrees with respect to receiving feed horn to allow viewing from near nadir to near zenith. At each viewing position a local oscillator (LO) is sequenced through two or more frequencies. Since a double sideband receiver is used, the LO is generally located near the "valley" between two spectral lines, so that the upper and lower sidebands are located near the spectral line peaks to ensure the maximum absorption. This is especially important at high altitudes where "transparency" corrections become important if the lines are too "thin."

Because each frequency has a different effective viewing distance , the MTP is able to "see" to different distances by changing frequency. In addition, because the viewing direction is also varied and because the atmospheric opacity is temperature and pressure dependent, different effective viewing distances are also achieved through scanning in elevation . If the scanning is done so that the applicable altitudes (that is, the effective viewing distance times the sine of the elevation angle) at different frequencies and elevation angles are the same, then inter-frequency calibration can also be done, which improves the quality of the retrieved profiles. For a two-frequency radiometer with 10 elevation angles, each 15-second observing cycle produces a set of 20 brightness temperatures, which are converted by a linear retrieval algorithm to a profile of air temperature versus altitude, T(z).

Finally, radiometric calibration is performed using  the outside air temperature (OAT) and a heated reference target to determine the instrument gain. However, complete calibration of the system to include "window corrections" and other effects, requires tedious analysis and comparison with radiosondes near the aircraft flight path. This is probably the most important single factor contributing to reliable calibration. For stable MTPs, like that on the DC8, such calibrations appear to be reliable for many years. Such analysis is always performed before MTP data are placed on mission archive computers.

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The JPL DC8 Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP/DC8) is a passive microwave radiometer that measures the natural thermal emission from oxygen molecules at three frequencies (55.51, 56.66 and 58.79 GHz). The instrument views ten elevation angles between -80 and +80 degrees by using a scanning mirror, located behind a microwave window on the sensor unit, to change the viewing direction. The sensor unit is located in a window just aft of the forward starboard exit door. This window has always been considered inaccessible for science instruments or inlets because it is immediately behind the Mission Manager's console. The sensor fairing is far enough ahead of other useable windows that it should not interfere with any future sampler inlets. The control and analysis electronics for the MTP are located in the Mission Manager's rack. The MTP retrieves profiles of air temperature versus altitude, which it displays on a dedicated color LCD display beside the Mission Manager's console; a video signal is also available for distribution to DADS monitors throughout the aircraft.

Comments on Molecular Oxygen Rotational Spectrum

Paper on DC8 MTP Performance

Photo Gallery of DC8-related Images

Some FAQs on DADS-related Parameters

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The airborne MTP/ER2 instrument is a passive microwave radiometer that measures thermal emission from oxygen molecules along the viewing direction. A stepper motor rotates a 45-degree shaped reflector so that radiation entering a receiving horn is sequenced through a set of 10 elevation angles, ranging from -58.2 to +60.0 degrees (within a vertical plane that is offset 20 degrees in azimuth from the direction of flight). At each viewing position a local oscillator is sequenced through two frequencies: 56.66 and 58.80 GHz. Each 14-second observing cycle produces a set of 20 brightness temperatures, which are converted by a linear retrieval algorithm to a profile of air temperature versus altitude. Altitude coverage is 15 to 25 km while flying at 19 km. T(z) profiles are obtained every 2.9 km along the flight path.


T(z) data can be used to derive a "curtain cross-section" of the temperature field along the flight path . Regions cold enough to condense water vapor, or nitric acid, can be identified (with mixing ratio assumptions). The temperature field is also used to derive cross-sections of isentrope surface altitudes, which can be used to locate mountain waves. "Waviness" of the isentrope surface altitudes can also be used to quantify the mesoscale vertical motions of air parcels and their associated temperature fluctuations. Temperature fluctuations are needed to determine an effective temperature for those chemical reactions and solubilities which vary in a strongly non-linear manner with temperature. The tropopause altitude can be located along the flight path when the aircraft is within about 3 km of the tropopause, which often occurs during brief descent/ascents midway in a flight.


The MTP/ER2 was used during the 1987 Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment, AAOE, the 1989 Airborne Arctic Science Experiment, AASE, the 1992 Airborne Arctic Science Experiment, AASE II, and the 1994 Airborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Experiment. Measurements for Assessing the Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft, ASHOE/MAESA, based in New Zealand and Hawaii. AAOE measurements led to the discovery and quantitative characterization of mountain waves in the lower stratosphere over the Antarctic Peninsula. AASE measurements led to the discovery and quantification of an ever-present component of mesoscale vertical motions in the lower stratosphere, which has implications for polar stratospheric cloud formation and drop size evolution. AASE II measurements were used to validate a model for mountain wave production (and CAT breakdown), which has implications for momentum flux transfer to the stratosphere. ASHOE/MAESA measurements led to the discovery that filaments sometimes produce a distortion to the temperature field, and this may provide a means for studying filament entrainment and transport.


Profile Accuracy (for flight at 19 km) 
  • < I K from 18 to 20.5 km
  • < 2 K from16.2 to 23.2 km
  • < 3 K from 15 to 25 km
 Tropopause altitude accuracy
  • 0.2 km when within 1 km of the tropopause
  • 0.3 to 0.5 km when 2 to 3 km away
Temporal Response : new profile every 14 seconds  Location: Right engine "cheek"
Mass: 11 kg Power: 100 W

ER2-Related Photo Gallery

ER-2 Specifications

ER-2 MTP Mass, Volume and Power Requirements

ER2 Navigation Data Recorder Output Format Specification

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MTP will fly for the first time on the NCAR WB57 in March 1998 on the WB57 Aerosol Mission (WAM). The sensor unit and data unit are the ER2 instrument. An old superpod fairing has been modified to allow scanning from +70 to -70 degrees. In addition, a real time analysis computer (WAC) has been added and DC8 realtime analysis code modified so that the back seat scientist can have realtime tropopause altitude guidance.

WB57 -Related Photo Gallery

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