METCRAX: Logbook

METCRAX: Chronological Logbook Entries

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
196 Fri 05-Sep-2008Cable Added; Memory Sticks swapped
195 Wed 03-Sep-2008Last comparison Test....maybe
194 Tue 02-Sep-2008Net Rad Testing Continuedaster
193 Mon 05-May-2008New Round of Q7 testing
192 Mon 05-May-2008Q7 Test Screw-Up
191 Thu 17-Apr-2008New Nrads out at MarshallSemmer
190 Wed 02-Apr-2008New Q7saster
189 Wed 12-Mar-2008Post Q7 testsAllSemmer
188 Thu 09-Aug-2007Qsoil adjustmentsAllOncley
187 Wed 08-Aug-2007gravimetric summaryAllOncley
186 Wed 23-May-2007Change of Qsoil calibration to mineral soilAllHorst
185 Tue 15-May-2007Horizontal Rnet at wl had wrong coefficientsWest_LowerSemmer
184 Tue 01-May-2007magnetic declinationAllHorst
183 Mon 23-Apr-2007Radiometer maintenance by SebastianAllHoch
182 Mon 09-Apr-2007Licor shadowband sensorsAllSemmer
181 Wed 27-Dec-2006Prop vane has been quality controlledAllaster
180 Wed 27-Dec-2006Rlw has been quality controlled excluding the rfd tower on floorAllaster
178 Tue 26-Dec-2006Tsfc.pyrg has been quality controlledAllaster
177 Tue 26-Dec-2006Tsurf has been quality controlledAllaster
176 Tue 26-Dec-2006Rdiff mostly quality controlledAllaster
175 Tue 26-Dec-2006Rsw has been quality controlledAllaster
174 Tue 26-Dec-2006Rnet is mostly quality controlledAllaster
173 Fri 22-Dec-2006co2 at sw is quality controlledSouthwestaster
172 Fri 22-Dec-2006Soil are quality controlledAllaster
171 Thu 21-Dec-2006TRH is quality controlledAllaster
170 Tue 19-Dec-2006Krypton is Quality ControlledAllaster
169 Mon 18-Dec-2006Sonic boom anglesAllaster
168 Fri 15-Dec-2006Sonic tilt plotsAllaster
167 Fri 15-Dec-2006Barometer is quality controlledAllaster
166 Mon 20-Nov-2006merge and new 5 minute statisticsAllMaclean
165 Fri 03-Nov-2006eu teardownEast_UpperOncley
164 Fri 03-Nov-2006el teardownEast_LowerOncley
163 Fri 03-Nov-2006flr teardownFloorOncley
162 Wed 01-Nov-2006RFD testRFDOncley
161 Wed 01-Nov-2006flr TP01FloorOncley
160 Wed 01-Nov-2006wl teardownWest_LowerOncley
159 Wed 01-Nov-2006wu teardownWest_UpperOncley
158 Tue 31-Oct-2006Daily Status 10/31/06Oncley
157 Tue 31-Oct-2006TRH S/NHorst
156 Tue 31-Oct-2006sw teardownSouthwestOncley
155 Mon 30-Oct-2006flr TP01 never hooked upFloorOncley
154 Mon 30-Oct-2006radiometer [post posting]Horst
153 Mon 30-Oct-2006Daily Status 10/30/06Oncley
152 Sun 29-Oct-2006rad measurementsAllOncley
151 Sun 29-Oct-2006Daily Status 10/29/06Semmer
150 Sun 29-Oct-2006Rim sonic boom angleRimSemmer
149 Sat 28-Oct-2006Daily Status 10/28/06AllOncley
148 Sat 28-Oct-2006Rnet slope anglesAllSemmer
147 Sat 28-Oct-2006upload data from SWSouthwestSemmer
146 Fri 27-Oct-2006rim boom anglesRimOncley
145 Fri 27-Oct-2006Daily Status 10/27/06Oncley
144 Fri 27-Oct-2006soil reinstallationAllSemmer
143 Fri 27-Oct-2006Soloar panel shutdown on SHT sensorsFloorSemmer
142 Fri 27-Oct-2006Prop at rimRimSemmer
141 Thu 26-Oct-2006generator-spikeSouthwestOncley
140 Thu 26-Oct-2006PROP change at rimRimSemmer
139 Thu 26-Oct-2006Daily status 10/26/06Oncley
138 Thu 26-Oct-2006logger change at ELEast_LowerSemmer
137 Wed 25-Oct-2006Daily status 10/25/06Oncley
136 Wed 25-Oct-2006el logger died againEast_LowerOncley
135 Wed 25-Oct-2006SHT.0.5m adjustmentFloorSemmer
134 Wed 25-Oct-2006SHT 5m back on the airFloorSemmer
133 Wed 25-Oct-2006TRH orderEast_LowerOncley
132 Wed 25-Oct-2006krypton kleanEast_UpperOncley
131 Wed 25-Oct-2006krypton kleanEast_LowerOncley
130 Wed 25-Oct-2006krypton kleanWest_UpperOncley
129 Wed 25-Oct-2006krypton kleanWest_LowerOncley
128 Wed 25-Oct-2006krypton kleanFloorOncley
127 Wed 25-Oct-2006Prop test at RimRimSemmer
126 Wed 25-Oct-2006TRH.sht.5m deadFloorSemmer
125 Tue 24-Oct-2006Daily Status 10/24/06Oncley
124 Tue 24-Oct-20062.8m(?) prop at rimRimSemmer
123 Tue 24-Oct-2006logger wires brokeEast_UpperOncley
122 Tue 24-Oct-2006RF interference testOncley
121 Tue 24-Oct-2006Battery change at logger ELEast_LowerSemmer
120 Tue 24-Oct-2006.5m sonic down at ELEast_LowerSemmer
119 Tue 24-Oct-2006Prop head replaced at rimRimSemmer
118 Tue 24-Oct-2006sonic replacement at rimRimSemmer
117 Mon 23-Oct-2006Daily status 10/23/06Oncley
116 Sun 22-Oct-2006data downloads at all crater sitesOncley
115 Sun 22-Oct-2006site visit (mast down)RimOncley
114 Sun 22-Oct-2006testing of PSU 376RimOncley
113 Sun 22-Oct-2006Daily Status 10/22/06Oncley
112 Sat 21-Oct-2006XML floor changedFloorSemmer
111 Sat 21-Oct-2006SHT output changeFloorSemmer
110 Sat 21-Oct-2006Now have 2 Pocketec copies of dataBaseOncley
109 Sat 21-Oct-2006wl.0.5m sonic upWest_LowerOncley
108 Sat 21-Oct-2006gravimetric measurementsOncley
107 Sat 21-Oct-2006SHT dataFloorSemmer
106 Sat 21-Oct-2006SHT probesFloorSemmer
105 Fri 20-Oct-2006TRH fans swappedFloorOncley
104 Fri 20-Oct-2006Re-installed rim sonicRimOncley
103 Fri 20-Oct-2006swapped wl.0.5m sonicWest_LowerOncley
102 Fri 20-Oct-2006downloaded all site data todayAllOncley
101 Fri 20-Oct-2006sht RH calibration problemFloorOncley
100 Fri 20-Oct-2006sonic tiltsOncley
99 Thu 19-Oct-2006Daily status 10/19/06Oncley
98 Wed 18-Oct-2006how to upload local data storage to aster and calculate covarsAllHorst
97 Wed 18-Oct-2006uploaded data from sw and rimAllHorst
96 Wed 18-Oct-2006purged *200609* (september) data files from /dataAllHorst
95 Wed 18-Oct-2006Daily status, 10/18/06AllHorst
94 Tue 17-Oct-2006Daily status 10/17/06AllHorst
93 Tue 17-Oct-2006CSAT configutrationsAllHorst
92 Tue 17-Oct-2006shortcut commands for the adamsAllHorst
91 Tue 17-Oct-2006restarting statsproc on adamsAllHorst
90 Tue 17-Oct-2006No netcdf file entries since yesterdayAllHorst
89 Tue 17-Oct-2006Replaced inverter at the repeater siteRepeaterHorst
88 Mon 16-Oct-2006Recycled power on repeater inverter againRepeaterHorst
87 Mon 16-Oct-2006Daily status, 10/16/06AllHorst
86 Mon 16-Oct-2006Repeater down again; fixedRepeaterHorst
85 Mon 16-Oct-2006Fixed RFD configurationFloorHorst
84 Sun 15-Oct-2006isff9 diskAllMartin
83 Sun 15-Oct-2006spare inverterBaseMartin
82 Sun 15-Oct-2006dirtBaseMartin
81 Sun 15-Oct-2006network restored at euEast_UpperMartin
80 Sun 15-Oct-2006Retrieved local data storage from all sitesAllHorst
79 Sun 15-Oct-2006Boom heights, anglesAllHorst
78 Sun 15-Oct-2006restarted adamsAllMartin
77 Sun 15-Oct-2006repeater upRepeaterMartin
76 Sun 15-Oct-2006Daily status, 10/15/06AllHorst
75 Sun 15-Oct-2006Repeater down RepeaterHorst
74 Sun 15-Oct-2006Refueled generator, fuel leakBaseHorst
73 Sat 14-Oct-2006Daily status, 10/14/06AllHorst
72 Sat 14-Oct-2006sw sensor serial numbersSouthwestHorst
71 Sat 14-Oct-2006rim sensor serial numbersRimHorst
70 Fri 13-Oct-2006el sensor serial numbersEast_LowerMartin
69 Fri 13-Oct-2006eu sensor serial numbersEast_UpperMartin
68 Fri 13-Oct-2006flr sensor serial numbersFloorMartin
67 Fri 13-Oct-2006wl sensor serial numbersWest_LowerMartin
66 Fri 13-Oct-2006wu sensor serial numbersWest_UpperMartin
65 Fri 13-Oct-2006Daily status, 10/13/06AllHorst
64 Fri 13-Oct-2006Daily status, 10/12/06AllHorst
63 Fri 13-Oct-2006Daily status, 10/11/06AllHorst
62 Thu 12-Oct-2006Downloaded local data storage AllHorst
61 Thu 12-Oct-2006Tried to fix the problem with the 3 m RH at euEast_UpperHorst
60 Thu 12-Oct-2006Tried to fix the RH at 3m elEast_LowerHorst
59 Thu 12-Oct-2006Fixed Tcase.out at elEast_LowerHorst
58 Thu 12-Oct-2006crater networking restoredAllMartin
57 Thu 12-Oct-2006crater networking down AllMartin
56 Wed 11-Oct-2006slow sensor means improvedAllMartin
55 Wed 11-Oct-2006changed ncserver config on all systemsAllMartin
54 Wed 11-Oct-2006refueld generatorBaseMartin
53 Wed 11-Oct-2006configuration corrected for RFD tower at flr; dsm restartedFloorMartin
52 Wed 11-Oct-2006TRH007 installed at wuWest_LowerHorst
51 Mon 09-Oct-2006Daily status, 10/9/06AllHorst
50 Mon 09-Oct-2006krypton changed at flrFloorMartin
49 Sun 08-Oct-2006sw down from ~20UTC to 23UTC 08 OctSouthwestMartin
48 Sun 08-Oct-2006Daily Status 10/7/06AllHorst
47 Sun 08-Oct-2006Plugged in Tsurface at swSouthwestHorst
46 Sun 08-Oct-2006Installed CSAT sn 0378 at swSouthwestHorst
45 Sun 08-Oct-2006data_stats bad at wl, restarted wlWest_LowerMartin
44 Sat 07-Oct-2006krypton calibrations entered in configuration filesBaseMartin
43 Sat 07-Oct-2006Brought spare etherant antenna to baseBaseHorst
42 Sat 07-Oct-2006Searched for Voller inlet tubeAllHorst
41 Sat 07-Oct-2006Tightened terminals in 50y data logger at euEast_LowerHorst
40 Sat 07-Oct-2006Tightened terminals in 50y data logger at elEast_LowerHorst
39 Sat 07-Oct-2006Swapped usb local storaqeAllHorst
38 Sat 07-Oct-2006Installed sonic s/n 0673 at 0.5m, wlWest_LowerHorst
37 Sat 07-Oct-2006station visit wu; removed 1.5m TRHWest_UpperHorst
36 Sat 07-Oct-2006Daily status, 10/7/06AllHorst
35 Fri 06-Oct-20060.5m sonic removed from wl.West_LowerMartin
34 Fri 06-Oct-20061.5m TRH reinstalled at wlWest_LowerMartin
33 Fri 06-Oct-2006gps fixed at wlWest_LowerMartin
32 Fri 06-Oct-2006krypton serial numbers and calibration coefficientsAllMartin
31 Fri 06-Oct-2006all systems doing local stats; network is happyAllMartin
30 Fri 06-Oct-2006statsproc dies when network jamsAllMartin
28 Fri 06-Oct-2006sonic and krypton removed from rimRimMartin
27 Fri 06-Oct-2006spare etherant locatedAllMartin
26 Fri 06-Oct-2006etherant reset and flr restartedFloorMartin
25 Fri 06-Oct-2006Sensor QC inventoryAllHorst
24 Fri 06-Oct-2006wu restartedWest_UpperMartin
23 Fri 06-Oct-2006rim restartedRimMartin
22 Fri 06-Oct-2006radiometers cleanedRFDHoch
21 Fri 06-Oct-2006radiometers cleanedFloorHoch
20 Fri 06-Oct-2006radiometers cleanedEast_UpperHoch
19 Fri 06-Oct-2006radiometers cleanedEast_LowerHoch
18 Fri 06-Oct-2006Daily status 10/6/06AllHorst
17 Fri 06-Oct-2006Some stations quit last nightAllHorst
16 Thu 05-Oct-2006kh2o statistics not being computedAllMartin
15 Thu 05-Oct-2006limited statistics enabled for crater systemsAllMartin
14 Thu 05-Oct-2006Rnet and Tsurface at swSouthwestHorst
13 Thu 05-Oct-2006Logger fixed for rimRimMartin
12 Thu 05-Oct-2006Enabled data transmission from rimRimHorst
11 Thu 05-Oct-2006current data_statsAllHorst
10 Thu 05-Oct-2006Daily status 10/5/06AllHorst
9 Thu 05-Oct-2006Stopped and started flr adamFloorHorst
8 Thu 05-Oct-2006Fuel cellFloorHorst
7 Thu 05-Oct-2006Moved 1.5 m TRH to 0.5 m at wlWest_LowerHorst
6 Thu 05-Oct-2006Fixed 1.5 m TRH at wuWest_UpperHorst
5 Thu 05-Oct-2006Swapped usb data mediaAllHorst
4 Tue 03-Oct-2006Measured prop vane boom angleSouthwestHorst
3 Tue 03-Oct-2006Installed net radiometerSouthwestHorst
2 Mon 02-Oct-2006sonics at 20 HzAllHorst
1 Sun 01-Oct-2006Logbook creatednoneaster

196: , Site , Fri 05-Sep-2008 08:30:25 MDT, Cable Added; Memory Sticks swapped
September 4, 2008

~5:00 - ~5:45pm MDT

Chris installed the cable from Q91096 to logger.  Swapped memory sticks.  Did
notice the old memory stick was not responding.  Tried rebooting and blinked 
then shutdown.  [shrug]  When I switched sticks the new one seemed to respond 
195: , Site , Wed 03-Sep-2008 08:56:06 MDT, Last comparison Test....maybe
September 2, 2008

4:17 - 5:25pm MDT

Chris re-did the WL's comparison.  Noticed that Q91096 has an Aster connector on it so it was not plugged into the Campbell box.  I have loaded all the codes to the Campbell logger.  The platform is now on solar panels.


