Seventh operational period

ops7: jd(1994, 231, 17:00:00 - 1994, 235, 19:00:00)

The two PVMs were interchanged. The OSU PVM was moved to 12.5 m on the flux tower (cosmos 102, c.opvm.13m.flux) and the GSI PVM to 12.5 m on the flux tower (cosmos 105, c.gpvm.13m.flux) (See logbook entries #144, 148 and 161) The time of this move is not certain. Logbook entry #144 says that the OSU PVM was removed from the walk-up tower at 17:00. We are not sure when it was up and running on the flux tower again.

The AA IR sensor was mounted at 7.5m on flux tower on day 233, 23:24, and archived in flux/irAA (cosmos 202). (See logbook entry #162).

The scratch channels, marigold 112, 113 and 114 were moved from the psyc/psyc archive to the walk/slow archive at 235, 17:25. (See logbook #172)

The data rate for the CO2 mode channel was increased to 20 hz at 232, 01:43 (See logbook #146)