National Center for Atmospheric Research
ATD... Sounding Skew-T Image Archive: WISP 1994 Organized By Day



! General WISP 1994 Sounding Information.

! Return to Archive Home Page.

The documents herein list the WISP 1994 skew-t plots and analysis files, organized by day, available for viewing. For quick-access to the files list for a given date, select the date from the list below. Otherwise, you may simply peruse the documents to view the files list.

To select a file to view, click on the corresponding reference in the list. Follow the links at the beginning and end of the lists to facilitate moving between continuous documents. And, at any time, select "Jump to quick-access list" to return to the list of days that appears below.

The following days are available :

o January 1994
- 8 - 13 - 14 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19
- 20 - 21 - 22 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 29
- 30 - 31
o February 1994
- 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
- 10 - 11 - 12 - 17 - 19
- 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28
o March 1994
- 1 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
- 10 - 11 - 12 - 15 - fx|$5&?L^ Ho )5bBTժ)W_K=ĕKb\X_`߱Yc^ޜ1-,6\n;9ͫJ!^?f w`;O,}xWT5³%(ԴȚƋj3FZqEi+b3;ٷp߻p'͢Ƌ+b? QZ(quQ_Rl$"'ߗ/Ň,,Y@EGLOUf;Z-VJ#:}4e-Tyz{(M. LШqm5S_UQ΁uG &+nf{}DM__G]{}t`xư^îf1s,(>f)3n (N60F/!N sE;NqfLP.pێw 9s0 --D9`.`VX.ІT=md:iȃP">-Rtbk3s66$I/ĴԄpw<5I+N%xT$O-զ=9U3JWoQ6GD$y"_vw 51ť(yV$i J*CP4[ZԨHRFK[y٪RWdRc T64HS٪h@ǢEG0*P)e!U@*PÔvXُjIsUir*m.T#jTxzLy9qIb<ˑ<IVp&4;MyVR]%Iqua^3F3lwsHaHSW'BN!F?!PDG'Jk9;|D42!EŤ *?F!2"dA"o^䇈 A=ޘ(ARFX]a;FTS#ا΅T>>'V,HQɔQ^~LǏ1wq^Fʴ2 * y@ˆ#V$3a2YQ+a%H p9E γB2έjv,gIƝoGOiT>O_Wj}~Heߍvkf9Aɚh^Go[Kl~,؟w-iN<;l6d/%^g#i#g=-3g 9Ok{M׬)v빀h_YZ{+kgͶ.5[3`h7o4ǘ¨4#;<<ؖ~b[{?gB/>+5˳l^sb;e~Uɪȿf*4W6>+'mmg|[IY]aOulSI%^'ѽ[ >%©`zj$r," b=*!דD/7QySN JW,!YMjCYΈo8:k!oqzEIr0$} K%5@JJ9wS e 1S^IjUOSI+$ۂ֒RTr̃G6d*<{rSJ_ Kb!u?ל6g2VERUڏQ3ӜgӝpP)9u"KQHUG[Hc/2u9p4Wˠ&2ML=ZYpCݣqcMTiTA J\TJPi/xxm\8:VQaU"%C6t^C״fzn&J'JϜBBi|JMS·#[9foS*))k<"mY!dOt3Yocf98(zXm3tk+ã6sA5Ǩ6nD&h0n}&sFXWZ?HB۹ PuiAǚoG;4R.|߅TFXYvJs|V dBku:h8h܈Ma$hGL<4Wu`u9C=k7ZuO\nԢCR3GZHi f"{_Xav?dÝEn(Nlb"@z C3`m8i®-#WV;Iȥ>L7]z"b*e1-a]erׅoDG0ƣxXc,GlÕnhǮlb:ا"0e|8~K³WHx":!O,h:uǃdR)fJGB($~9+ r>ox?+M;IdlFx۠I>3x/J'^Ey?q] |hro/60ƛp7,0 l/ E9ȧ!oA/È% 9d.9,n)G2v! 27 Y@k˻ ^ha$w~!D Z "rN.aTt| ,!9^+ 6X+fQZ xOAO¾ 77h Q7{`A~÷? Y1{G!އy7iPo`_G?;*'`{!~(ox'E"!vn<^c#RB=.i'?>B"M&ω-APT%DU1k- TB~lD !ms"IYXIH)( CĕQ^j"iUW'Z܄!_ 5B=*J8TNC0v8!j)O-ؤ@c!2t_C Q r+!T+x*T&J謒UJV _KtF~l D -BzqәBϘr6~yZ^x 9T^mPK9C?RߵH_ L'PzZDiU7 |W mi7/߄"k˭.t{xFD ݫ>>|_=e{`ߣRJmVS,0S"i? ފ|Ppq_]= ~OH  wO~,pFK7I _իFf?D‘"ߋ^i<) 2|}PY( nӯ[6k zү Lq3}o<5o n^k\>GA2t~shkbm! *?҆ަ>XK[kʴ.->|Yw4wPnjWVVh 0pUfYVgviuS~C}D]>>^ *ItdS^6(o+?SRSWur\YWTN)BZܥܭB9PWW^U;g"e/Br]&py^I]g}9jߍzBz7V=S">TYWϓN >ŷ;HȠ>"ɴ%sžYZKDH.9lS̐An5Fy#!rU52*ԨF_N>mrʅ_D"^cx9Qf>%Wb؆NKC %\ #69Ũc#YE$ fEF! /W#UO5WΒXSSnWG7S9ѩ潾%Z-B ]f1WuU3zɫ՝K4"2EMI 4{ j0 !c!UNN|HTM%<+ i*Zz+Tx/LK֟9d,W :*WGZEt݄5gr͹ lE &bP"R"Na#u#hƄ3}8S:udsw?k&q??mȅUFJG+&JG+Phb?W*O"|P3Ih)qNx2ڱQT`x #tgs=Vf96Rt+B ]3Ub/73SsP c9!VXa3mΰM̺^"ERcDˑ1ˢO$ԢsMHKtC ʘ쌱ƚc$~2ѹ˺lE3zs/f8|Jښc-AHiuFu)Q֨ӀUd9f`c FG3w!s[֣d0{_CU!>0M>qZEds V9$&Yc@]h;RJ0RԎ^eRseDb‘36 w @63rPZuð7H-|o*VZa5|bQxYlG#VXl&W@wUHA@pOU8.AW*EX:ǮZ!g \NjQ]BL]ϟOUw&%76WZ%zWfwI;aw-_~<"=o?1=e[(Yd mbz>"l>bކ5n8?A2S$5>Y/'\:il+IգWJ"i=tL9$tDz خLȉBsWB%/ KK74;XP>,HB4pCy!vWև;rw0qe2_xp_ކ<.㺰=>IqsJvKu*+/CR^2EaTNlNƄ.HI420er&K?%G\R,wa؇1RR(+C\g^/1.\ #%Jp̒19[E!>-2:Vt$䫡')>wN],;Kd ! i|;ǝNAV>.`b}5`ğ//HA~Vq8.M`*eK|ٳf=ȻX m؟!6>.y3?zoeAd&90Nza4v:a}![j{م|+?3eȩl|oQӐEmr M v%`ml셂G)3Y A.O|7Ki,w_wj_f I)QR0 {[V嶑r6ȱ mw>"^V~՛0*!}p> W.^{3 F:W˩jѵ;O"N3ϯ=q?bJR$'[ۤOQ#8!C? D4ڍ2ɧ R.=?%w99IAiOi)AZL=AIôQ]1Kqw$t$$R'NlN84P'kJJS\X=2.%Hΐz{TPlot, Analysis
o 17:56Z Hudson -- Plot, Analysis
o 18:00Z Akron -- Plot, Analysis
o 18:00Z Kimball -- Plot, Analysis
o 18:38Z RAP Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 18:51Z Chugwater -- Plot, Analysis
o 20:59Z Hudson -- Plot, Analysis
o 21:00Z Akron -- Plot, Analysis
o 21:00Z Kimball -- Plot, Analysis
o 21:06Z RAP Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 21:11Z Chugwater -- Plot, Analysis