194: Radiometers, Site , Tue 02-Sep-2008 11:59:19 MDT, Net Rad Testing Continued
August 29, 2008

3:14 - 3:51pm MDT

Chris fixed Net Rad. testing site.  Noticed that wrong Net Rads.  One of the Q7s is part of ISS'.  Will not be able to test that one this week.  I will come back to the site and do a re-test on WL.
193: , Site , Mon 05-May-2008 17:36:00 MDT, New Round of Q7 testing
May 5, 2008

2:40 - 4:37pm MDT

Chris replaced new Net Rads (East Upper) on testing array out at Marshall.  New Net Rads are:  Q94125 and Q97069(horz).
192: , Site , Mon 05-May-2008 11:12:24 MDT, Q7 Test Screw-Up
May 5, 2008

11:12 am MDT

Noticed with post-testing out at Marshall that test on West Lower was incorrect.
Q91096 was not tested.  Sensor that took it's place and with wrong coefficients
was sensor Q91069.  East Upper sensor Q91069 will be tested with EU and WL's 
Q91096 will be re-tested. 


191: Radiometers, Site , Thu 17-Apr-2008 17:10:47 MDT, New Nrads out at Marshall
April 18, 2008

2:40 - 4:18 MDT

Chris installed new Net Rads to testing platform.  Now testing East Lowers.

Q97035 (East) and Q90076 (West/Horz.).

New coeff. installed.

190: , Site , Wed 02-Apr-2008 11:35:25 MDT, New Q7s
April 2, 2008

10:12 - 10:49am MDT

Replaced West Upper sonics with West Lower sonics.  [Slope at METCRAX] Q91069 
(on East of horse / plugged into Tsurf) and [Horizontal at METCRAX] Q94197 (West on horse / plugged into Horz Q7).

New coefficients are as follows:

Mode 4 

6 = East/Slope Pos coef
7 = East/Slope Neg coef
8 = West/Horz. Pos coef
9 = West/Horz. Neg coef

189: Radiometers, Site All, Wed 12-Mar-2008 07:41:07 MDT, Post Q7 tests
Dave Whiteman asked if we could do some follow-up tests on the Q7 sensors
because data analysis of the horizontal Q7s deployed on the slopes is
Out at Marshall, a 4 component radiation system has been deployed along with
three Q7 units. The 4 component system along with the center Q7 is the same
system deployed at the floor site of METCRAX. The 2 other Q7s are from west
upper. The west upper sensors are evenly spaced between the 4-comp and the
end of the dark horse.
The plan is to rotate in the other Q7 units over the next 3 to 4 weeks
depending on sky conditions.

Test 1:  East-Q94196, WestQ97034, CentralQ99258

188: Soil, Site All, Thu 09-Aug-2007 15:51:48 MDT, Qsoil adjustments
Based on the manual measurements (gravimetric+TRIME) in the previous entry,
I've adjusted biases on the Qsoil measurements, which match to within typically
1%.  Note that we don't have enough variability in the manual measurements to
determine if the slope should be corrected:

flr	no correction
el	+5%
wl	+4%
eu	+5%
wu	+5%
rim	no correction
sw	-5%

187: Soil, Site All, Wed 08-Aug-2007 16:24:39 MDT, gravimetric summary
Here is my reduction of the manual soil measurements:

Site	Date	Time	Rho	Grav	Rho*Grav	Trime
			g/cm3	%	%vol		%vol
flr	10/21	1315	1.128	5.5	6.2		-
eu	10/21	1332	1.496	3.5	5.2		-
wu	10/22	1502	1.111	3.0	3.3		5.7
wl	10/22	1517	1.317	1.3	1.7		2.2
el	10/22	1540	1.167	1.0	1.2		3.7
eu	10/22	1555	1.927	3.8	7.3		8.2
rim	10/24	1600	1.553	4.6	7.1		4.3
sw	10/24	1700	1.481	10.5	14.9		13.4
wu	10/26	1154					5.4
wl	10/26	1210					2.9
flr	10/26	1224					6.6
el	10/26	1237					3.0
eu	10/26	1253					6.3
rim	10/30	1500					3.4

186: Soil, Site All, Wed 23-May-2007 12:02:35 MDT, Change of Qsoil calibration to mineral soil
Alan suggests changing the Qsoil calibration from 
Qsoil = 0.000695*Vqsoil(mV) - .29
to that for mineral soils, which is
Qsoil = 0.00119 * Vqsoil - .401.

Thus the archived data should be changed by = 1.7122 * Q.old + 0.0955

[Actually, this is wrong -- this is for Qsoil as a fraction, but we save Qsoil
in %.  Thus, the correction should be: = 1.7122*Q.old + 9.55....Steve O.]

[Furthermore, this appears to be a misread of the Ech2o manual.  I believe that
the top equation is correct for the EC-20 probes that we used (in any soil).
Nevertheless, I've adjusted biases based on manual measurements -- see later
comments...Steve O.]

185: Radiometers, Site West_Lower, Tue 15-May-2007 15:02:51 MDT, Horizontal Rnet at wl had wrong coefficients
I decided to use west lower as the radiation system for CHATS and did a check 
of the coefficients. I notice an error in the values used for the horizontal Q7.They had coefficients of 8.57 (+) and 10.53(-). The values should have been 
9 (+) and 11.22 (-). I am assuming that the Q7 locations were not changed 
during setup. 

184: Sonic, Site All, Tue 01-May-2007 16:52:41 MDT, magnetic declination
I set up the data_scope with a declination of 12.2 degrees E, but found from 
the NOAA web site that the declination is 11 deg 24 min or 11.4 deg E
183: Radiometers, Site All, Mon 23-Apr-2007 15:07:08 MDT, Radiometer maintenance by Sebastian
Here are Sebastian's collected notes:

radiometer cleaning:

10/07/2006 15:21-15:31 cleaned RFD tower instruments

10/07/2006 15:27-15:29 cleaned 4-component radiometers floor, not net

10/08/2006 06:51 cleaned 4-component radiometers floor, not net,
condensation on sw_in.

10/10/2006 14:48 cleaned 4-component radiometers floor, not net

10/15/2006 10:55 adjusted levelling of net radiometer sw

10/18/2006 15:08 cleaned RFD tower instruments. Re-adjusted level of 0.5 m
boom, other booms OK. Checked shadowbands rim and floor.

10/26/2006 16:05 cleaned 4-component radiometers floor.

10/26/2006 16:10 cleaned RFD tower instruments on 0.5 m and 2 m booms.

10/28/2006 13:42-1354 cleaned RFD tower instruments.

Shadowband mainentance:

10/11/2006 13:15 adjusted shadowband rim (Barringer point). Licor sensor
1/3 exposed to direct.

10/11/2006 13:42 adjusted shadowband floor, very thin edge of Licor
exposed to direct.

10/15/2006 11:53 checked shadowband rim. slight correction, Licor not
exposed to direct.

10/15/2006 15:43 checked shadowband floor. slight correction, Licor not
exposed to direct, re-adjusted levelling of Licor, levelled net.

10/18/2006 15:08 Checked shadowbands rim and floor.

10/28/2006 13:15 adjusted shadowband rim (Barringer point), no direct on

10/28/2006 13:40 adjusted shadowband floor, no direct on Licor.

182: Radiometers, Site All, Mon 09-Apr-2007 14:08:40 MDT, Licor shadowband sensors
During METCRAX 2 Licor pyranometers were used in a shadowband mode at the rim
site and the floor site. These sensors were sent back to Licor for
calibrations after the project. Below are the results of those calibrations.
During the calibration Licor noticed a scratch on the diffuser of PY7122.They
went ahead and repaired the sensor before any calibration. This resulted in
a major calibration change for this sensor. Therefore, the pre-project
calibration should be used for this sensor.

sensor     PRE        POST
PY7122    -134.97     -104.34    (new diffuser for post)
PY108335  -103.88     -104.34

181: Prop_Vane, Site All, Wed 27-Dec-2006 21:04:59 MST, Prop vane has been quality controlled
The prop vane has been quality controlled

1. Dir and Spd for sw, everything ok
2. Dir.10m.rim had to fix boom angle for a short period and removed data for the mast down.

note: data was also removed for mast down on the krypton and csat at rim
180: Radiometers, Site All, Wed 27-Dec-2006 20:31:14 MST, Rlw has been quality controlled excluding the rfd tower on floor
The Rlw has been quality controlled excluding the rfd tower on floor

1. had a bad Rpile for a little bit and had a little data removed when the sensor was disconnected, everything else ok.
2. Rlw.out: Rlw.out.el had data removed because of a bad Tcase. Rlw.out.flr had a random outlier removed and had some bad data removed when the sensor was disconnected. Everything else ok.
178: Radiometers, Site All, Tue 26-Dec-2006 18:37:29 MST, Tsfc.pyrg has been quality controlled
Tsfc.pyrg has been quality controlled

1. Everything is ok, only removed one outlier at Tsfc.pyrg.el
177: Data, Site All, Tue 26-Dec-2006 18:27:46 MST, Tsurf has been quality controlled
Tsurf has been quality controlled

1. Tsurf.sw doesn't work until oct. 8
2. Removed outlier at Tsurf.flr and some data at the end of
3. Everything else ok.
176: Radiometers, Site All, Tue 26-Dec-2006 18:14:15 MST, Rdiff mostly quality controlled
Most of Rdiff is quality controlled

1. When sebastian adjusted sensors on 10/11 at ~13:00, readings changed 
2. Removed a spike from Rdiff.flr
3. Everything else ok
175: Radiometers, Site All, Tue 26-Dec-2006 17:16:19 MST, Rsw has been quality controlled
The short wave radiation has been quality controlled

1., some outliers removed, but everything else ok
2. Rsw.out, some outliers removed for Rsw.out.flr, but everything else ok

174: Radiometers, Site All, Tue 26-Dec-2006 16:14:06 MST, Rnet is mostly quality controlled
The Rnet is mostly quality controlled except for changing the cal coefficients
on the sw (and wl.hor) site.

1. Rnet.flr had little data removed because of an outlier and releveling, 
2. had some bad data when the sensor was disconnected
3. Rnet.sw, in addition to the bad cal coefficient, there was some bad data 
before the sensor was hooked up, releveling, and flipping over to read cal 
4. Everything else ok

TWH, 5/15/07:  See logbook entry 185, Rnet.hor.wl also had wrong coefficients. 

173: Data, Site Southwest, Fri 22-Dec-2006 17:05:53 MST, co2 at sw is quality controlled
The licor-7500 has been quality controlled, it consisted of removing bad data during rain and everythin else was ok.
172: Soil, Site All, Fri 22-Dec-2006 14:11:08 MST, Soil are quality controlled
Soils have been quality controlled

1. Gsoil, note: Gsoil.flr had some bad data removed at the beginning of project, Gsoil.rim had some bad data glitches around Oct. 25, everything else is ok.
2. Tsoil, note: Tsoil.flr had some bad data removed at the beginnin gof project,
everything else ok except some random outliers removed.
3. Qsoil, note: need to apply new mineral soil calibrations to replace factory
calibrations; most of the data is ok except there are glitches in Qsoil.rim 
after Oct.24, removed a fair amount of data.
4.Cvsoil.flr dead entire project ok
  Cvsoil.el ok
  Cvsoil.rim ok
  Cvsoil.wl ok
  Cvsoil.wu ok
  Cvsoil.sw ok

171: TRH, Site All, Thu 21-Dec-2006 18:59:30 MST, TRH is quality controlled
TRH has been quality controlled

1. T.flr and T.sht: ok
2. RH.flr and RH.sht, RH.sht shoots up to ~150-200% when temp. gets too cold.
3., note: had to remove a lot of data on 1.5m, 3m, and 5m, the 3m required most removal of data. Sensors were "ratty".
4. ok
5. T.el: note: had to remove some data from T.5m, T.8.5m, T.1.5m, and the most from T.3m
6. RH.el: note: RH.5m was bad after Oct.6, had to remove some data from RH.3m 
and 8.5m.
7. T.sw, ok
8. RH.sw, ok, was consistantly higher than rim, not sure if ok, but probably is
9. T.rim, ok
10. RH.rim, ok
11. T.wu, note: everything ok except T.1.5m was bad and was replaced OCt.10
12. RH.wu, note: everyting ok except some bad data at RH.1.5m from sep. 23 -
sept. 27, also removed a little data for RH.1.5m.
13. T.wl, everything ok except removal of a little data when replaced T.0.5m with T.1.5m on oct. 4.
14. RH.wl everything ok except removal of a little data when replaced T.0.5m with T.1.5m on oct.4.

170: KH2O, Site All, Tue 19-Dec-2006 19:41:27 MST, Krypton is Quality Controlled
All the kryptons have been quality controlled.
This includes removal of rain dropouts, cleanings, malfunctioning sensor,
and sensor replacement.

169: Sonic, Site All, Mon 18-Dec-2006 12:18:55 MST, Sonic boom angles
The sonic boom angles were entered on metcrax.q.
168: Sonic, Site All, Fri 15-Dec-2006 14:23:15 MST, Sonic tilt plots
The sonic tilt plots are now available for viewing on the METCRAX website.
167: Barometers, Site All, Fri 15-Dec-2006 14:19:27 MST, Barometer is quality controlled
I have QCed the barometers.
I have created a cal file for wu named P.2m.wu under dir METCRAX/ISFF/cal_files/P.2m.wu. Included are the removal of random dropouts of the data.
Everything else looks good at all stations.
166: Data, Site All, Mon 20-Nov-2006 15:57:44 MST, merge and new 5 minute statistics
The METCRAX dataset has been merged from
the separate flr_*,el_*, etc files into
isff_YYmmdd_HHMMSS.dat files.

The 5 minute statistics have been re-computed.  All
the data in $ISFF/projects/METCRAX/ISFF/netcdf is
from the new run.

Known issues:
   The nidas code can't yet do time-dependent calibrations
   so the wrong cal coefficients were used at floor
   and rim for some periods.

floor:  krypton 1101 was at 2m initially, then replaced on Oct 9
   by #1397.  New statistics used the cal coeff for 1397 for
   the entire project. Therefore the kh2o.2m data up to Oct 9
   was computed with the wrong coefficients. 

rim: krypton 1397 was initially at rim.  It was removed on Oct 9
  and then on Oct 20, 1394 was installed at rim.
  New statistics were computed with 1397 cal coefs for the
  entire time.  Therefore the kh2o.3m data after Oct 9 was
  computed with the wrong coefficients.
165: LOG, Site East_Upper, Fri 03-Nov-2006 21:14:50 MST, eu teardown
Serial numbers from today's teardown of eu:	15571	31975
PSP.out	17414
PYG.out	31981
Tsurf	3577-1
Rnet-parallel	Q94125
Rnet-horiz	Q97069
Gsoil	H993561
Tsoil	NCAR002
TP01	200242
logger	9862

0.5m	CSAT	1123	TRH	6
1.5m	CSAT	364	TRH	7
5m	CSAT	1121	TRH	8	KH2O	1525
8.5m	CSAT	1124	TRH	9
GPS	71919535

164: LOG, Site East_Lower, Fri 03-Nov-2006 21:11:38 MST, el teardown
Serial numbers from today's teardown of el:	16714	26416
PSP.out	17627
PYG.out	29260
Tsurf	3577-4
Rnet-parallel	Q97035
Rnet-horiz	20076
Gsoil	H013390	(pretty shallow -- only 3cm?)
Tsoil	STP97001
TP01	200235
logger	east lower	9864

[remaining numbers recorded by Kurt]

0.5m	CSAT	
1.5m	CSAT	
5m	CSAT	
8.5m	CSAT	

163: LOG, Site Floor, Fri 03-Nov-2006 21:06:56 MST, flr teardown
Serial numbers from yesterday's teardown of flr:	KZ970378	KZ030676
PSP.out	KZ940187
PYG.out	KZ040740
Tsurf	3577-2
Rnet-horiz	Q99258
Shadowband	PY7122
Gsoil	H993562	(appeared to be installed deeper -- about 10cm)
Tsoil	STP97003
TP01	200239
logger	floor	5,12177

0.5m	CSAT	671	SHT	1
1.5m	CSAT	537	SHT	2	KH20	1397
5m	CSAT	800	SHT	4
8.5m	CSAT	540
Bridge	J
162: Radiometers, Site RFD, Wed 01-Nov-2006 16:33:58 MST, RFD test
About 1100 yesterday, we removed the upper RFD sensors.  Later that day,
Sebastian moved all of them to the same height (~1.5m) for an intercomparison
experiment.  This will end when we shut down flr tomorrow.

