DORADE Housekeeping Evaluation, VORTEX-2 Radar Data


Highlighted items require attention.
General Comments:

There are real inconsistencies between the unambiguous velocity, PRT, effective unambiguous range, and the maximum range, as shown by the cell spacing vector. These should be addressed.

Project name and generating facility should be assigned appropriately.

There are many attributes assigned a zero value, when a BAD value might be better.

Are there more than 3 parameters available for these data? Is there a field suitable for use as a threshold field, such as NCP or power?

Contents of the volume descriptor len: 72
Param name Current value Recommended value
volume_des[4] VOLD
volume_des_length 72
format_version 1
volume_num 26
maximum_bytes 65500
proj_name[20] MWR_05XP VORTEX2
year 2009
month 6
day 5
data_set_hour 23
data_set_minute 55
data_set_second 22
gen_facility[8] NCAR/ATD UOkla, or similar
gen_year 2010
gen_month 3
gen_day 12
number_sensor_des 1

Contents of the radar descriptor len: 300
Param name Current value Recommended value
radar_des[4] RADD
radar_des_length 144
radar_name[8] MWR_05XP
radar_const 0.000000 require a correct value or -32768
peak_power 0.000000 require a correct value or -32768
noise_power 0.000000 require a correct value or -32768
receiver_gain 0.000000 require a correct value or -32768
antenna_gain 0.000000 require a correct value or -32768
system_gain 0.000000 require a correct value or -32768
horz_beam_width 1.796875
vert_beam_width 2.000000
radar_type 0
scan_mode 1
req_rotat_vel 0.000000 require a correct value or -32768
scan_mode_pram0 -32768.000000
scan_mode_pram1 -32768.000000
num_parameter_des 3
total_num_des 5
data_compress 1
data_reduction 0
data_red_parm0 -32768.000000
data_red_parm1 -32768.000000
radar_longitude -103.700996
radar_latitude 41.384796
radar_altitude 1.497000
eff_unamb_vel 19.540195 Does not make sense with data viewed in solo
eff_unamb_range 9819.102539 Does not make sense with data viewed in solo
num_freq_trans 1
num_ipps_trans 1
freq1 0.058553
freq2 0.000000 Problematic. MWR has 10 freqs; DORADE spec allows only 5 (no changes recommended)
freq3 0.000000
freq4 0.000000
freq5 0.000000
interpulse_per1 0.065506 Implies PRF of 15,265. MWR has max PRF of 10K, according to Bluestein, et al., 2010.
interpulse_per2 0.000000
interpulse_per3 0.000000
interpulse_per4 0.000000
interpulse_per5 0.000000

Contents of the parameter descriptor len: 216
Param name Current value Recommended value
parameter_des[4] PARM
parameter_des_length 104
parameter_name[8] CR
param_description[40] a long description is required.
param_units[8] This is a required field
interpulse_time 1
xmitted_freq 1
recvr_bandwidth 0.000000 bgcolor="ffff00" a valid bandwidth, or -32768
pulse_width 32767 Not a valid number. For missing data, use -32768; for this radar, use 150 meters.
polarization -32768 Is this a horizontal polarization system?
num_samples -32768 Does this vary on a beam-by-beam basis?
binary_format 2
threshold_field NONE
threshold_value 0.000000
parameter_scale 100.000000
parameter_bias 0.000000
bad_data -32768

Contents of the parameter descriptor len: 216
Param name Current value Recommended value
parameter_des[4] PARM
parameter_des_length 104
parameter_name[8] VE
param_description[40] a long description is required.
param_units[8] Units are required.
interpulse_time 1
xmitted_freq 1
recvr_bandwidth 0.000000 require a valid bandwidth, or -32768
pulse_width 32767 Not a valid number. For missing data, use -32768; for this radar, use 150 meters.
polarization -32768 Is this a horizontal polarization system?
num_samples -32768 Does this vary on a beam-by-beam basis?
binary_format 2
threshold_field NONE
threshold_value 0.000000
parameter_scale 100.000000
parameter_bias 0.000000
bad_data -32768

