First operational period

ops1: jd(1994, 214, 00:00:00 - 1994, 218, 21:00:00)

From day 214, 23:00Z to day 216, 21:30Z the OSU PVM was operated at 10.75 m on the flux tower (archived as: cosmos 102, c.opvm.10m.flux), and the GSI PVM at 10 m on the flux tower (archived as: cosmos 105, c.gpvm.10m.flux) (See logbook entry #11)

From day 216 21:30Z to day 218 21:00Z the OSU PVM was operated at 10.00m on the flux tower (archived as: cosmos 102, c.opvm.10m.flux), and the GSI PVM at 10.75m on the flux tower (archived as: cosmos 105, c.gpvm.10m.flux). (See logbook entry #28)

We have not differentiated between 10 m and 10.75 m in the did names and these two periods are combined into a single operational period, ops1.

From day 217 20:06 to 235 17:25 the scratch channels, marigold 112,113,114, archived with psyc/psyc, were used to acquire data from the Temp & RH probe. After day 219 the probe was taken to the remote site and the data was collected on a datalogger.