DC3 Data Policy - Final

  1. All investigators participating in DC3 agree to submit their preliminary data to either the DC3 Data Archive Center (DDAC) for ground-based data or to the Atmospheric Science Data Center at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC ASDC) for airborne data (the data archived at LaRC ASDC are copied to the DDAC) at the latest by the end of the six-month period from the end of the field campaign (30 June 2012) to facilitate inter-comparison of results, quality control checks and inter-calibrations, as well as an integrated interpretation of the combined data set. Airborne instrument investigators are referred to the Airborne Data Management Guidelines for details about data submission. The preliminary data submission period is from 1 July 2012 to 20 January 2013.

  2. DC3 Science Team members agree to submit their final data by the end of the one-year period from the end of the field campaign to either the DDAC for ground-based data or to the Atmospheric Science Data Center at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC ASDC) for airborne data (the data archived at LaRC ASDC are copied to the DDAC). The final data submission period is from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013.

  3. During the initial data analysis period, defined as the period from when the data are submitted to one year after the end of the DC3 Field Experiment, DC3 Science Team members will have exclusive access to these data. This initial analysis period is designed to provide an opportunity to quality control the combined data set as well as to provide the investigators ample time for initial analysis and preparation of publications. The DC3 initial data analysis period is from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013.

  4. All data will be considered public domain one year after the end of the field experiment (i.e., on 1 July 2013). An individual data set within the DC3 archive can be shared with the investigator's colleagues at the discretion of the PI responsible for the requested data.

  5. Prior to the data submission deadline and during the initial analysis period, all data shall be promptly provided to other DC3 Science Team members upon request. All DC3 Science Team members will have equal access to all data. A list of DC3 Science Team members will be maintained by NCAR/EOL and will include the DC3 Individual Investigators directly participating in the field experiment as well as collaborating scientists who have provided guidance in the planning and analysis of DC3 data.

  6. During the initial data analysis period, the investigator(s) who collected the data must be notified first of the intent to use their data, in particular if data are to be provided to a third party (e.g., journal articles, presentations, research proposals, other investigators). It is strongly encouraged that Individual Investigators responsible for acquisition of data be invited to become co-authors and collaborators on any projects, publications and presentations. Significant use of an Individual Investigator's data warrants co-authorship on the publication for the investigator responsible for generating the data product. Any use of other investigator's data should include an acknowledgment and a citation.

  7. The following acknowledgement is suggested: The Deep Convective Clouds & Chemistry Experiment (DC3) is sponsored by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). This investigation was supported by XXXX [funding agency, grant number]. The following people are kindly acknowledged for their help with this study. [names, institutions] for providing YYYY data product.

Event      Deadline      
End of Field Campaign30 June 2012
Preliminary Data Submission Deadline20 January 2013
Final Data Submission Deadline1 July 2013
Initial Data Analysis Period (DC3 Science Team members have exclusive access to the data during this period.)
1 July 2012 -
30 June 2013
Data becomes Public Domain1 July 2013