161: Soil, Site Floor, Wed 01-Nov-2006 16:31:39 MST, flr TP01
At about 0900 yesterday, I removed the TP01 cabling from sw.
At about 1030 yesterday, I reinstalled it in flr's logger and we started getting
data for the first time.  The values appear to be consistent, so I think this
will give values that can be applied back to the 6 Oct rain event.

160: LOG, Site West_Lower, Wed 01-Nov-2006 16:29:06 MST, wl teardown
West upper was torn down between ~1230-1500.

Serial numbers are:	16945	29136
PSP.out	16107
Pyg.out	27907
Tsurf	3577-3
Rnet parallel	91096
Rnet horizontal	Q94197
Gsoil	H983213
Tsoil	STP94017
TP01	200236
Logger "West Upper" 1829

0.5m	CSAT	367
1.5m	CSAT	366
3m	CSAT	1119
	Kh2o	1391
5m	CSAT	1117
8.5m	CSAT	674 [*** has loose hardware in electronics box!! *****]
Bridge	F

159: LOG, Site West_Upper, Wed 01-Nov-2006 16:25:10 MST, wu teardown
West upper was torn down between ~0930-1200.

Serial numbers are:	15108	29137
PSP.out	26224
Pyg.out	31979
Tsurf	3577-6
Rnet parallel	Q94196
Rnet horizontal	Q97034
Gsoil	H993563
Tsoil	NCAR001
TP01	200240
Logger "West Upper" 9868

0.5m	CSAT	377
1.5m	CSAT	536
3m	CSAT	1122
	Kh2o	1395
5m	CSAT	677
Bridge	E

158: Daily_Status, Site , Tue 31-Oct-2006 13:00:08 MST, Daily Status 10/31/06
10/31/06: A final quick summary:

On site: Steve Oncley, Kurt Knudson, Chris Golubieski.  We expect AJ to arrive

IOP#7 ended with a whimper.  3 of Dave's people spent the night in the crater,
but only got 9 soundings with one tethersonde (as opposed to over 100 with 3
sondes during earlier IOPs) because of high winds.  Our tower data didn't see
drainage flows develop.

Dave has now declared the end of operations.  He has spent the morning tearing
out many of his "Hobos" and the 3 who were in the crater have been packing up
their tent.

Thus, ISFF has started teardown.  sw is completely down and packed now.  We also
went into the crater this morning and helped Sebastian start to remove sensors
from the radiative flux divergence tower at floor.  [While there, we also 
installed TP01 cabling in "flr"'s logger to be able to get 2 days of Csoil

Our understanding is that Lou was going to start dismantling the ISS radiosonde
system after this morning's 9AM sounding was complete.

Minor problem:
For the second day in a row, "covar" crashed on wl causing missing values in last night's web plots.  restarting the adam data collection worked to get the
values updated again.  Local storage of raw data appears to have been continuous
(no data were lost).

157: TRH, Site , Tue 31-Oct-2006 12:45:52 MST, TRH S/N
TRH serial numbers determined from data files sfx_20061015120000.dat,
where sfx = flr, el, wu, etc.

dsm=1, flr:
s=1004: TRH701
s=1014: TRH702
s=1024: TRH005
s=1034: TRH006

dsm=2, el:
s=1004: TRH204

dsm=3, wl:
s=1004: TRH704 (after 18:24 UTC 10/4/06
s=1014: TRH004 (after 20:06 UTC 10/6/06; TRH704 until 18:00 UTC 10/4/06)
s=1024: TRH104
s=1034: TRH502
s=1044: TRH101

dsm=4, eu:
no TRH at this site

dsm=5, wu:
s=1004: TRH703
s=1014: TRH007
s=1024: TRH008
s=1034: TRH001

dsm=6, rim:
s=1004: TRH206

dsm=7, sw:
s=1004: TRH003

156: LOG, Site Southwest, Tue 31-Oct-2006 12:40:50 MST, sw teardown
We've just torn down sw.

Kurt's list of serial numbers:
adam #13
baro 0610002 B5
GPS HAO 71965232
terrabeam H 00-20-F6-05-2485
RMY 00318
CSAT 0378
LiCOR LI7500 75H-0813
TRH ? (old aster prop housing)
CR10x southwest (SODAR) S/N 9866
TP01 200241
Tsoil NCAR003
Rnet Q06094
Tsurf IRT 4078-3
HFT H013391
Soil M - none

155: Soil, Site Floor, Mon 30-Oct-2006 16:20:31 MST, flr TP01 never hooked up
We have just discovered that the wiring to the Amp connector inside the logger
box for the TP01 is completely missing, thus we have never acquired data from
this sensor for METCRAX.  My guess is that the wiring might have been removed
from this box to fix another box during either TREX or CuPIDO and never 
replaced.  We plan to put another logger box at this site tomorrow and thus
get 2 days of good data before flr's teardown.

154: Radiometers, Site , Mon 30-Oct-2006 11:09:53 MST, radiometer [post posting]
On September 28, Dave Whiteman requested the re-orientation of  five
sawhorses -- floor, lower and upper east, and lower and upper west. The
remaining two were not adjusted -- the rim and the sodar site. The floor
sawhorse was moved to the northeast to reduce reflections from the salt
pan that was to the south of its original position. Adjustments to the
slope sawhorses were made as follows. First, we oriented the sawhorse
rails to an azimuth angle parallel to the fall line of the crater
sidewalls above the site, considering the fall line on a large scale
that was representative of the crater as a whole (i.e, ignoring any
local topography under the sawhorse). Secondly, we adjusted the
inclination angle of the rail so that it was parallel to the general
slope of the sidewall at that elevation, ignoring any local wrinkles in
the underlying topography. Thus, we think that the radiometers on the
sawhorses are now oriented so that they are parallel to the underlying
large-scale slope of the crater sidewalls.

We shot the azimuth and inclination angles of the slope site sawhorses
and got some GPS readings, as follows:

site, azimuth, inclination, lat, long, elevation
upper west, 249, 24
lower west, 232, 07
lower east, 257, 08, 35deg 01.629min, 111deg 01.190min, 5132 ft
upper west, 249, 24
Barringer Pt, ?, 00?, 35deg 01.784min, 111deg 01.750min, 5688 ft

153: Daily_Status, Site , Mon 30-Oct-2006 10:49:44 MST, Daily Status 10/30/06

On site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623), Chris Golubieski (303-250-7949), and 
Kurt Knudson (303-579-1130).  Steve Semmer (and Abby) are driving back today.
IOP#7 scheduled for tonight.

Weather: clear, moderate winds.


RH at eu.5m appears to be not fixable.
RH at el.3m appears to be not fixable.
u* plots very intermittent


A few more soil samples

V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations; staying up
Vbatt.rad = minimums 11.6 - 12.5 V
Iload ~ 2.1-2.6 A at crater sites other than eu [3.1A]
peak Isolar ~ 13 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- will download today
- aster: /data 88% full [4G free]
- local Pocketec is 86% full [8G free] with all data
- another local Pocketec is 75% full [15G free] with all October data

GPS: good

Pressure: Good

Prop vane (rim & sw): normal

Rnet: Good
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good
RFD tower: Good

Tsoil: good
Qsoil: normal -- need calibrations.
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: flr has been bad the entire project!

kh2oV: great -- 0.5--3.8V [but see below!]
kh2o: the great kh2oV now exceed Vo in some cases, so getting negative humidity!
w'kh2o': ok -- low fluxes and obviously strange stuff during rain 2 days ago.
h2o/w'h2o': good
co2/w'co2': good [new daily plot]

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: good
dir.rim: good
tc.rim: good

T.wu: good
RH.wu: kink in profile at 1.5m
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: looks like a 0.5? degC bias in tc.0.5m

# All wl statistics died at 1100, but restart with "aup" this am

T.flr: good [0.5m sht died yesterday]
RH.flr: good [sht values bad when T>0]
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: kink in profile at 1.5m
RH.el: 5m will be dead for rest of project since no spare
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good 3m went bad again 3 hours after we worked on it yesterday good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

152: Radiometers, Site All, Sun 29-Oct-2006 12:46:46 MST, rad measurements
Yesterday, I tried to make all the measurements needed for the radiometers.
Hopefully, this is enough!

(Note that pitch for rad is roll for beam and vice versa.)
(Note that the GPS elevations do not always make sense.)

5/7/07, TWH: Note that the datascope was set to a declination of 12.2 deg E,
whereas the NOAA web site states that the declination should be 11.4 deg E

Net Rad (horiz): pitch 0deg, roll 0deg
Beam: pitch 0deg, roll 1deg, azimuth 88deg
Rad position: 35d 01.785', 111d 01.751', 1740m elev [GPS accuracy 6m]
Station position: 35d 01.767', 111d 01.747', 1741m elev [5m]

Net Rad (tilted): pitch 1d (up), roll 4d
Beam: pitch 4d, roll 0d, az 69.7d
Rad: 35d 01.637', 111d 01.530', 1574 elev [5m]
Station: 35d 01.648', 111d 01.530', 1576m elev [?]

Net Rad (tilted): pitch 1d (up), roll 23d
Beam: pitch 21d, roll 0d, azimuth 88.3d
Rad: 35d 01.645', 111d 01.622', 1608m elev [9m]
Station: 35d 01.646', 111d 01.612, 1610m elev [11m!]

Net Rad (tilted): pitch 0d, roll 23d, az 354.0d
Beam: pitch 25d, roll 0d
Rad: 35d 01.633', 111d 01.105', 1606m elev [5m]
Station: 35d 01.638', 111d 01.105', 1598m elev [6m]

Net Rad (tilted): pitch 2d (up), r 8d, az 356.0
Beam: pitch 6d, roll 1d
Rad: 35d 01.631', 111d 01.188', 1573m elev [6m]
Station: 35d 01.637', 111d 01.185', 1573m elev [6m]

Rad: 35d 01.683', 111d 01.348', 1565m elev [5m]
Station: 35d 01.681', 111d 01.360', 1586m elev [5m]
RFD: 35d 01.680', 111d 01.356', 1562m elev [5m]

151: Daily_Status, Site , Sun 29-Oct-2006 09:26:14 MST, Daily Status 10/29/06

On site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623) and Steve Semmer (303-579-7860).
IOP#6 tonight -- Oncley spent the night in the crater

Weather: Scattered cirrus, light winds.


RH at eu.5m appears to be not fixable.
RH at el.3m appears to be not fixable.
u* plots very intermittent
power monitoring plot from wl down


V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations; staying up
Vbatt.rad = minimums 11.6 - 12.5 V
Iload ~ 2.0-2.5 A at crater sites other than eu [3.1A]
peak Isolar ~ 13 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- aster: /data 81% full [6.5G free]
- local Pocketec is 86% full [8G free] with all data
- another local Pocketec is 75% full [15G free] with all October data


Pressure: Good

Prop vane (rim & sw): normal

Rnet: Good
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good
RFD tower: Good

Tsoil: good
Qsoil: normal -- need calibrations.
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: good

kh2oV: great -- 0.5--3.0V [but see below!]
kh2o: the great kh2oV now exceed Vo in some cases, so getting negative humidity!
w'kh2o': ok -- low fluxes and obviously strange stuff during rain 2 days ago.
h2o/w'h2o': good
co2/w'co2': good [new daily plot]

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: good
dir.rim: good
tc.rim: good

T.wu: good
RH.wu: kink in profile at 1.5m
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: looks like a 0.5? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.wl: good
RH.wl: kink in profile at 1.5 m
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: looks like a 1? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.flr: good
RH.flr: good [sht values bad when T>0]
spd.flr: jet last night at 1.5m at 0100
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: kink in profile at 1.5m
RH.el: 5m bad
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good 3m bad nice drainage reverse profile good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

150: Sonic, Site Rim, Sun 29-Oct-2006 09:22:27 MST, Rim sonic boom angle
The new boom angle was shot for the sonic rim with the datascope. The 
measurement was made by hiking south of the tower along the rim trail until
a proper alignment point was found.
The angle was .5 degree.
Refer to entry 146 for another measurement.

149: Daily_Status, Site All, Sat 28-Oct-2006 10:48:10 MST, Daily Status 10/28/06

On site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623) and Steve Semmer (303-579-7860).
IOP#6 tonight -- Oncley will spend the night in the crater!

Weather: Scattered cirrus, light winds.


RH at eu.5m appears to be not fixable.
RH at el.3m appears to be not fixable.
u* plots very intermittent


V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations; staying up
Vbatt.rad = minimums 11.6 - 12.5 V
Iload ~ 2.1-2.6 A at crater sites other than eu [3.1A]
peak Isolar ~ 13 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- will download today
- aster: /data 78% full [7G free]
- local Pocketec is 86% full [8G free] with all data
- another local Pocketec is 75% full [15G free] with all October data

GPS: sw died about 1100 yesterday -- typed "return" at it and got it restarted this AM

Pressure: Good

Prop vane (rim & sw): normal

Rnet: Good
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good
RFD tower: Good

Tsoil: good
Qsoil: normal -- need calibrations.
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: good

kh2oV: great -- 0.5--3.2V [but see below!]
kh2o: the great kh2oV now exceed Vo in some cases, so getting negative humidity!
w'kh2o': ok -- low fluxes and obviously strange stuff during rain 2 days ago.
h2o/w'h2o': good
co2/w'co2': good [new daily plot]

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: good
dir.rim: good
tc.rim: good

T.wu: good
RH.wu: kink in profile at 1.5m
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: looks like a 0.5? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.wl: good
RH.wl: kink in profile at 1.5 m
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: looks like a 1? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.flr: good
RH.flr: good [sht values bad when T>0]
spd.flr: jet last night at 1.5m at 0100
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: kink in profile at 1.5m
RH.el: 5m will be dead for rest of project since no spare
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good 3m went bad again 3 hours after we worked on it yesterday nice drainage reverse profile good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

148: Radiometers, Site All, Sat 28-Oct-2006 09:58:35 MST, Rnet slope angles
A measurement of the slope angle for the rnets at eu, el, wl, and wu was done.
A second set of measurments will be done again.
site	slope (degrees)
wu	21
wl	5
el	5
eu	22.5
147: Station_Visit, Site Southwest, Sat 28-Oct-2006 09:54:56 MST, upload data from SW
The usb stick was removed from SW and uploaded between 9:00 and 9:55 am, local.
146: Sonic, Site Rim, Fri 27-Oct-2006 16:04:41 MST, rim boom angles
I've just tried the "theodolite-GPS" method of shooting the boom angles:
1. use the theodolite telescope to locate a postion aligned with the boom
2. walk with the GPS towards the tower, watching the heading
3. walk the reverse heading back to the theodolite
4. note the lat/lon of the theodolite.

Due to the heat, I couldn't get a good view of the sonic boom.  I guessed
that, when it disappeared from view along the road east of the base, I was
still had a bit further east to go to be along the boom.  At that point,
the walked heading was 001/181, lat/lon was 35d 00.871'N, 111d 01.753'W.
Thus, this estimate would be 181-1?deg for the boom angle.

I also used this method to shoot the prop angle.  This I was more confident
of since I was closer, and it was later in the day with less heat.
The walked heading was 91/271, lat/lon was 35d 01.774'N, 111d 02.130'W.
(The GPS said its error in both cases was 5m.)
The, this estimate would be 271deg, which is close to perpendicular to 180deg
of the sonic (and amazingly close to cardinal 270deg!)

