Project no.:  1992-816               Project name:  ASTEX (Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition EXperiment) / MAGE
        Aircraft:  N308D                  Scientist(s):  Bruce Albrecht, Barry J. Huebert
       Data type:  HRT                   Programmer(s):  Ron Ruth
  Processor used:  GENPRO               Project Mgr(s):  Allen Schanot
  Output formats:  GENPRO-II/netCDF   Production Proc.:  Ron Ruth

 Logical record size:    640 bits     Physical record size:   6400 bits
 No. of logical records per physical record:  10
 No. of physical records:  78
 Logical record size:  76608 bits     Physical record size:  76608 bits
 No. of logical records per physical record:  1
 No. of seconds per logical record (GENPRO cycle time):  1

  MSS path name:  /EOL/1992/astex/aircraft/electra_n308d/HRT/NetCDF
     MSS format:  Transparent

                        Start      End
 fltno   Start Date   Time UTC   Time UTC      File Sizes (Mbytes)
         mm/dd/yyyy  (Sh:Sm:Ss) (Eh:Em:Es)    GENPRO-II      netCDF
 RF01A   06/04/1992   09:26:31   13:21:53    135.684096   137.479704
 RF01B   06/04/1992   13:21:54   16:31:09    109.113344   110.551260
 RF02A   06/05/1992   11:20:30   15:15:52    135.684096   137.479704
 RF02B   06/05/1992   15:15:53   17:10:10     65.921024    66.776724
 RF03A   06/08/1992   10:25:54   14:21:16    135.684096   137.479704
 RF03B   06/08/1992   14:21:17   17:05:52     94.900224    96.147900
 RF04A   06/10/1992   04:50:26   08:45:48    135.684096   137.479704
 RF04B   06/10/1992   08:45:49   11:35:50     98.033664    99.320532
 RF05A   06/12/1992   16:15:50   20:11:12    135.684096   137.479704
 RF05B   06/12/1992   20:11:13   22:17:10     72.642560    73.589124
 RF06A   06/13/1992   03:54:38   07:50:00    135.684096   137.479704
 RF06B   06/13/1992   07:50:01   10:47:38    102.412288   103.758324
 RF07A   06/13/1992   15:53:29   19:48:51    135.684096   137.479704
 RF07B   06/13/1992   19:48:52   22:37:05     96.997376    98.269476
 RF08A   06/15/1992   10:54:28   14:49:50    135.684096   137.479704
 RF08B   06/15/1992   14:49:51   17:10:08     80.900096    81.958644
 RF09A   06/16/1992   11:54:39   15:50:01    135.684096   137.479704
 RF09B   06/16/1992   15:50:02   18:27:31     90.812416    92.002068
 RF10A   06/17/1992   08:10:00   12:05:22    135.684096   137.479704
 RF10B   06/17/1992   12:05:23   14:32:14     84.684800    85.793052
 RF11A   06/18/1992   21:48:21   01:43:43    135.684096   137.479704
 RF11B   06/19/1992   01:43:44   03:52:41     74.371072    75.340884
 RF12A   06/19/1992   09:54:38   13:50:00    135.684096   137.479704
 RF12B   06/19/1992   13:50:01   16:48:36    102.969344   104.322780
 RF13A   06/19/1992   21:47:51   01:43:13    135.684096   137.479704
 RF13B   06/20/1992   01:43:14   04:29:51     96.071680    97.335204
 RF14A   06/20/1992   09:48:44   13:44:06    135.684096   137.479704
 RF14B   06/20/1992   13:44:07   16:22:20     91.234304    92.430276
 RF15A   06/22/1992   10:32:25   11:29:59     33.243136    33.658728
 RF15B   06/22/1992   11:15:00   16:22:13    177.082368   179.434356
 RF16A   06/23/1992   11:18:30   15:13:52    135.684096   137.479704
 RF16B   06/23/1992   15:13:53   17:24:59     75.608064    76.596312
 RF17    06/27/1992   10:54:08   15:22:16    154.562560   156.612816
GENPRO Scaling errors:   RF09:  GALT     5
                        RF15B:  GALT     2
                         RF17:  XCON260L 1

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