Project no.:  1984-215     Project name:  AFCGOC-II (Atmospheric Forcing of Circulation in Gulf of California)
       Aircraft:  N312D        Scientist(s):  Clinton D. Winant
      Data type:  HRT         Programmer(s):  Friesen
 Processor used:  GENPRO
  Output format:  GENPRO-II/netCDF

 Logical record size:    640 bits     Physical record size:   6400 bits
 No. of logical records per physical record:  10
 No. of physical records:  45

 Logical record size:  36640 bits     Physical record size:  73280 bits
 No. of logical records per physical record:  2
 No. of seconds per logical record (GENPRO cycle time):  1

  MSS path name:  /EOL/1984/afcgoc-ii/aircraft/kingair_n312d/HRT/NetCDF
     MSS format:  Transparent

                              Date        Start      End         File Sizes (Mbytes)
 fltno   TLxxxx   Gxxxxx   mm/dd/yyyy     Time       Time      GENPRO-II      netCDF
 RF01    TL0878   G55174   03/01/1984   11:26:35   15:35:30    69.464064    69.489464
 RF02    TL0878   G55176   03/02/1984   10:06:25   14:04:50    65.921024
 RF03    TL0878   G55178   03/03/1984   09:54:29   14:39:46    78.651392
 RF04    TL0878   G55162   03/05/1984   09:42:17   14:19:59    76.574720
 RF05    TL0878   G55164   03/06/1984   09:24:45   13:57:37    75.235328
 RF06    TL0878   G55166   03/07/1984   09:29:26   13:58:38    74.223616
 RF07    TL0878   G55168   03/09/1984   09:23:46   14:03:00    76.988416
 RF08A   TL0878   G55170   03/10/1984   09:29:00   10:26:51    15.929344
 RF08B   TL0878   G55171   03/10/1984   10:43:53   14:08:00    56.291328
 RF09    TL0878   G55275   03/12/1984   12:12:36   16:20:00    68.214784
 RF11    TL0878   G55277   03/14/1984   12:35:37   17:12:00    76.210176    76.236392
 RF12A   TL0878   G55279   03/16/1984   12:20:00   14:10:54    30.580736
 RF12B   TL0878   G55280   03/16/1984   14:22:00   14:30:04     2.244608
 RF12C   TL0878   G55281   03/16/1984   14:42:14   16:38:00    31.940608
 RF13A   TL0878   G55282   03/17/1984   12:33:20   12:53:31     5.603328
 RF13B   TL0878   G55283   03/17/1984   13:11:35   16:52:09    60.821504
 RF14    TL0878   G55285   03/18/1984   10:06:35   10:20:11     3.784704
 RF15    TL0878   G55287   03/19/1984   13:09:24   17:08:00    65.789952
 RF16    TL0878   G55289   03/20/1984   09:36:00   13:43:00    68.108288
 RF17    TL0910   G55291   03/22/1984   10:24:35   14:55:00    74.563584
 RF18    TL0878   G55293   03/23/1984   09:31:40   13:32:00    66.269184
 RF19    TL0910   G55295   03/24/1984   09:41:13   14:03:00    72.183808
 RF20    TL0910   G55297   03/26/1984   12:12:43   16:49:00    76.161024
 RF21    TL0910   G55299   03/27/1984   10:01:02   14:27:00    73.334784
 TF01    TL0878   G55286   03/18/1984   14:41:39   15:01:39    12.972032

Click here to retrieve all data files for this project in NetCDF format.