o Jump to quick-access list

January 27, 1994

o 00:00Z Kimball -- Plot, Analysis
o 17:27Z RAP Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 19:57Z RAP Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 21:42Z Hudson -- Plot, Analysis
o 22:26Z RAP Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis

o Jump to quick-access list

January 29, 1994

o 10:57Z ATD Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 14:12Z ATD Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 15:00Z Chugwater -- Plot, Analysis
o 17:11Z ATD Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 17:51Z RAP Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 17:59Z Chugwater -- Plot, Analysis
o 18:00Z Kimball -- Plot, Analysis
o 20:17Z ATD Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 20:59Z Chugwater -- Plot, Analysis
o 20:59Z Kimball -- Plot, Analysis
o 21:00Z Akron -- Plot, Analysis
o 21:04Z Hudson -- Plot, Analysis
o 21:05Z Craig -- Plot, Analysis
o 21:20Z RAP Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 23:59Z Chugwater -- Plot, Analysis
o 23:59Z Kimball -- Plot, Analysis

o Jump to quick-access list

January 30, 1994

o 00:00Z Akron -- Plot, Analysis
o 00:02Z RAP Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 00:09Z Craig -- Plot, Analysis
o 00:45Z Craig -- Plot, Analysis
o 02:59Z Chugwater -- Plot, Analysis
o 03:00Z Akron -- Plot, Analysis
o 03:00Z Kimball -- Plot, Analysis
o 03:05Z Craig -- Plot, Analysis
o 03:09Z RAP Mobile CLASS -- Plot, Analysis
o 05:59Z Chugwater -- Plot, Analysis
o 15:01Z Hudson -- Plot, Analysis

o Jump to quick-access list

January 31, 1994

o 18:02Z Craig -- Plot, Analysis

o Jump to quick-access list

Next List of Files

oContinue viewing at February 1, 1994


David Ecoff -- ATD/RDP

Last Modified August 1 1996 10:07MDT