Following is a list and units of data contained in the BV01_XXX.DAT files where XXX is the calender day of year. Column variable units 1 decimal day - 2 calender day - 3 hour - 4 wind speed m/s 5 wind direction degrees 6 air temperature degrees C 7 relative humidity % 8 pressure mb 9 incoming PAR uE/m2/s 10 outgoing PAR uE/m2/s 11 incoming global W/m2 12 outgoing global W/m2 13 incoming longwave W/m2 14 outgoing longwave W/m2 15 net radiation W/m2 (an allwave net) 16 ground heat flux W/m2 17 wetness - 18 precip mm 19 surface temperature degrees C 20 soil temp (2 cm) degrees C 21 soil temp (4 cm) degrees C 22 soil temp (8 cm) degrees C 23 soil temp (16 cm) degrees C 24 soil temp (32 cm) degrees C 25 soil temp (64 cm) degrees C 26 u_bar (sonic) m/s 27 momentum flux (u'w') m2/s2 28 u'2 m2/s2 29 v'2 m2/s2 30 w'2 m2/s2 31 sensible heat flux W/m2 32 latent heat flux W/m2 33 CO2 flux mg CO2/m2/s 34 soil moisture (5 cm) volumetric water content 35 soil moisture (10 cm) volumetric water content 36 soil moisture (30 cm) volumetric water content 37 soil moisture (60 cm) volumetric water content