Contents of the parameter descriptor len: 216
Param name Current value Recommended value
parameter_des[4] PARM
parameter_des_length 104
parameter_name[8] VW
interpulse_time 1
xmitted_freq 1
recvr_bandwidth 0.000000
pulse_width 32767 Not a valid number. For missing data, use -32768; for this radar, use 150 meters.
polarization -32768 Is this a horizontal polarization system?
num_samples -32768 Does this vary on a beam-by-beam basis?
binary_format 2
threshold_field NONE
threshold_value 0.000000
parameter_scale 100.000000
parameter_bias 0.000000
bad_data -32768

Contents of the correction descriptor len: 72
Param name Current value Recommended value
correction_des CFAC
correction_des_length 72
azimuth_corr 0.000000
elevation_corr 0.000000
range_delay_corr 0.000000
longitude_corr 0.000000
latitude_corr 0.000000
pressure_alt_corr 0.000000
radar_alt_corr 0.000000
ew_gndspd_corr 0.000000
ns_gndspd_corr 0.000000
vert_vel_corr 0.000000
heading_corr 0.000000
roll_corr 0.000000
pitch_corr 0.000000
drift_corr 0.000000
rot_angle_corr 0.000000
tilt_corr 0.000000

Contents of the cell vector descriptor len: 6012
Param name Current value Recommended value
cell_spacing_des CELV
cell_des_len 6012
number_cells 422
dist_cells[0] 0.000000
dist_cells[1] 75.000000
dist_cells[421] 31575.000000 Not consistent with reported unambiguous range (see above)

Contents of the sweep descriptor len: 40
Param name Current value Recommended value
sweep_des[4] SWIB
sweep_des_length 40
radar_name[8] MWR_05XP
sweep_num 25
num_rays 74
start_angle 345.234375
stop_angle 93.343750
fixed_angle 15.609375
filter_flag 0

Contents of the ray descriptor len: 44
Param name Current value Recommended value
ray_info[4] RYIB
ray_info_length 44
sweep_num 25
julian_day 156
hour 23
minute 55
second 22
millisecond 0 Every millisecond in every beam is zero; changing this could fix the soloii review and display problem (where you require a directory for every tilt angle)
azimuth 350.703125
elevation 15.609375
peak_power 0.000000
true_scan_rate 0.000000
ray_status 0

Contents of the platform descriptor len: 80
Param name Current value Recommended value
platform_info[4] ASIB
platform_info_lengtth 80
longitude -103.700996
latitude 41.384796
altitude_msl 1.497000
altitude_agl 1.497000
ew_velocity 0.000000
ns_velocity 0.000000
vert_velocity 0.000000
heading 0.000000
roll 0.000000
pitch 0.000000
drift_angle 0.000000
rotation_angle 350.703125
tilt 15.609375
ew_horiz_wind 0.000000
ns_horiz_wind 0.000000
vert_wind 0.000000
heading_change -32768.000000
pitch_change -32768.000000

Contents of the super sweepinfo descriptor len: 196
Param name Current value Recommended value
name_struct SSWB
sizeof_struct 196
last_used 1268427039 03/12/2010 20:50:39.000
start_time 1244246122 06/05/2009 23:55:22.000
stop_time 1244246127 06/05/2009 23:55:27.000
sizeof_file 200392
compression_flag 0
volume_time_stamp 1244246122
num_params 3
d_start_time 0.000 01/01/1970 00:00:00.000 Not correct, but rarely used.
d_stop_time 0.000 01/01/1970 00:00:00.000 Not correct, but rarely used.
version_num 0
status 0

Contents of the rotation angle table len: 28
Param name Current value Recommended value
name_struct[4] RKTB
sizeof_struct 7712
angle2ndx 1.333
ndx_que_size 480
first_key_offset 1952
angle_table_offset 32