The lat/lon reported by the station is 35d 01.767'N, 111d 01.749'W.  If the
boom angles were exactly 180 and 270, my prediction of the station lat/lon
would be 35d 01.774'N, 111d 01.753'W, which is off by only 0.007'N, 0.004'W
or ~14m, or off in boom angle by about 1 degree over these distances.  Thus,
I think 181/271 should be used.

145: Daily_Status, Site , Fri 27-Oct-2006 14:55:24 MST, Daily Status 10/27/06

On site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623) and Steve Semmer (303-579-7860).
A light day, with a visit to Walnut Canyon and the crater Museum.

Weather: Sunny and warmer and not a lot of wind, but forecasts of strong gusts 
have deferred IOP6 to Saturday.


RH at eu.5m appears to be not fixable.
RH at el.3m appears to be not fixable.
u* plots very intermittent


Try theodolite shoot of rim prop and sonic boom angles.

V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations; staying up
Vbatt.rad = minimums 11.6 - 12.5 V
Iload ~ 2.1-2.6 A at crater sites other than eu [3.1A]
peak Isolar ~ 13 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- downloaded yesterday
- aster: /data 78% full [7G free]
- local Pocketec is 86% full [8G free] with all data
- another local Pocketec is 75% full [15G free] with all October data

GPS: good

Pressure: Good

Prop vane (rim & sw): rim now using spare prop back at 10m, but still 
   occasionally has lower speed than sonic -- must be real.  
   Dir now okay (was off by 270-41deg for a day).

Rnet: Good
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: Good

Tsoil: good
Qsoil: normal -- need calibrations.
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: good

kh2oV: great -- 0.5--3.2V [but see below!]
kh2o: the great kh2oV now exceed Vo in some cases, so getting negative humidity!
w'kh2o': ok -- low fluxes and obviously strange stuff during rain 2 days ago.
h2o/w'h2o': good
co2/w'co2': good [new daily plot]
T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: good
dir.rim: good
tc.rim: good

T.wu: good
RH.wu: kink in profile at 1.5m
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: looks like a 0.5? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.wl: good
RH.wl: kink in profile at 1.5 m
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: looks like a 1? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.flr: good
RH.flr: good [sht values bad when T>0]
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: good
RH.el: 5m will be dead for rest of project since no spare
spd.el: kink in profile at 1.5m
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good 3m went bad again 3 hours after we worked on it yesterday good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

144: Soil, Site All, Fri 27-Oct-2006 11:47:45 MST, soil reinstallation
Tom asked that this be put into the records:
During the installation phase there was the need to move some of the 
sawhorses. This required the reinstalltion of soem soil sensors.
The following was done.
  On Sept 29 the floor soil samples were install
  On Sept 28th, the soil sensors at West Upper were moved and reinstalled.
  No other sensors were removed and installed due to the change in the sawhorse
143: TRH, Site Floor, Fri 27-Oct-2006 10:20:30 MST, Soloar panel shutdown on SHT sensors
The solar panel units on the SHT sensors have shutdown. The .5m and 2m
shutdown on the night of 10/23 while the new unit at 5m shutdown last night.
These units were not designed for extensive outdoor use.

142: Prop_Vane, Site Rim, Fri 27-Oct-2006 10:19:16 MST, Prop at rim
The 10m prop at rim does read lower than the 3m sonic so this may be a true
event we have been seeing there.

141: KH2O, Site Southwest, Thu 26-Oct-2006 17:38:23 MST, generator-spike
There is a -Inf spike on h2o at about 1100 today.  This is when the generator
was being serviced.  We thought that the battery at the station would keep
it going through this, but apparently the station voltage dropped to 11.4V
during this period.

It looks like it came back up okay.

140: Prop_Vane, Site Rim, Thu 26-Oct-2006 17:05:10 MST, PROP change at rim
The prop has been changed at the rim site. The unit that was at 3m was moved
to the 10m height. The boom direction was changed to 270 degrees at ~17:00
local time..
This work took place between 15:30 and 16:30 local time.

5/23/07, TWH:

Missing data from 16:01 to 16:18 is perhaps when prop was moved up.
139: Daily_Status, Site , Thu 26-Oct-2006 15:18:24 MST, Daily status 10/26/06

On site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623) and Steve Semmer (303-579-7860).  

Weather: Clear and cold this morning, but there was a downpour just after we left


el logger (again) died yesterday in the afternoon (despite a battery change).
  We have now connected it via cable (instead of radio) and it has stayed up.
RH at eu.5m seems to have been cured at least temporarily by reseating the probe.
RH at el.3m appears to be not fixable.
u* plots very intermittent


Try theodolite shoot of rim prop and sonic boom angles.

V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations; staying up
Vbatt.rad = minimums 11.6 - 12.5 V
Iload ~ 2.1-2.6 A at crater sites other than eu [3.1A]
peak Isolar ~ 13 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- today is download day
- aster: /data 78% full [7G free]
- local Pocketec is 81% full [12G free] with all data
- another local Pocketec is 69% full [18G free] with all October data

GPS: good, rim and eu died in downpour but came back.

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations.  Nice dip in pressure
  as a trough went through yesterday.

Prop vane (rim & sw): spare prop is now nearly the same level as sonic and reading about
the same.  Will switch back today.  [Why is dir WWW plot mostly empty?]

Rnet: Good 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good 
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: Good.  WWW plots now working.

Tsoil: good
Qsoil: Need calibrations.  No effect from rain yesterday or the day before!
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: good 

kh2oV: again dropped during last night's rain, but all came up even better than 
  after yesterday's kleaning!
kh2o: see above
w'kh2o': ok
w'h2o': ok?

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: good [prop installed near sonic height reads about the same]
dir.rim: good [will be bad since didn't set angle in new prop]
tc.rim: good

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: looks like a 0.5? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m? (Only by ~1%)
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: looks like a 1? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.flr: good
RH.flr: good [sht values bad when T>0]
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: good
RH.el: 5m will be dead for rest of project since no spare
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good 3m better after we reseated probe today good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

138: Radiometers, Site East_Lower, Thu 26-Oct-2006 14:22:47 MST, logger change at EL
The logger at EL now has a direct link to the ADAM. So far no drop out.
This occurred at ~12:45 local today.
137: Daily_Status, Site , Wed 25-Oct-2006 17:07:12 MST, Daily status 10/25/06

On site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623) and Steve Semmer (303-579-7860).  

Weather: Scattered clouds, but breezy


el logger dies in afternoon, battery change didn't fix it.  We suspect a temperature
  related problem.
RH bad at 1.5&3m at eu and 1.5&5m at el, seemingly no way to fix (no spares)
u* plots very intermittent


Verified that el TRH profile order was not as expected -- configuration changed
Cleaned all but rim krypton (needed after rain)


Try theodolite shoot of rim prop and sonic boom angles.

V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations; staying up
Vbatt.rad = minimums 11.5 - 12.5 V, el now okay
Iload ~ 2.1-2.6 A at crater sites other than eu [3.3A]
peak Isolar ~ 12 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- local storage to be downloaded tomorrow
- aster: /data 69% full [10G free]
- local Pocketec is 70% full [18G free] with all data
- another local Pocketec is 69% full [18G free] with all October data

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): spare prop is now nearly the same level as sonic and reading about
the same.  Will switch back tomorrow.

Rnet: Good 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good 
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: Good.  WWW plots now working.

Tsoil: good
Qsoil: Need calibrations.  Still no effect from yesterday's rain.
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: good 

kh2oV: were quite low during and after rain, so we cleaned all but rim today.  Now good
kh2o: see above
w'kh2o': ok
w'h2o': ok?

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: good [prop installed near sonic height reads about the same]
dir.rim: good [will be bad since didn't set angle in new prop]
tc.rim: good

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: looks like a 0.5? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m? (Only by ~1%)
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: looks like a 1? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.flr: good
RH.flr: good [sht values good since T>0]
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: channels were switched, now fixed.  profiles better (but still some strange jogs)
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6 -- timing is related to rain
  (corrosion seen on connector)
spd.el: 0.5m sonic didn't die today, we'll keep watching
dir.el: see spd.el
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good good
! 1.5 & 3m RH bad since 13:00, Oct 8 -- timing is related to rain good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

136: Radiometers, Site East_Lower, Wed 25-Oct-2006 16:27:31 MST, el logger died again
died at about 1245 and still not back up.  The hard-wired logger does respond
to +++ commands, so the problem probably is on the logger side.  (Though the
logger battery was 13.2V and rising when it died.)

We're a bit puzzled.

135: TRH, Site Floor, Wed 25-Oct-2006 14:22:24 MST, SHT.0.5m adjustment
I tried to align the SHT probe such that the sensor was perpendictular to the
air flow to see if that would improve the performance compared to the 50Y.
This took place during our routine visit to the floor (~11:30 to 13:00).

134: TRH, Site Floor, Wed 25-Oct-2006 14:20:17 MST, SHT 5m back on the air
A new solar panel/battery system was attached to SHT.5m. The sensor
is woking again.
133: TRH, Site East_Lower, Wed 25-Oct-2006 14:10:21 MST, TRH order
The TRH booms apparently were installed in the wrong order (despite being
clearly labeled).  We now know that the order of the sensors in the data
is: 1.5m, 5m, 8m, and 3m.  I will change the config now to reflect this

Steve played around with TRH.5m probe, but this did not recover the humidity 
132: KH2O, Site East_Upper, Wed 25-Oct-2006 14:07:31 MST, krypton klean
krypton kleaned ~1248.  MSB of counts went from 0d -> 42!

131: KH2O, Site East_Lower, Wed 25-Oct-2006 14:07:08 MST, krypton klean
krypton kleaned ~1217.  MSB of counts went from 0e -> 1f.

130: KH2O, Site West_Upper, Wed 25-Oct-2006 14:06:42 MST, krypton klean
krypton kleaned ~1155.  MSB of counts went from 09 -> 26.

Krypton mount was loose, but I didn't have allen wrenches.  Should be revisited.

129: KH2O, Site West_Lower, Wed 25-Oct-2006 14:06:08 MST, krypton klean
krypton kleaned ~1145.  MSB of counts went from 03 -> 23.

I had to restart data system code (adn/aup) to get rserial to work.  (But it
seems like the archiving had been fine.)

128: KH2O, Site Floor, Wed 25-Oct-2006 14:04:51 MST, krypton klean
krypton kleaned ~1130.  MSB of counts went from 08 -> 17.

127: Prop_Vane, Site Rim, Wed 25-Oct-2006 10:02:23 MST, Prop test at Rim
The prop test at rim was a success. There was very good agreement between the
~3m unit and the sonic. We will move the 3m prop up to the 10m height.
NOTE: It is too windy this afternoon to change lower the PAM mast. Will try to
do it first thing in the morning.

126: TRH, Site Floor, Wed 25-Oct-2006 09:14:54 MST, TRH.sht.5m dead
The 5m SHT sensor died last night. This the unit that does not have the solar
panel. So a full set of 3 AA batteries lastest about 1 week. A new solar
panel unit will be installed hopefully today.

125: Daily_Status, Site , Tue 24-Oct-2006 17:51:42 MST, Daily Status 10/24/06

On site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623) and Steve Semmer (303-579-7860).  

Weather: Overcast, scattered showers today


east-lower logger drops out completely in the afternoon, but recovers.
RH bad at 1.5&3m at eu and 1.5&5m at el [bad cables?]
u* plots very intermittent


Replaced el logger battery, couldn't replace radio since spare wasn't completely configured
Data downloaded today
Completed first round of soil moisture gravimetric & TRIME measurements (except TRIME@flr)


Try theodolite shoot of rim prop and sonic boom angles.

V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations; staying up
Vbatt.rad = minimums 11.5 - 12.5 V, el now okay
Iload ~ 2.1-2.6 A at crater sites other than eu [3.3A]
peak Isolar ~ 12 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- all sites were exchanged today
- aster: /data 69% full [10G free]
- local Pocketec is 70% full [18G free] with all data
- another local Pocketec is 63% full [21G free] with all October data

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): rim speed still slightly lower than sonic.  Have installed spare at 3m
    to check.

Rnet: Good 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good 
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: I think good, but apparently I've made a mistake in S+ code.

Tsoil: good
Qsoil: Need calibrations (negative at el and wl, but core samples weren't negative!)
       Haven't seen today's rain yet.
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: good 

kh2oV: died in rain :(.  The few that have recovered are at lower voltages (0.1-0.2)
kh2o: see above
w'kh2o': strange spike at 0200-0300 Az this morning
! values from Licor are not being covared [why not?]

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: good [prop installed near sonic height reads about the same]
dir.rim: good [will be bad since didn't set angle in new prop]
tc.rim: good

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: looks like a 0.5? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m? (Only by ~1%)
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: looks like a 1? degC bias in tc.0.5m

T.flr: good
RH.flr: good [sht values good since T>0]
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: profile not monotonic -- Steve thinks channels may be switched!!
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6 -- timing is related to rain
  (corrosion seen on connector)
spd.el: 0.5m sonic dies, have restarted it manually twice today
dir.el: see spd.el
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good good
! 1.5 & 3m RH bad since 13:00, Oct 8 -- timing is related to rain inverted profile last night!  Does this happen often?? good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

124: Prop_Vane, Site Rim, Tue 24-Oct-2006 16:54:32 MST, 2.8m(?) prop at rim
Since there is not an IOP going on we decided to run a test at rim.
The 10m prop is consistantly reading lower than the 3m sonic so we mounted
another prop at about 2.8m. The prop data now is at the lower height (decided
to use ttyS4 since it was configured correctly). If the lower prop and sonic
agree then we will move the lower prop to the 10m height.
NOTE: the boom angle was not set therefore direction is bad!
This visit took place from 15:30 to 14:15 local time.

123: Radiometers, Site East_Upper, Tue 24-Oct-2006 15:26:51 MST, logger wires broke
While turning off the logger for RF testing, the power wires broke at the 
switch.  I shoved them back in, but this wiring needs to be redone.

122: Network, Site , Tue 24-Oct-2006 15:04:35 MST, RF interference test
We finally tried the test of network interference from the loggers.
From about 1100 to 1300, we progressively turned off the loggers and
receiving Xbee radios at wl, el, and eu.  (flr and wu are hardwired)
rim was still running.

Using simply "ping aster" (from both eu and el), I saw no difference -- 
usually about 5ms, but some much longer (130-480ms).  We restarted the
loggers in the reverse order.

121: Radiometers, Site East_Lower, Tue 24-Oct-2006 14:38:02 MST, Battery change at logger EL
Steve and I decided to change the logger battery at EL to see if it is causing
the logger outages during the middle of the day. This took place during a
crater visit between 11:30 and 13:00 local time.

120: Sonic, Site East_Lower, Tue 24-Oct-2006 10:21:10 MST, .5m sonic down at EL
The .5m sonic went down last night around 16:00 local time. Was able to get
it going again by logging in to LE, sr 5, and typing a "D".

119: Prop_Vane, Site Rim, Tue 24-Oct-2006 09:22:12 MST, Prop head replaced at rim
This work took place on Oct 23.
After replacing the sonic at rim, it was noted that the prop speed was
consistently lower than the sonic. When replacing the sonic Steve O. noticed
that the prop head bearings sounded rough. So replaced the prop head.
Mast down approximately between 11:00 and 12:00.

118: Sonic, Site Rim, Tue 24-Oct-2006 09:18:48 MST, sonic replacement at rim
This event took place on Oct 22.
The sonic at rim was replaced with the PSU sonic 376. A serializer was mounted
in this unit since the NCAR sonic from wl failed to work.
This work took place between 12:00 and 13:00.

