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  Monsoon Experiment for South America
         Science Working Group

SWG Terms of Reference

  • To be responsible to the VAMOS Panel for the formation of a detailed scientific plan and conceptual design of an international project (Monsoon Experiment South America) to investigate the variability and predictability of the South American monsoon system (SAMS) in the context of global climate variability and change, and predictability.

  • To develop an implementation plan for a MESA project for consideration by the VAMOS Panel.

  • To coordinate and promote interactions amongst meteorologists, oceanographers and hydrologists from interested nations to work on SAMS problems.

  • To oversee the implementation of a MESA project.

  • To advise the VAMOS modeling group on modeling investigations that need to be carried out to meet MESA objectives.

  • To work closely and coordinate with other national, regional and international projects and organizations interested in this area of research, e.g. the IAI, IRI, US-CLIVAR, GEWEX and START.

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