Available Plots

Available covars

N.B. The covars for CACHE94 will be reprocessed at the end of Jun''95 incorporating the final data corrections and to include all the FSSP combinations. The covars available are listed in the tables below.

The did's of the available CACHE94 parameters are listed below. The mean values of the ``***.walk'', ``***.seat'', ``***.flux'', ``prop, psyc, radiation and soil parameters are available in the NetCDF format. For the ``**.walk'' and ``***.flux'' parameters the variances and covariances are also available in the NetCDF format.

walk-up tower
u.atik.10m.walk v.atik.10m.walk w.atik.10m.walk tc.atik.10m.walk
b1.fssp.10m.walk b2.fssp.10m.walk b3.fssp.10m.walk b4.fssp.10m.walk b5.fssp.10m.walk b6.fssp.10m.walk b7.fssp.10m.walk b8.fssp.10m.walk b9.fssp.10m.walk b10.fssp.10m.walk b11.fssp.10m.walk b12.fssp.10m.walk b13.fssp.10m.walk b14.fssp.10m.walk b15.fssp.10m.walk all.fssp.10m.walk range.fssp.10m.walk
co2.licor.10m.walk mode.licor.10m.walk .t.cell.licor.10m.walk flowrate.licor.10m.walk
uflag.atik.10m.walk vflag.atik.10m.walk wflag.atik.10m.walk tcflag.atik.10m.walk
alev.atik.10m.walk blev.atik.10m.walk
t.remote.2.5m rh.remote.2.5m ref.remote.2.5m
u.solent.10m.walk v.solent.10m.walk w.solent.10m.walk tc.solent.10m.walk
uflag.solent.10m.walk vflag.solent.10m.walk wflag.solent.10m.walk tcflag.solent.10m.walk

flux tower
u.atik.10m.flux v.atik.10m.flux w.atik.10m.flux tc.atik.10m.flux t.10m.flux
h2o.10m.flux h2o.AA.10m.flux
uflag.atik.10m.flux vflag.atik.10m.flux wflag.atik.10m.flux cflag.atik.10m.flux
alev.atik.10m.flux blev.atik.10m.flux
u.atik.15m.flux v.atik.15m.flux w.atik.15m.flux tc.atik.15m.flux t.15m.flux
uflag.atik.15m.flux vflag.atik.15m.flux wflag.atik.15m.flux tcflag.atik.15m.flux
alev.atik.15m.flux blev.atik.15m.flux
h2o.vais.10m.flux t.vais.10m.flux rh.vais.10m.flux
h2o.AIR.10m.flux t.AIR.10m.flux rh.AIR.10m.flux ref.AA.10m.flux

cpc1.seat cpc2.seat
boomdir.seat ontower.seat clearsky.seat

prop & psyc towers
u.prop.2.5m v.prop.2.5m u.prop.5m v.prop.5m
u.prop.7.5m v.prop.7.5m u.prop.10m v.prop.10m
u.prop.12.5m v.prop.12.5m u.prop.15m v.prop.15m
tdry.psyc.2.5m rh.psyc.2.5m tdry.psyc.5m rh.psyc.5m
tdry.psyc.7.5m rh.psyc.7.5m tdry.psyc.10m rh.psyc.10m
tdry.psyc.12.5m rh.psyc.12.5m tdry.psyc.15m rh.psyc.15m

radiation & soil
psp.in.rad psp.out.rad
pyg.in.rad pyg.in.dome pyg.in.case
pyg.out.rad pyg.out.dome pyg.out.case
net.rad T.srfc.rad
sky.par E.can.par W.can.par
1cm.Tsoil.duff 3cm.Tsoil.duff 5cm.Tsoil.duff 7cm.Tsoil.duff
1cm.Tsoil.leaf 3cm.Tsoil.leaf 5cm.Tsoil.leaf 7cm.Tsoil.leaf
lodead.Tsoil.tree hidead.Tsoil.tree lolive.Tsoil.tree hilive.Tsoil.tree
T.marigold T.cosmos T.daisy

Daily plots

The daily weather plots presented in the appendix are: The values plotted for temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall, wind speed and direction, net radiation and surface heat flux and cloud water content parameters are 5 minute averages, while the values plotted for the sensible heat flux, the latent heat flux, Z/L and u* are 20 minute averages.

The plots are listed according to Julian day

217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267

Last Modified: 11:10pm MDT, July 03, 1996