117: Daily_Status, Site , Mon 23-Oct-2006 15:57:28 MST, Daily status 10/23/06

IOP#5 now complete.  Dave and the rest of the METCRAX team are very happy since everything worked and
the winds cooperated for the first time.  Bad weather is forecast that will shut operations down
for the next 4 days (and a cirrus shield has developed during today).
Still on site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623) and Steve Semmer (303-579-7860).  
Lou just replaced Jason at ISS.


east-lower logger drops out completely in the afternoon, but recovers.
RH bad at 1.5&3m at eu and 1.5&5m at el [bad cables?]
u* plots very intermittent
el logger dies sometimes in midday


We just replaced the rim prop head, which seemed to have rough bearings (with higher-than-normal
start-up speeds).


Try theodolite shoot of rim prop and sonic boom angles.

V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations; staying up
Vbatt.rad = minimums 11.5 - 12.5 V, east lowest
Iload ~ 2.1-2.6 A at crater sites other than eu [3.3A]
peak Isolar ~ 12 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- all sites exchanged yesterday
- aster: /data 59% full [14G free]
- local Pocketec is 70% full [18G free] with all data
- another local Pocketec is 63% full [21G free] with all October data
- isff9 disk is in Boulder with data through 10/15.

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): Good [just replaced head in rim]

Rnet: Good 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good [WWW plots soon should not have problem with flr data]
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: Good [our config/code has been modified to show reasonable data]

Tsoil: good
Qsoil: Need calibrations (negative at el and wl, but core samples weren't negative!)
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: good 

kh2oV: 0.4-0.8 V
kh2o: Good
w'kh2o': 3m.wu looks odd from 2 nights ago
! values from Licor are not being covared [why not?]

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good [often higher than prop, though only by a little now that head was replaced]
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: good [often higher than prop, though only by a little now that head was replaced]
dir.rim: good 
tc.rim: good

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m? (Only by ~1%)
spd.wl: good [now good after swapping serial port yesterday]
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: good

T.flr: good
RH.flr: good [sht values go bad when T<0]
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: profile not monotonic -- radiation error problem?
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6 -- timing is related to rain
  (corrosion seen on connector)
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good good
! 1.5 & 3m RH bad since 13:00, Oct 8 -- timing is related to rain good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

116: Data, Site , Sun 22-Oct-2006 17:17:51 MST, data downloads at all crater sites
Steve S. downloaded data from all crater sites this afternoon (while I ran
around and took soil cores).  With the download of rim earlier this afternoon,
we did every site except sw.

115: Station_Visit, Site Rim, Sun 22-Oct-2006 13:32:14 MST, site visit (mast down)
Visited rim to:
- exchange sonics (earlier visit by Steve S. retrieved sonic electronics with
  serializer, which was swapped into PSU 376 in the base).
- data download
- shoot boom angles (sonic: 358, prop 108 -- clearly something is wrong --
  probably compass dip angle)
- measure heights of TRH (89.5" from roughly ground to top of boom) and
  GPS (roughly 48" above local ground)
- Prop-vane bearing is a bit "growly", but seemed okay

Mast down about 12:20-12:45.
114: Sonic, Site Rim, Sun 22-Oct-2006 11:04:41 MST, testing of PSU 376
The PSU sonic that we are about to install at rim is reading in a shipping box
with foam cut-out

-1.0 cm/s U
+0.7 cm/s V
-1.0 cm/s W

(values are approximate, read from the CSI plot using +/- 2cm/s full scale)

We think this is good enough!

113: Daily_Status, Site , Sun 22-Oct-2006 09:57:43 MST, Daily Status 10/22/06

(I skipped yesterday's status, again as we were working in the crater.)

IOP#5 scheduled for tonight.
Now on site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623 [I got a new battery, so I'll keep this number]),
Steve Semmer (303-579-7860)


RH bad at 1.5&3m at eu and 1.5&5m at el [bad cables?]
sonic at rim misbehaving; kh2o S/N 1394 in base
u* plots very intermittent
Rlw plot at flr uses Eppley code rather than Kipp&Zonen?? [will look at dat functions]
el logger dies sometimes in midday

Need to:

Take soil moisture samples with Trime and gravimetric [Trime had to be charged]
Ask Sebastian about RFD values

V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations; staying up
Vbatt.rad = 11.5 - 13.5 V, east lower lowest
Iload ~ 2.1-2.6 A at crater sites other than eu [3.3A]
peak Isolar ~ 12 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- all sites exchanged 2 days ago -- will do again today
- aster: /data only 50% full [16G free] after deleting data before 10/10.
- local Pocketec is 70% full [18G free] with all data
- another local Pocketec is 60% full [24G free] with all October data
- other Pocketec should have been brought to Boulder by Charlie with all data through 10/16?

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): Good

Rnet: Good, 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: 
! The logger values aren't what our config expects, but Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good
! negative at el and wl
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: good 

kh2oV: ~0.3-0.8 V
kh2o: Good
w'kh2o': 3m.wu looks odd from 2 nights ago
! values from Licor are not being covared [why not?]

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: looks okay, but don't trust since 1/2 of raw data are 8000 [will replace today]
dir.rim: see "spd.rim"
tc.rim" see "spd.rim" -- values are 20deg high

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m? (Only by ~1%)
spd.wl: good [now good after swapping serial port yesterday]
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: good

T.flr: good
RH.flr: good [sht values go bad when T<0]
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: profile not monotonic -- radiation error problem?
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6 -- timing is related to rain
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good good
! 1.5 & 3m RH bad since 13:00, Oct 8 -- timing is related to rain good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

112: Station_Visit, Site Floor, Sat 21-Oct-2006 15:54:50 MST, XML floor changed
The configuraton XML file was changed to handle the new SHT output message.
111: TRH, Site Floor, Sat 21-Oct-2006 15:52:48 MST, SHT output change
I changed the output message of the SHt probes so that we are collecting the
raw data for temperature and RH. This took place during our visit today, around

110: LOG, Site Base, Sat 21-Oct-2006 15:48:29 MST, Now have 2 Pocketec copies of data
Since /data is now 100% full (just squeezed in the last downloads, I think),
we need to make space.  We had one local copy of all the data on Pocketec,
and another should now be in Boulder [could someone confirm this?], so I used
another one of our "shuttle" Pocketecs to make an additional local copy.
Hopefully, this should be enough of a safety factor.

109: Sonic, Site West_Lower, Sat 21-Oct-2006 15:44:10 MST, wl.0.5m sonic up
We got the 0.5m sonic going today.  With the Toughbook, it was possible to see
that the sonic was in fact just fine.  (Too bad we lugged the other PennState
spare all the way down!!)  We determined that the problem was with serial
port 5.  We switched to port 16 (which was somewhat difficult to reconfigure
using just the PDA!)  It turned out that the PDA cable didn't work for the
laptop, so we couldn't use the Toughbook to reconfigure.  Oh well...

108: Soil, Site , Sat 21-Oct-2006 15:32:53 MST, gravimetric measurements
I took the first gravimetric measurements today.

Since we couldn't find the brass rings, I simply used the whole corer, which
samples deeper.  With a tape measure, I tried to estimate the depth of the
core (I didn't quite get either core full).  The corer without rings is about
2 1/4" diameter.

Also note that, since the TRIME battery was dead, no measurements could be
made.  It is now charging back in the base.

The weight of the cores exceeds the scale range (200g), so they have been
arbitrarily split into 2 trays, hence the sum of 2 numbers below.

flr: core extracted ~1315 10/21, core depth ~3 7/8"
     total weight: 130.8+165.9g = 296.7
     dry: 124.5+156.7g = 281.2 (5.5%)

eu:  core extracted 1332 10/21, depth ~2 3/8" [hit a rock, so couldn't go 
     total weight: 122.9+116.8g = 239.7
     dry: 118.6+112.9g = 231.5 (3.5%)

Measurements taken 10/22:
[Found brass rings, so these are 0-6cm samples.  Note that the core often wasn't
full to the top when taken apart, but I'm guessing that the mass is about right
and that the soil compacted upon being cored.  Nevertheless, there usually was
 spillage, so bulk densities would be slightly underestimated.]
[Also had TRIME charged, so took readings coincident with the cores.]
wu:  time: 1502, TRIME: 5.7%
	total: 153.3g
        dry: 148.9g 

wl:  time: 1517, TRIME: 2.2%
	total: 114.0+64.9g = 178.9g
        dry: 112.5+64.1g = 176.6g

el:  time: 1540, TRIME: 3.7%
	total: 158.1g
        dry: 156.5g

eu:  time: 1555, TRIME: 8.2%
	total: 127.5+140.7g
        dry 122.7+135.7g = 258.4g

Measurements 10/24:
[hauled the TRIME and corer up from the crater to do these,
 note that we had a bit of rain today before these measurments were made]
rim:  time: ~1600, TRIME: 4.3%
      total: 112.4+105.4g
      dry: 107.2+101.0g
sw:   time: ~1700, TRIME: 13.4%
      total: 88.9+121.2g
      dry: 81.0+109.1g

Measurements 10/26:
wu:   time 1154, TRIME: 5.4%
wl:   time 1210, TRIME: 2.9%
flr:  time 1224, TRIME: 6.6%
el:   time 1237, TRIME: 3.0%
eu:   time 1253, TRIME: 6.3%

Measurement 10/30:

rim:  time ~1500, TRIME 3.4%

107: TRH, Site Floor, Sat 21-Oct-2006 09:31:48 MST, SHT data
The 5 minute averages compared to the TRH sensors are not as good as expected.
I believe this may be due to the wireless link. Each unit uses a radio talking
to a common master tied to the ADAM. The radios due not have a high level of
collision protection so some data messages may be bad. I saw this event during
lab tests. Therefore the 5 minute data may have bad data averaged in. I'll
need to look at the raw data.

106: TRH, Site Floor, Sat 21-Oct-2006 09:04:14 MST, SHT probes
On Wednesday, 18th, we installed 3 prototype Sensirion SHT75 temperature/
humidity probes. They are collocated with TRH sensors at .5m, 2m, and 5m
heights. The probes were mounted instide the TRH shield.
105: TRH, Site Floor, Fri 20-Oct-2006 18:59:41 MST, TRH fans swapped
We've seen that T.2m.flr is always higher than T.0.5m.flr, even in the day.
This usually is a symptom of a bad fan at 2m, that would cause it to read
high.  We inspected these fans today, but all were working (though 2m was
quieter and seemed to have slightly less flow).  Nevertheless, we decided
to swap the fans between these two sensors.  This was done by Steve S. between
1200-1300.  Now the profile changes as expected.  (Though is 0.5m could now bee
too high/low??)

He also took advantage of the opened-up sensors to check and possibly adjust
the SHT75 sensors he installed yesterday (or was it the other way around?)

104: Sonic, Site Rim, Fri 20-Oct-2006 18:28:35 MST, Re-installed rim sonic
We reinstalled the rim sonic (6xx) late this afternoon.  The mast would have
been down from about 16:15-17:15.  We also installed krypton 1394 with it.
(I note that the config now shows 1397 for this site, but 1397 probably is
being used in the crater instead of 1101, which is in the base with a "bad"

Unfortunately, the data for this sonic seems bad despite its working this
morning at wl.0.5m and later testing in the base trailer.  Perhaps it was
damaged as we packed it up without using its (heavy) shipping box, but
Steve and I are both skeptical of this hypothesis.  We're not sure what
action to take to remedy this problem.  The symptom is that it reports some
values, but with a status nibble of "8" for about 5 seconds, then reports
values of all 8000 with a status nibble of "F" for another 5 seconds, then
repeats this cycle.  We assume this is a "reacquire signal" cycle, due to a
weak signal.

TWH:  This is s/n 673; see logbook entry 38.
103: Sonic, Site West_Lower, Fri 20-Oct-2006 18:23:39 MST, swapped wl.0.5m sonic
We swapped this sonic (637?) with 367 that just arrived from PennState, since
it had a serializer in it that we needed at rim.  However, we couldn't 
configure it and it now puts out a strange message with the status "nibble"
reporting a value of "E".  I also added a strange CSATB serial sensor on
the station's copy of isff.xml (not a full config) to use an end-message 
of 55ab, not 55aa.

Obviously this is a sick sonic.  The other PennState loaner (376) seemed to 
work much better in the trailer.

We did the swap about 11:00, but didn't get the new configuration working until
we were back in the base trailer, at about 15:30.


The sonic removed from wl was s/n 673; see logbook entry 38.

102: Data, Site All, Fri 20-Oct-2006 18:22:56 MST, downloaded all site data today
See subject.

101: TRH, Site Floor, Fri 20-Oct-2006 09:29:42 MST, sht RH calibration problem
The SHTs give bad (high) RH values when the temperature is below zero.  Steve
Semmer thinks this is an error in the unsigned math used by the PIC.  We'll
see if it is correctable, but in any case won't worry about it.

100: Sonic, Site , Fri 20-Oct-2006 09:26:27 MST, sonic tilts
Yesterday I briefly looked at a few sonic tilt plots.  Surprisingly, it appeared
that much of the data fit a plane, with tilts of 2 deg at flr, 7 deg at el,
and 20 deg at eu.  I only looked at 2-3m sonics.  I'll look at more values
later, but this in general was quite encouraging.

99: Daily_Status, Site , Thu 19-Oct-2006 16:20:32 MST, Daily status 10/19/06

IOP#3 last night, next (#4) scheduled for tomorrow night
We've said byebye to Tom.
Now on site: Steve Oncley (303-579-4623 [this could change]), Steve Semmer (303-579-7860)


RH bad at 3&5m el and eu [bad cables?]
no sonic or kh2o at rim [being shipped now]; kh2o S/N 1394 in base
w'kh2o' in NetCDF files only for flr; no w'h2o' plotting
u* plots very intermittent
Bad TRH fan at 2m.flr?

Need to:

Take soil moisture samples with Trime and gravimetric

V batt = minimums 12.3-12.5 V at all battery-powered stations 
Vbatt.rad = 11.5 - 13.5 V, east lower lowest
Iload ~ 2.1-2.6 A at crater sites other than eu [3.3A]
peak Isolar ~ 12 A at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
- all sites exchanged yesterday
- aster: /data is 94% full [2G free] with only October data after yesterday's downloads
  [we will delete more old data when we get acknowlegement from Gordon that data came
  back via Charlie]
- local Pocketec is 65% full [20G free] with all data
- other Pocketec should have been brought to Boulder by Charlie with all data through 10/16?

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): Good

Rnet: Good, 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: 
! The logger values aren't what our config expects, but Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good
! negative at el and wl
Gsoil: good
Cvsoil: good 

kh2oV: ~0.3-0.8 V [no krypton at sw--normal, or rim--waiting for sonic shipment]
kh2o: ~ 6-10 gm/m^3 last night
! values from non-flr sites are not being covared [why not?]
! values from Licor are not being covared [why not?]

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: no sonic
dir.rim: no sonic

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m? (Only by ~1%)
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good [fixed dat.Vazimuth problem]
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: good

T.flr: occasional local maximum at 2 m [bad fan?]
RH.flr: local minimun at 5 m
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good [fixed dat.Vazimuth problem]
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: local maximum at 3 m
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6; I don't trust 5m either 
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good good
! 3m RH also bad since 13:00, Oct 8; I don't trust 5m either good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

98: Data, Site All, Wed 18-Oct-2006 11:52:48 MST, how to upload local data storage to aster and calculate covars
Plug full media into aster usb port
click OK on window that pops up
data will be copied and removed from usb media
unplug media for future use

edit scripts/ to process new high rate data, 
e.g. for particular stations and range of dates

97: Data, Site All, Wed 18-Oct-2006 11:51:57 MST, uploaded data from sw and rim
Uploaded data from sw and rim this morning, 10/18/06
96: Data, Site All, Wed 18-Oct-2006 10:08:51 MST, purged *200609* (september) data files from /data
Gordon has copied all data files to a pocketek attached to isff and Charlie has taken a 200 GB with all data to Boulder, so I deleted all September data files
from /data on aster in order to make room for new data.  /data is now down to
80% full with 6.6 GB available.

