NAMAP Model Assessment for the North American Monsoon Experiment


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NAMAP Model Assessment for the North American Monsoon Experiment

Rationale for NAME


The NAME Modeling –Observations Team

Model Development in NAME

NAMAP timeline & protocol

NAMAP goals

NAMAP participating models/groups

July 1990 observed precipitation Two versions of reality

July 1990 simulated precipitation Two versions of “success”

Seasonal cycle of SWNA precipitation (observations: Higgins & Shi 1º x 1º daily gridded fields)

Seasonal cycle of SWNA precipitation simulated: regional RSM (NOAA NCEP)

Seasonal cycle of SWNA precipitation simulated: regional RSM (SIO ECPC)

Seasonal cycle of SWNA precipitation simulated: regional MM5 (UNM)

Seasonal cycle of SWNA precipitation simulated: regional Eta (NOAA NCEP)

Seasonal cycle of SWNA precipitation simulated: global SFM (NOAA NCEP)

Seasonal cycle of SWNA precipitation simulated: global NSIPP (NASA GSFC)

Total Monthly Precip. [cm]

Diurnal Cycle of Precip. [mm/hour] CORE

Diurnal Cycle of Precip. [mm/hour] AZNM

Diurnal Cycle of Temp. [ºK]: CORE

Diurnal Cycle of Temp. [ºK]: AZNM

Diurnal Cycle of LH [ W/m²]: CORE

Diurnal Cycle of LH [W/m²]: AZNM

Diurnal Cycle of SH [W/m²]: CORE

Diurnal Cycle of SH [W/m²]: AZNM

Low-level northward moisture transport

Previous low-level jet depictions

NAMAP low-level jets I (925 hPa, July 12Z avg)

NAMAP low-level jets II (925 hPa, July 12Z avg)

NAME: Hypothesis, Objectives

Regional-scale moisture transport Tier 1 Obs: l-z x-sec of q,v along 27°N

Regional-scale moisture transport Tier 1 NSIPP: l-z x-sec of q,v along 27°N

Regional-scale moisture transport Tier 1 MM5: l-z x-sec of q,v along 27°N

NAME: Hypothesis, Objectives

Large-scale moisture transport Tier 2 Obs: l-z x-sec of q,v along 30°N

Large-scale moisture transport Tier 2 NSIPP: l-z x-sec of q,v along 30°N

Large-scale moisture transport Tier 2 MM5: l-z x-sec of q,v along 30°N

NAMAP: What have we learned so far?

Status of NAMAP

Authors: D.S. Gutzler and Hyun-kyung Kim