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1.0 STERAO-A: Mobile CLASS Program Summary

1.1 General Information
Program Title:

STERAO-A: Stratosphere-Troposphere Experiments: Radiation, Aerosols, and Ozone.

Principle Investigators and Affiliation

Dr. James Dye MMM Division of NCAR

SSSF ISS Support Staff:

Ned Chamberlain- Project Engineer

Larry Murphy, Lou Verstraete - Project Technicians / Operators

Summary of Scientific Objectives:

The Mobile CLASS soundings were a component of a larger thunderstorm study. The larger study encompasses a detailed investigation of the physical and chemical nature of thunderstorm inflows and outflows to attempt to gauge the effects of thunderstorm circulation on the composition and structure of the lower stratosphere and the upper troposphere.

Start and End Dates of Field Program:

1 June 1996 through 30 September 1996.

Location of Field Program:

Most of the launches were made from the van near the Ft. Morgan airport in northeastern Colorado.

Measurement System / Expendables Requested:

The NCAR ATD Mobile CLASS van and 50 RS80 15L Vaisala radiosondes and balloons.

Data Availability:

Project data can be obtained through NCAR's Atmospheric Technology Division (ATD). Data availability is subject to a one year period through which the data are the exclusive property of the original principal investigator(s). Data release during that one year period to anyone other than the original principal investigator(s) is subject to the approval of the investigator(s).

Data can be obtained by contacting Mr. Bob Rilling of NCAR ATD's Research Data Program (RDP) or Mr. Erik Miller of NCAR ATD's Surface and Sounding Systems Facility (SSSF). Questions regarding the data quality should be directed to Mr. Erik Miller.

Mr. Bob Rilling: (303) 497-8842 email: rilling

Mr. Erik Miller: (303) 497-8748 email:

Additional Information Regarding the Facilities:

A general description of SSSF facilities and data processing is available on the "Web" and in hardcopy. The document is entitled: "SSSF Observing Facilities: Description and Specifications Version 1.0". The URL for access on the "Web" is "". A hardcopy can be obtained by contacting Mr. Erik Miller (see above).

Additional information on boundary layer profiler operation and data acquisition can be found in the following reference:

"Developments in UHF Lower Tropospheric Wind Profiling at NOAA's Aeronomy Lab", by D.A. Carter, K.S. Gage, W.L.Ecklund, W.M. Angevine, P.E. Johnston, A.C. Riddle, J. Wilson, and C.R. Williams, Radio Science, Vol. 30, #4, pp 997-1001, 1995.

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