95: Daily_Status, Site All, Wed 18-Oct-2006 09:51:05 MST, Daily status, 10/18/06

Stats_proc started on adams at 13:30 10/17/06
IOP tonight (Wednesday)


RH bad at 3m el and eu
no sonic or kh2o at rim; kh2o S/N 1394 in base
w'kh2o' in NetCDF files only for flr; no w'h2o' plotting
u* plots very intermittent

Need to:

Take soil moisture samples with Trime and gravimetric

V batt = 13.5-14.0 V at all stations 
Vbatt.rad = 11.5 - 13.5 V, east lower lowest
Iload ~ 2.2-2.6 amps at crater sites other than eu
peak Isolar ~ 10 amps at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
aster: 99% of 34G drive (Data has been copied to pocketek on isff)
sw: 19% of 3.7G thumb drive
rim: 4% of 3.8G thumb drive
wu: 18% of 3.8G thumb drive
wl: 2% of 55G pocketek
flr: 19% of 3.7G thumb drive
el: 2% of 55G pocketek
eu: 19% of 3.7G thumb drive

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): Good

Rnet: Good, 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: 
! Still not plotting these correctly, but Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good
! negative at el and wl
Gsoil: good
! Cvsoil not a happy camper when trying to plot on aster

kh2oV: ~0.3-0.5 V 
! but no data from sw??
kh2o: ~ 6-10 gm/m^3 last night
! only seeing data from the floor station
! Splus complains

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: no sonic
dir.rim: no sonic

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m ?
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: strong direction shear below 5 m
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: good

T.flr: occasional local maximum at 2 m 
RH.flr: local minimun at 5 m
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: strong direction shear below 5 m
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: local maximum at 3 m
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6; 
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good good
! 3m RH also bad since 13:00, Oct 8 good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

94: Daily_Status, Site All, Tue 17-Oct-2006 15:15:02 MST, Daily status 10/17/06

Charlie left and Steve Semmer arrived yesterday.
stats_proc not running on adams since 08:25 10/16/06, so no data for QC
replaced inverter at repeater site
No IOP until Wednesday night.


RH bad at 3m el and eu; but appears okay at eu for the moment
no sonic or kh2o at rim; kh2o S/N 1394 in base
w'kh2o' in NetCDF files only for flr
u* plots very intermittent

Need to:

Take soil moisture samples with Trime and gravimetric

data storage:
aster: 99% of 34G drive (Gordon to move data to pocketek on ISFF)
sw: 13% of 3.7G thumb drive
rim: 3% of 3.8G thumb drive
wu: 12% of 3.8G thumb drive
wl: 1% of 55G pocketek
flr: 8% of 3.7G thumb drive
el: 1% of 55G pocketek
eu: 8% of 3.7G thumb drive

93: Sonic, Site All, Tue 17-Oct-2006 15:04:57 MST, CSAT configutrations
Following are CSAT configurations obtained with the commands:
& to stop data output
T  to put in terminal mode
??  to output configuration
D  to put in data mode
& to start data output

Note that the configuration is not output until the final & is typed.

SN0378 16jun04 rev 4.0s &=0 AC=1 AF=050 AH=1 AO=00300 ar=0 AQ= 60 BR=0 BX=0\r\n CF=1 C0o= 0 0 0 C0b= 0 0 0 CA=1 CD=0 cs=03766 DC=4 dl=015 DM=c DR=03465\r\n duty=090 DT=16240 ET= 20 FA=00050 FL=007 FX=038 GN=454a GO=39125 HA=0\r\n HG=01560 HH=02700 KT=0 LG=00832 LH=00100 MA=-020 MS=-010 MX=0 ND=1 NI=2\r\n ns=00203 OR=1 os=h PD=2 RA=00020 RC=0 RF=00900 RH=015 RI=1 RS=1 RX=002 SD=0\r\n SL=035 SR=1 ss=1 T0123=1000 TD=a TF=02600 02600 02600 TK=1 TO= 0 0 0 TP=t\r\n ts=i UX=0 WM=o WR=006 XD=d xp=2 XX=00875 ZZ=0

wu; S5:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=222a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d sa=1\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=011 010 010 TNo=acd d TNb=abd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=9 8 8 DTR=01740 CA=1 TD=  duty=087     AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 DTC=01160 RD=o ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0377 01dec99 HF=005 JC=3 CB=3 MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 rev 3.0a cs=52408 &=0 os=h

wu; S6:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=223a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dcc d TNb=dcb JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0536 02aug06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=60813 &=0 os=h

wu; S7:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=344a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 011 010 ELb=010 011 010 TNo=988 d TNb=878 JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 9 8 tlb=8 9 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=098  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1122 19jun06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=29356 &=0 os=h

wu; S8:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=443a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=88a d TNb=97a JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=097  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0677 04aug06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=62699 &=0 os=h

wl; S5:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=333a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=bba d TNb=bbb JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=097  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0673 12sep06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=44139 &=0 os=h

wl: S6:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=233a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d sa=1\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dcb d TNb=cdc JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8 DTR=01740 CA=1 TD=  duty=086     AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 DTC=01160 RD=o ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0366 19jul02 HF=005 JC=3 CB=3 MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 rev 3.0a cs=19603 &=0 os=h

wl; S7:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=443a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 009 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=977 d TNb=a78 JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 7 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1119 20jun06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=09737 &=0 os=h

wl; S8:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=334a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=677 d TNb=675 JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=096  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1117 07aug06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=53343 &=0 os=h

wl; S10:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=233a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=011 010 010 ELb=012 010 010 TNo=89b d TNb=7aa JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=9 8 8 tlb=a 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=098  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0674 04aug06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=15279 &=0 os=h

flr; S15 (replaces S5):
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=253a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 009 010 TNo=c9b d TNb=bbb JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 7 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=096  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0671 11sep06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=64681 &=0 os=h

flr; S6:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=454a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 009 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=cab d TNb=c9b JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 7 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=096  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0537 01sep06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=33258 &=0 os=h

flr; S7:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=221a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 011 ELb=010 010 008 TNo=689 d TNb=688 JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 9 tlb=8 8 6  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0800 14sep06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=22282 &=0 os=h

flr; S8:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=333a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=beb d TNb=bcb JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=097  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0540 07sep06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=22863 &=0 os=h

el; S5:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=432a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=bbe d TNb=ace JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=097  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0539 03aug06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=14996 &=0 os=h

el; S6:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=435a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=009 010 009 ELb=009 010 009 TNo=999 d TNb=9a9 JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=7 8 7 tlb=7 8 7  CA=1 TD=  duty=092  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0672 03aDug06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=12312 &=0 os=h

el; S7:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=334a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=899 d TNb=989 JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=096  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1120 21jun06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=39729 &=0 os=h

el; S8:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=543a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 011 011 ELb=010 011 010 TNo=969 d TNb=97a JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 9 9 tlb=8 9 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=099  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0855 26jun06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=64838 &=0 os=h

el; S10:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=333a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=adc d TNb=abb JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=096  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0538 02aug06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=27043 &=0 os=h

eu; S5:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=323a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=2 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=9ba d TNb=abb JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=098  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1123 15jun06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=22803 &=0 os=h

eu; S6:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=233a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d sa=1\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=cac d TNb=dba JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8 DTR=01740 CA=1 TD=  duty=086     AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 DTC=01160 RD=o ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0364 27may04 HF=005 JC=3 CB=3 MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 rev 3.0a cs=14725 &=0 os=h

eu; S7:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=445a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=796 d TNb=7a6 JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=097  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1121 26jun06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=52525 &=0 os=h

eu; S8:
ET= 20 ts=i XD=d GN=333a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=39125 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=767 d TNb=667 JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1124 08aug06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=24803 &=0 os=h

ADDED 10/31/06:
wl; S16 [0.5m]

SN0367 01jun04 rev 4.0s &=0 AC=1 AF=050 AH=1 AO=00300 ar=1 AQ= 60 BR=0 BX=0\r\n CF=1 C0o= 0 0 0 C0b= 0 0 0 CA=1 CD=0 cs=61906 DC=4 dl=015 DM=c DR=03465\r\n duty=090 DT=16240 ET= 20 FA=00050 FL=007 FX=038 GN=323a GO=39125 HA=0\r\n HG=01560 HH=02700 KT=0 LG=00832 LH=00100 MA=-020 MS=-010 MX=0 ND=1 NI=2\r\n ns=00203 OR=1 os=h PD=2 RA=00020 RC=0 RF=00900 RH=015 RI=1 RS=1 RX=002 SD=0\r\n SL=035 SR=1 ss=1 T0123=1000 TD=a TF=02600 02600 02600 TK=1 TO= 0 0 0 TP=t\r\n ts=i UX=0 WM=o WR=006 XD=d xp=2 XX=00875 ZZ=0

rim; S5:
SN0376 24jan05 rev 4.0s &=0 AC=1 AF=050 AH=1 AO=00300 ar=1 AQ= 60 BR=0 BX=0\r\n CF=1 C0o= 0 0 0 C0b= 0 0 0 CA=1 CD=0 cs=51737 DC=4 dl=015 DM=c DR=03465\r\n duty=090 DT=16240 ET= 20 FA=00050 FL=007 FX=038 GN=544a GO=39125 HA=0\r\n HG=01560 HH=02700 KT=0 LG=00832 LH=00100 MA=-020 MS=-010 MX=0 ND=1 NI=2\r\n ns=00203 OR=1 os=h PD=2 RA=00020 RC=0 RF=00900 RH=015 RI=1 RS=1 RX=002 SD=0\r\n SL=035 SR=1 ss=1 T0123=1000 TD=a TF=02600 02600 02600 TK=1 TO= 0 0 0 TP=t\r\n ts=i X=0 WM=o WR=006 XD=d xp=2 XX=00875 ZZ=0

92: Adam, Site All, Tue 17-Oct-2006 14:11:01 MST, shortcut commands for the adams
Gordon created some shortcut aliases on the adams for ease of use with the

adn	adam down
aup	adam up
ht 	halt
rb	reboot
rs 9	rserial /dev/ttyS9 adam
psd	ps for dsm processes
lsu	ls of usb drive (last two files)
ds	data_stats
nt	ntpq -p, lists timing statistics

These are located in /root/isff on the viper

91: Adam, Site All, Tue 17-Oct-2006 14:07:33 MST, restarting statsproc on adams
When the repeater fails, the stats_proc process may quit on the adams.
To restart, simply stop (adn) and start (aup) each station.  Gordon did
this this afternoon to restart data collection in the netcdf files.
90: Data, Site All, Tue 17-Oct-2006 12:23:21 MST, No netcdf file entries since yesterday
The means calculated on the stations do not appear to have been placed into
the netcdf files since 08:25 yesterday, 10/16/06.
89: Network, Site Repeater, Tue 17-Oct-2006 12:21:34 MST, Replaced inverter at the repeater site
The inverter at the repeater site stopped again this morning.  We replaced it 
with the inverter that Charlie left at the base.

88: Network, Site Repeater, Mon 16-Oct-2006 15:03:13 MST, Recycled power on repeater inverter again
The inverter at the repeater site did  not last very long. Recycled it again
around 14:45; double-checked with voltmeter several minutes later and still running. Logged into sw from isff at 15:05.

87: Daily_Status, Site All, Mon 16-Oct-2006 14:05:53 MST, Daily status, 10/16/06

Yesterday, we restarted the etherant at eu, retrieved the high rate data,
and measured the sonic boom heights and azimuths (see logbook for data).
repeater appears to have stopped at 08:25(!) 10/16; restarted ~11:15.
No IOP until at least Wednesday night.
Charlie left this morning; Steve Semmer arriving this evening.


RH bad at 3m el and eu; but appears okay at eu for the moment
no sonic or kh2o at rim
w'kh2o' in NetCDF files only for flr
u* plots very intermittent

Need to:

Take soil moisture samples with Trime and gravimetric
Archive sonic configurations

V batt = 13.5-14.0 V at all stations 
Vbatt.rad = 11.5 - 13.5 V, east lower lowest
Iload ~ 2.2-2.6 amps at crater sites other than eu
! peak Isolar ~ 10 amps at crater stations, except eu

data storage:
aster: 99% of 34G drive (Gordon to move data to pocketek on ISFF)
sw: 8% of 3.7G thumb drive
rim: 2% of 3.8G thumb drive
wu: 7% of 3.8G thumb drive
wl: 1% of 55G pocketek
flr: 8% of 3.7G thumb drive
el: 1% of 55G pocketek
eu: 8% of 3.7G thumb drive

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): Good

Rnet: Good, 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good
! negative at el and wl
Gsoil: good
! Cvsoil: not found in lookup; apparently need s/n's for cal coefficients.

kh2oV: ~0.3-0.5 V 
! but no data from sw??
kh2o: ~ 4-10 gm/m^3 last night
! only seeing data from the floor station
! Splus complains

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: no sonic
dir.rim: no sonic

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m ?
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: strong direction shear below 5 m
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: good

T.flr: local maximum at 2 m 
RH.flr: local minimun at 5 m
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: strong direction shear below 5 m
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: local maximum at 1.5 m
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6; 
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good good max at sfc
! 3m RH also bad since 13:00, Oct 8
  but looks good after 23:30, Oct 15 good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

86: Network, Site Repeater, Mon 16-Oct-2006 11:38:28 MST, Repeater down again; fixed
It appears that the repeater quit at 8:25 again this morning.  Fixed by 
recyling power on the inverter at that site.

85: Radiometers, Site Floor, Mon 16-Oct-2006 11:37:28 MST, Fixed RFD configuration
Charlie corrected the aster and flr configurations to properly parse 
the RFD radiometer data.

84: Data, Site All, Sun 15-Oct-2006 17:24:40 MST, isff9 disk
I rsynced aster:/data/projects/METCRAX to the ISFF9 usbdisk. It 
contains data through about 20Z 15 Oct. I will take this disk 
back to Boulder tomorrow.

83: Power, Site Base, Sun 15-Oct-2006 17:22:28 MST, spare inverter
I have left a spare inverter in the base trailer (please return
to Charlie after project). If the inverter at the ap24 flakes 
out again (three strikes you're out), you can try swapping
in this spare.
82: Soil, Site Base, Sun 15-Oct-2006 17:10:18 MST, dirt
I have loaded Greg's Cupido dirt into my car
and will deliver it to him when I get back
to Boulder.

81: Network, Site East_Upper, Sun 15-Oct-2006 17:05:24 MST, network restored at eu
The power led on the etherant was on, but the
ethenet led and the wireless led were both dark.
Login over the serial connection showed that
the systems was still running and storing locally.

Power cycle on the etherant brought it right 
back and on the network.

This etherant went offline at around the time
that thinderstorms were in the area. We had
a similar experience a few days ago with the etherant 
at flr. Sebastion reported that they had lost
a couple of data loggers during the same period,probably 
due to lightning.
80: Data, Site All, Sun 15-Oct-2006 16:39:51 MST, Retrieved local data storage from all sites
Retrieved local data storage from all sites this afternoon.
79: Sonic, Site All, Sun 15-Oct-2006 16:22:09 MST, Boom heights, angles
Measured the sonic boom heights and azimuths.  Boom heights are top of 
sonic boom.  The azimuths were measured with the data scope facing
into the sonic, so a sonic pointing towards S would read 0 degrees.

Note that the data scope was set up with a declination of 12.2 deg E, 
but the NOAA web site says 11.4 deg E.  Thus need to subtract 0.8 degree 
from the following data scope readings.

Tom wanted me to add:
- height of center of sonic wrt boom top: 2 1/8"
- height of TRH inlet wrt boom top: -18 5/8" [except sw]
- GPS height above tower base: 
  wl: 20 1/2"
  wu: 37"
  flr: 42 3/4"
  el 36 1/4"
  (wl, wu, flr,el all on top of lowest T/RH boom)
  sw: (strapped to brace between tripod legs)
- Whiteman 50Y wrt boom top: bottom plate of shield is 2 1/2" above top of boom

0.5 m boom to tower base	20 1/8"
1.5 m - 0.5 m boom		44 1/8"
3 m - 1.5 m boom		54"
5 m - 3 m boom			79 7/8"

0.5 m sonic	2.3 deg true
1.5 m sonic	2.6 deg
3 m sonic	2.3 deg
5 m sonic	359.1, 0.5, 359.2 deg

0.5 m boom to tower base	18 1/2"
1.5 m - 0.5 m			40 3/4"
3 m - 1.5 m			59 7/16"
5 m - 3 m			78 1/2"
8.5 m - 5 m			135"

0.5 m sonic	7.9, 7.8 deg
1.5  m sonic	7.4 deg
3 m sonic	7.6 deg
5 m sonic	7.0 deg
8.5 m sonic	7.7 deg

0.5 m sonic to twr base		19 13/16"
2 m - 0.5 m			59 13/16"
5 m - 2 m			118 1/2"
8 m - 5 m			134 13/16"

0.5 m sonic	269.3 deg
2 m sonic	271.1 deg
5 m sonic	272.6, 272.7 deg
8.5 m sonic	272.4 deg

0.5 m boom to tower base	20 2/8"
1.5 m - 0.5 m			40 3/16"
3 m - 1.5 m			58 9/16"
5 m - 3 m			79 7/8"
8.5 m - 5 m			1115 5/8"

0.5 m sonic	358.5, 358.1 deg
1.5  m sonic	359.6 deg
3 m sonic	358.5 deg
5 m sonic	357.9 deg
8.5 m sonic	357.4, 357.1 deg

0.5 m boom to tower base	20 1/4"
1.5 m - 0.5 m boom		39 1/2"
3 m - 1.5 m boom		58 5/8"
5 m - 3 m boom			78 1/16"

0.5 m sonic	358.3 deg 
1.5 m sonic	359.6 deg
3 m sonic	359.0 deg
5 m sonic	357.4, 0.5, 357.3 deg

3 m sonic (between 355-360, Steve got 358, I got 003; will try theodolite)
theodolite-GPS method: sonic: 001 deg, prop: 091 deg.

3 m sonic	359.0 deg

78: Adam, Site All, Sun 15-Oct-2006 11:33:42 MST, restarted adams
Restarted the adam code on all adams except eu, since the statistics processing
stops when there is a network failure.

77: Network, Site Repeater, Sun 15-Oct-2006 11:29:01 MST, repeater up
Power light on the inverter was on. Red overload LED
was off. All normal. But output voltage of the wall 
wart for the ap24 was 0. Cycled the inverter power
switch, and the wall wart started producing
again. Checkeed 15 minutes later and power still 

Ap24 back online.

76: Daily_Status, Site All, Sun 15-Oct-2006 10:27:07 MST, Daily status, 10/15/06

Problem summary:

Fuel leak from generator at base
eu stopped transmission at 19:45 10/13
repeater appears to have stopped at 08:25 10/15

RH bad at 3m el and eu
no sonic or kh2o at rim
w'kh2o' in NetCDF files only for flr
u* plots very intermittent

Need to:

Measure sonic angles
Measure sensor boom heights
Take soil moisture samples with Trime and gravimetric
Archive sonic configurations

V batt = 13.5-14.0 V at crater and rim stations 
Vbatt.rad = 13 V
Iload ~ 2.2-2.6 amps at crater sites other than eu
! peak Isolar ~ 10 amps at crater stations, except eu

USB data storage:
sw: 12% of 3.7G thumb drive
rim: 3% of 3.7G thumb drive
wu: 1% of 55G pocketek
wl: 1% of 55G pocketek
flr: 1% of 55G pocketek
el: 1% of 55G pocketek
eu: no data transmission

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): Good

Rnet: Good, 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good
! negative at el and wl
Gsoil: good
! Cvsoil: not found in lookup; apparently need s/n's for cal coefficients.

kh2oV: ~0.2 V
kh2o: ~ 10-15 gm/m^3 last night
w'kh2o': only seeing data from the floor station
w'h2o': Splus complains

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: no sonic
dir.rim: no sonic

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m ?
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: good

T.flr: local maximum at 2 m 
RH.flr: good
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: good
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6; 
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good

No eu data after 19:45, 10/13/06 good max at sfc
! 3m RH also bad since 13:00, Oct 8 good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

75: Network, Site Repeater, Sun 15-Oct-2006 09:59:07 MST, Repeater down
The ap22 repeater appears to have stopped at 8:25 local 10/15/06.  I recycled 
power on the inverter at that site, but did not bring it back.

74: Power, Site Base, Sun 15-Oct-2006 09:21:26 MST, Refueled generator, fuel leak
Refueled the generator today and noticed a steady fuel leak.  Called Jason to
hasten service visit.
73: Daily_Status, Site All, Sat 14-Oct-2006 12:45:00 MST, Daily status, 10/14/06

Blustery wind and rain showers today.  No IOPs planned until later in the week.
Visited rim and sw sites to get rad/soil sensor serial numbers

Problem summary:

eu stopped transmission at 19:45 10/13

RH bad at 3m el and eu
no sonic or kh2o at rim
no w'kh2o' in NetCDF files
u* plots very intermittent

Need to:

Measure sonic angles
Measure sensor boom heights
Take soil moisture samples with Trime and gravimetric
Archive sonic configurations

V batt = 13.5-14.0 V at crater and rim stations 
Vbatt.rad = 13 V
! Iload ~ 3.2 Amps at eu, 2.2-2.6 amps at other crater sites
! peak Isolar ~ 10 amps at crater stations, except eu

USB data storage:
sw: 12% of 3.7G thumb drive
rim: 3% of 3.7G thumb drive
wu: 1% of 55G pocketek
wl: 1% of 55G pocketek
flr: 1% of 55G pocketek
el: 1% of 55G pocketek
eu: no data transmission

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): Good

Rnet: Good, 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good
! negative at el and ~0 at wl
Gsoil: good
! Cvsoil: not found in lookup; apparently need s/n's for cal coefficients.

kh2oV: 0.3-0.9 V
kh2o: ~ 6-9 gm/m^3 last night
w'kh2o': only seeing data from the floor station

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good
u*.sw: good
w'tc'.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: no sonic
dir.rim: no sonic

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m ?
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.wl: good

T.flr: local maximum at 2 m 
RH.flr: good
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: good
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6; 
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.el: good

No eu data after 19:45, 10/13/06 good max at sfc
! 3m RH also bad since 13:00, Oct 8 good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data, even in 30 min avg
w'tc'.eu: good

72: Station_Visit, Site Southwest, Sat 14-Oct-2006 12:12:11 MST, sw sensor serial numbers
Q7		Q06094
Tsoil		NCAR003
HFT		H013991
TP01		200241

71: Station_Visit, Site Rim, Sat 14-Oct-2006 12:08:32 MST, rim sensor serial numbers
Q7		Q99259
pygin		EP31977
pygout		EP31980
pyrin		KZ940181
pyrout		KZ940186
Tsoil		STP98032
HFT		H023009
Licor		PY10835
TP01		200234

70: Station_Visit, Site East_Lower, Fri 13-Oct-2006 17:31:33 MST, el sensor serial numbers
Q7		Q97035
Q7horiz		Q90076
pygin		EP26416
pygout		EP29260
pyrin		EP16714
pyrout		EP17877
Tsoil		STP97001
HFT		H013390
TP01		200235

69: Station_Visit, Site East_Upper, Fri 13-Oct-2006 17:29:40 MST, eu sensor serial numbers
Q7		Q94125
Q7horiz		Q97069
pygin		EP31981
pygout		EP31975
pyrin		EP17414
pyrout		EP15571
Tsoil		NCAR002
HFT		H993561
TP01		200242

68: Station_Visit, Site Floor, Fri 13-Oct-2006 17:27:21 MST, flr sensor serial numbers
Q7		Q99258
LICOR		PY10835
pygin		KZ30676
pygout		KZ40740
pyrin		KZ970378
pyrout		KZ940187
Tsoil		STP97003
HFT		H993562
TP01		200239

67: Station_Visit, Site West_Lower, Fri 13-Oct-2006 17:25:23 MST, wl sensor serial numbers
Q7		Q91096
Q7horiz		Q94197
pygin		EP29136
pygout		EP27907
pyrin		EP161945
pyrout		EP16107
Tsoil		STP94017
HFT		H983213
TP01		200236

66: Station_Visit, Site West_Upper, Fri 13-Oct-2006 17:20:40 MST, wu sensor serial numbers
Q7		Q94196
Q7horiz		Q97034
pygin		EP29137
pygout		EB31979
pyrin		EP15108
pyrout		EP26244
Tsoil		NCAR001
HFT		H993563
TP01		200240

65: Daily_Status, Site All, Fri 13-Oct-2006 13:58:55 MST, Daily status, 10/13/06

Yesterday we fixed at east lower (loose wire in Campbell data logger)
and picked up the local data storage from all sites. 

We also trouble-shot the erratic RH at 3m on east lower and concluded that
the problem is in the wiring of the 50Y to the logger.  We also tried the same
procedure at east upper but the intermittent RH at 3 m was okay at that time.

Problem summary:

RH bad at 3m el and eu
no sonic or kh2o at rim
no w'kh2o' in NetCDF files
u* plots very intermittent

Need to:

Measure sonic angles
Measure sensor boom heights
Take soil moisture samples with Trime and gravimetric

V batt = 13.5-14.0 V at crater and rim stations 
Vbatt.rad = 13 V, except wu at 12 V
! Iload ~ 3.2 Amps at eu, 2.2-2.6 amps at other crater sites
! peak Isolar ~ 10 amps at crater stations, except eu

USB data storage:
sw: 6% of 3.7G thumb drive
rim: 2% of 3.7G thumb drive
wu: 1% of 55G pocketek
wl: 1% of 55G pocketek
flr: 1% of 55G pocketek
el: 1% of 55G pocketek
eu: 1% of 55G pocketek

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): Good

Rnet: Good, 
Tsurf: Good Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
! Splus complains about missing Bpyrg and Swcor
Rlw.out: Good

RFD tower: Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good
! negative at el and ~0 at wl
Gsoil: good
! Cvsoil: not found in lookup; apparently need s/n's for cal coefficients.

kh2oV: 0.3-0.9 V
kh2o: ~ 6-9 gm/m^3 last night
w'kh2o': only seeing data from the floor station

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: good
dir.sw: good

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: no sonic
dir.rim: no sonic

T.wu: good
RH.wu: good
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data
w'tc'.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m ?
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: good
u*.wl: lots of missing data
w'tc'.wl: good

T.flr: local maximum at 2 m 
RH.flr: local minimum at 5 m
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
u*.flr: lots of missing data
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: good
RH.el: max at sfc
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6; 
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data
w'tc'.el: good good 
! 3m RH also bad since 13:00, Oct 8 good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data
w'tc'.eu: good

64: Daily_Status, Site All, Fri 13-Oct-2006 13:25:46 MST, Daily status, 10/12/06

Second IOP occurred last night.

Known problems:
Tcase.out bad at el
RH bad at 3m el and! eu
no or kh2o sonic at rim

Today, we will check out the Tcase problem as possible caused by a loose 
terminal screw in the radiation/soil logger; try again to fix the 
intermittent RH problem (if it cooperates by being bad when we are there); 
and pick up the local data storage.  

Gordon and I tried to fix the u* plotting problem by eliminating a mix of 
sonic and geographic coordinates in the dat function.

63: Daily_Status, Site All, Fri 13-Oct-2006 13:22:02 MST, Daily status, 10/11/06

Charlie and I fixed TRH007 by resoldering the 50Y connection to the PC board. I reinstalled it at 1.5m on wu yesterday afternoon.  On Monday, Charlie replaced the kh20
on the crater floor with the one from the rim.

Known problems:
Vbatt.2m.sw looks phony because there is a diesel generator there!
Tcase.out bad at el; no spare Rlw available (perhaps from rim?)
RH bad at 3m el and! eu
no sonic at rim

62: Data, Site All, Thu 12-Oct-2006 17:27:06 MST, Downloaded local data storage
Charlie uploaded local data storage within the crater and at the rim site.
61: TRH, Site East_Upper, Thu 12-Oct-2006 17:25:39 MST, Tried to fix the problem with the 3 m RH at eu
Tried to fix the problem with the RH at 3m at east upper, but it appeared to be behaving itself while we were there...
60: TRH, Site East_Lower, Thu 12-Oct-2006 17:23:03 MST, Tried to fix the RH at 3m el
Swapped the wires for the 1.5m and 3m RH within the Campbell data logger and 
the bad data followed the 50Y.
Swapped the RH transducers between 1.5m and 3m and the problem stayed at 3m.
The conclusion is that the problem is in the wiring between the 50Y transducer 
and the Campbell data logger.
59: Radiometers, Site East_Lower, Thu 12-Oct-2006 17:21:37 MST, Fixed Tcase.out at el
Found a loose wire in the el Campbell data logger which was coming from Pyg.out.
Screwed it down and fixed the Tcase.out
58: Software, Site All, Thu 12-Oct-2006 13:38:20 MST, crater networking restored
Had to cycle the power switch on the
power inverter.
57: Software, Site All, Thu 12-Oct-2006 12:26:20 MST, crater networking down
The crater networking is down; appears to have stopped at
about 1520 UTC today. It looks like a problem with the ap24. 

I'll go take a look at it.

56: Software, Site All, Wed 11-Oct-2006 19:28:49 MST, slow sensor means improved
Changing the batchPeriod value for ncserver 
appears to have improved the reporting of 
the menas for the slow sensors. It didn't 
help with the dropped high speed samples from
the sonics at el and wl however.
55: Adam, Site All, Wed 11-Oct-2006 14:45:24 MST, changed ncserver config on all systems
The batchPeriod parameter for ncserver was changed
from 300 to 86400, to see if this will cure the dropped
5 minute means for slow rate sensors.

All sites were stopped and started.
54: Power, Site Base, Wed 11-Oct-2006 12:51:02 MST, refueld generator
refueled generator

53: Radiometers, Site Floor, Wed 11-Oct-2006 12:35:02 MST, configuration corrected for RFD tower at flr; dsm restarted
The configuration had an incorrect scanfFormat for
the data logger from the RFD tower, which has caused
the Tpile to be put into the Rpile variable, and the
Tpile.8.5m to be skipped entirely. 

Fixed the configuration, downloaded to flr, and
restarted the dsm.

52: TRH, Site West_Lower, Wed 11-Oct-2006 10:21:07 MST, TRH007 installed at wu
Replaced TRH007 at 1.5m on wu on the afternoon of 10/10/06.

Would not go back into the boom so used a file,
WD-40, and a small sledge to get it in... Might be 
still a little tight coming out.

51: Daily_Status, Site All, Mon 09-Oct-2006 14:41:07 MST, Daily status, 10/9/06

Yesterday we installed the new PSU sonic (376?) at sw.  There is no sonic 
at the rim site and none in sight.
I also plugged in the Tsurf at sw which some dope forgot to do.

Charlie and Kate are installing the former rim kh2o (sn 1397) 
on the crater floor, swapping usb local storage, retrieving serial numbers,
and attempting again to fix the 3m el RH.  I will try to fix the TRH from
1.5m wu, which is at the base.

Problem summary:

Vbatt.2m.sw looks phony; perhaps not enabled on TRH
Tcase.out bad at el; no spare Rlw available (perhaps from rim?)
1.5m TRH retrieved from wu
RH bad at 3m el and! eu
no sonic at rim; installed sonic at sw today
kh2o bad at floor; being replaced today by rim sensor

V batt = 13.5-14.0 V at crater and rim stations 
sw looks strange because there is a generator there
* Vbatt.rad.sw is not needed since no battery there
! Iload ~ 3.2 Amps at eu, ~2.3 at other crater sites
!  (note that Iload at wl increased by 2 amps after adding a fifth sonic)
! peak Isolar ~ 10 amps at crater stations, except NA at eu

USB data storage:
Currently being retrieved by sneaker net.

GPS: good

Pressure: Good; proper relative amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane (rim & sw): Good

Rnet: Good, 
! but intermittent; local data storage cleans this up at all stations but sw
Tsurf: see Rnet Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
! Splus complains about missing Bpyrg and Swcor
! Tcase.out bad at el

RFD tower: Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good, but see Rnet
Qsoil: good, but see Rnet
Gsoil: good, but see Rnet
! Cvsoil: not found in lookup; apparently need s/n's for cal coefficients.

kh2oV: 0.3-0.6 V
! floor kh2o being replaced today
kh2o: ~ 10 gm/m^3 last night
w'kh2o': no covariances

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: very intermittent from telemetered data
dir.sw: very intermittent from telemetered data

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: no sonic
dir.rim: no sonic

T.wu: okay
RH.wu: okay
! removed TRH at 1.5m yesterday
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
u*.wu: lots of missing data
w'tc'.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m ?
spd.wl: good
dir.wl: strong direction shear below 5 m
u*.wl: lots of missing data
w'tc'.wl: good

T.flr: local maximum at 2 m 
RH.flr: local minimum at 5 m
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: strong direction shear below 5 m
u*.flr: lots of missing data
w'tc'.flr: good

T.el: good
! 3m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6; 
spd.el: good
dir.el: good
u*.el: lots of missing data
w'tc'.el: good good 
! 3m RH also bad since 13:00, Oct 8 good good
u*.eu: lots of missing data
w'tc'.eu: good

50: KH2O, Site Floor, Mon 09-Oct-2006 14:29:37 MST, krypton changed at flr
krypton sensor s/n 1101 was replaced with s/n 1397 
at approx. 1900 UTC 09 Oct. Unit 1101 was brought 
back to the base.

49: Adam, Site Southwest, Sun 08-Oct-2006 17:06:42 MST, sw down from ~20UTC to 23UTC 08 Oct
Data system was down while testing a
new Linux kernel.

It is running again now.
48: Daily_Status, Site All, Sun 08-Oct-2006 15:42:25 MST, Daily Status 10/7/06
We are now calculating 5-minute means of all variables on the stations and
transmitting them to our base station over the local network.  This seems to 
satisfy the constraints of the station cpu capability and the network 
bandwidth, and will give us real-time quality control.  

Yesterday we installed the rim sonic, sn 0673, at 0.5 m on wl.  Unfortunately,
this seemed to push the processing at that site over the edge, since 
the data_stats indicate lost samples.  However, the data that did get archived
appear to be valid.  Charlie is continuing to test.
We also removed the 1.5m TRH from west upper (T = -40 C) 
for exploratory surgery at the base.

Today we installed a new sonic (sn 378 loaned from PSU) at southwest.  
We also expect delivery next week of a recalibrated (NCAR) sonic from Campbell 
to replace the sonic on the crater rim.

Problem summary:

Tsurf was not plugged in at sw; now plugged in
Tcase.out bad at el
1.5m TRH retrieved from wu
RH bad at 3m el 
no sonic at rim; installed sonic at sw today

V batt = 13.5-14.0 V at crater stations
* Vbatt.rad.sw is not needed since no battery there
! Iload ~ 3.2 Amps at eu, ~2.3 at other crater sites
!  (note that Iload at wl increased by 2 amps after adding a fifth sonic)
! peak Isolar ~ 10 amps at crater stations, except NA at eu

USB data storage:
sw: 21%	of 4GB
rim: 2%	of 4GB
wu: 1% of 55GB
wl: 1% of 55GB
flr: 1% of 55GB
el: 1% of 55GB
eu: 1% of 55GB

GPS: okay, no covars for rim; Charlie fixed xml file

Pressure: Good; proper amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane: Good

Rnet: Good, 
! but intermittent; local data storage cleans this up at all stations but sw
Tsurf: see Rnet Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
! Splus complains about missing Bpyrg and Swcor
! Tcase.out bad at el

RFD tower: Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good, but see Rnet
Qsoil: good, but see Rnet
Gsoil: good, but see Rnet
! Cvsoil: not found in lookup??

kh2oV: 0.3-0.6 V
! floor = 10^-5 V, except 0.05 V at 08:00 - 10:00
kh2o: ~ 10 gm/m^3 last night; floor at 14 gm/m^3 during above period

T.sw: good
RH.sw: good
spd.sw: no sonic
dir.sw: no sonic

T.rim: good
RH.rim: good
spd.rim: no sonic
dir.rim: no sonic

T.wu: okay
RH.wu: okay
! removed TRH at 1.5m yesterday
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m ?
  0.5 m sonic installed yesterday
spd.wl: 0.5 m sonic installed yesterday
dir.wl: strong direction shear below 5 m

T.flr: local maximum at 2 m
RH.flr: good
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: strong direction shear below 5 m

T.el: good
! 3 m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6; 
  Charlie tightened terminal screws in UofU logger, but did not help
spd.el: good
dir.el: good good Charlie tighted terminal screws in logger to fix 1.5m RH good good

47: Radiometers, Site Southwest, Sun 08-Oct-2006 15:41:24 MST, Plugged in Tsurface at sw
Tsurface at sw was not plugged in!  Rectified this oversight.
46: Sonic, Site Southwest, Sun 08-Oct-2006 15:40:14 MST, Installed CSAT sn 0378 at sw
Configured and installed PSU CSAT sn 0378 at sw today
45: Adam, Site West_Lower, Sun 08-Oct-2006 11:32:55 MST, data_stats bad at wl, restarted wl
The data_stats at wl indicate a problem, 
so the dsm software was stopped and restarted.

44: Software, Site Base, Sat 07-Oct-2006 18:47:18 MST, krypton calibrations entered in configuration files
krypton calibrations were entered in the master isff.xml
and the individual station files (isff_*.xml).

43: Data, Site Base, Sat 07-Oct-2006 17:59:39 MST, Brought spare etherant antenna to base
Found the spare etherant antenna on the crater floor and brought it to the base.
42: Power, Site All, Sat 07-Oct-2006 17:58:37 MST, Searched for Voller inlet tube
Looked for Voller fuel cell inlet tube at all crater sites.  No luck.
41: TRH, Site East_Lower, Sat 07-Oct-2006 17:57:47 MST, Tightened terminals in 50y data logger at eu
Because 1.5 m RH is ratty at east upper, Charlie tightened the terminals in the 
50Y data logger.

40: TRH, Site East_Lower, Sat 07-Oct-2006 17:55:47 MST, Tightened terminals in 50y data logger at el
Because 3 m RH is ratty at east lower, Charlie tightened the terminals in the 
50Y data logger.
39: Data, Site All, Sat 07-Oct-2006 17:53:18 MST, Swapped usb local storaqe
Swapped usb local storage at all sites this afternoonk, 10/7/06, with the 
exception of sw.  Installed pocket teks at all crater sites, 4 gb thumb drive
on rim.
38: Sonic, Site West_Lower, Sat 07-Oct-2006 17:51:44 MST, Installed sonic s/n 0673 at 0.5m, wl
Installed sonic s/n 0673 (from rim) at 0.5 m wl

37: TRH, Site West_Upper, Sat 07-Oct-2006 17:49:18 MST, station visit wu; removed 1.5m TRH
Removed 1.5m TRH at west upper this afternoon, 10/7/06
kh20 s/n = 1395
36: Daily_Status, Site All, Sat 07-Oct-2006 11:09:40 MST, Daily status, 10/7/06
We are now calculating 5-minute means of all variables on the stations and
transmitting them to our base station over the local network.  This seems to 
satisfy the constraints of the station cpu capability and the network 
bandwidth, and will give us real-time quality control.  We will slowly attempt 
to increase the on-station processing, e.g. to calculate momentum, virtual heat,
and moisture fluxes.

Yesterday we removed the 0.5 m sonic at west lower (bad) and the sonic at the
crater rim (to be installed at sw).  We also installed a TRH that was 
repaired at the base at 1.5 m at wl.  Unfortunately, the TRH at 1.5 m at wu,
which we repaired on a previous site visit has returned to its state of
reporting a temperature of -40 C.

Today we plan to install a new sonic (loaned from PSU and expected by FedEX
this morning) at 0.5 m on wl and the former rim sonic at sw, prior to a 
possible IOP tonight.  We also expect delivery of a second recalibrated (NCAR)
sonic from Campbell next week to replace the sonic on the crater rim.

Problem summary:

Tsurf bad at sw
Tcase.out bad at el
1.5m TRH bad at wu
RH bad at 3m el and 1.5m eu
no sonics at 1.5m wl, rim, and sw (two to be installed today)
	9/10/07, TWH:  This should have been 0.5m wl, rim, sw
sonic temporarily bad at 1.5m eu; okay for the moment

V batt ~ 13.5 V at crater stations
* Vbatt.rad.sw is not needed since no battery there
! Iload ~ 3.2 Amps at eu, ~2.3 at other crater sites
! Isolar ~ 10 amps at crater stations, except NA at eu

Charlie recycled power at wl; data_stats indicates still running
! Alt, Lat, Lon not covared

Pressure: Good; proper amplitudes for station elevations

Prop vane: Good

Rnet: Good
! sw is less than 1 deg C Good
Rsw.out: Good Good
! Tcase.out bad at el

RFD tower: Sebastian seems happy

Tsoil: good, but very intermittent
Qsoil: good, but very intermittent
Gsoil: good, but very intermittent
! Cvsoil: not found in lookup??

! 1.5m bad again
RH.wu: okay
spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good

T.wl: good
RH.wl: local minimum at 1.5 m ?
! 0.5 m sonic removed
dir.wl: strong direction shear below 5 m
! 0.5 m sonic removed

T.flr: good
RH.flr: local minimum at 5 m
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: strong direction shear below 5 m

T.el: good
! 3 m RH is ratty after 20:00, Oct 6
spd.el: good
dir.el: good good 
! 1.5 m RH is ratty after 04:00, Oct 7 
! 1.5 m sonic is bad, 05:00 - 11:00, Oct 5, but now appears okay good
! 1.5 m sonic is bad, 05:00 - 11:00, Oct 5, but now appears okay

35: Sonic, Site West_Lower, Fri 06-Oct-2006 19:27:47 MST, 0.5m sonic removed from wl.
The flakey 0.5m sonic at wl was removed and brought back to the base.
S/N 0856

34: TRH, Site West_Lower, Fri 06-Oct-2006 19:26:53 MST, 1.5m TRH reinstalled at wl
The 1.5m TRH sensor was reinstalled at wl.


Reinstalled at 13:06 (Arizona) 10/6/06

33: Adam, Site West_Lower, Fri 06-Oct-2006 19:26:01 MST, gps fixed at wl
The gps at wl came back to life after I cycled power to it.
32: KH2O, Site All, Fri 06-Oct-2006 19:24:25 MST, krypton serial numbers and calibration coefficients
wu: 1395
wl:  1391
flr: 1101
el:  1393
eu: 1525
rim: 1397

Charlie entered these calibrations in  xml configuration files, 10/7/06.

6/6/2006        K1101
Calibration        CuPIDO
pathlength        1.3
Kw        -0.15
V0        626.28

5/19/2006        K1393
Calibration        HAO
pathlength        1.3
Kw        -0.15
V0        1402.77

06/06/06/        K1395
Calibration        CuPIDO
Kw        -0.14
V0        2600.05

6/6/2006        K1397
Calibration        CuPIDO
pathlength        1.3
Kw        -0.15
V0        1092.4

5/19/2006        K1525
Calibration        HAO
pathlength        1.3
Kw        -0.15
V0        2439.21

31: Software, Site All, Fri 06-Oct-2006 19:10:00 MST, all systems doing local stats; network is happy
All systems are now calculating and transmitting
means, and sending to aster:nc_server. data_stats
on all systems look normal. Note that no 
cross products are being calculated.

Since we are doing local stats, I turned off 
the raw data transmission for sw and rim, and now the
network is very happy. Ping times to the .14
net are low ( < 8ms almost all of the time).

When you do something like a long listing
when logged into a dsm, the ping times will
jump up to 600 ms for a few frames, and
then the network will return quickly to 
the 8ms behavior).

I haven't seen the typical 3000-4000ms pings
that we were experienced before. It seems like 
sending the raw stream was creating a lot
interference which was choking up the RF
side of things.

A file transfer from flr to aster still runs
at ~5KB/s.


30: Software, Site All, Fri 06-Oct-2006 17:14:49 MST, statsproc dies when network jams
statsproc disappeared on three of the systems. These
systems also report a network failure from statsproc,
so I assume that this is the cause. The error
message, from adam.log, is:

Oct  6 17:35:59 eu statsproc: ncserver:\
  server:/usr/local/projects/METCRAX/netcdf/ \
  nc_server not responding: RPC: Unable to receive; \
  errno = Connection reset by peer , timeout=300 secs, ntry=2

28: Sonic, Site Rim, Fri 06-Oct-2006 17:09:51 MST, sonic and krypton removed from rim
The sonic, krypton, cabling and brackets were removed from rim and 
brought back to the base, so that they can be installed at sw.
S/N 0673

27: Adam, Site All, Fri 06-Oct-2006 17:08:43 MST, spare etherant located
The spare etherant is in the 
big white box (the one with 
a zillion latches) at flr.
26: Adam, Site Floor, Fri 06-Oct-2006 17:06:40 MST, etherant reset and flr restarted
Flr etherant had been down since early this AM.
Cycling power fixed it.

The data system had been running and archiving
locally during this time.

25: Daily_Status, Site All, Fri 06-Oct-2006 16:38:46 MST, Sensor QC inventory
V batt Looks good at all crater stations
* Vbatt.rad.sw is not needed since no battery there
! Iload = 3.4 Amps at eu, ~2.3 at other crater sites
! Isolar = NA at eu

! Quit at wl at 20:30 local, 10/3/06

Pressure: Good

Prop vane: Good

Rnet: Good
* Plot all 7 horizontal Rnets and all 4 slope parallel
! sw is less than 1 deg C Good
Rsw.out: Good 
! floor is less than 1 W/m^2 on 10/3-4/06, 
          but started agree with others around 22:30 local 10/5/06
Rpile.out: good good
! el bad
* Plot RFD tower separately; need calibration coefficients

Tsoil: good
Qsoil: good
Gsoil: good
! Cvsoil: not found in lookup??

! T.wu: 1.5m bad again
RH.wu: okay
T.wl: 0.5 m installed today; no data yet
RH.wl: 0.5 m installed today; no data yet
T.flr: good
RH.flr: local minimum at 5 m
T.el: good
RH.el: good good local minimum at 1.5m 

spd.wu: good
dir.wu: good
! spd.wu: 0.5 m bad
! dir.wu: 0.5 m bad
spd.flr: good
dir.flr: good
spd.el: good
dir.el: good good
spd.el: good

24: Adam, Site West_Upper, Fri 06-Oct-2006 11:29:56 MST, wu restarted
wu rebooted. Data collection started at 1820UTC

23: Adam, Site Rim, Fri 06-Oct-2006 11:24:35 MST, rim restarted
rim rebooted. Data collection started at 1820UTC

22: Radiometers, Site RFD, Fri 06-Oct-2006 11:01:29 MST, radiometers cleaned
03.10. 16:48 Cleaned RDF tower instruments
21: Radiometers, Site Floor, Fri 06-Oct-2006 10:53:46 MST, radiometers cleaned
03.10. 16:18 cleaned 4 comp radiometers, CG4s , not net rad, noticed 4 comps to be somewhat loose. 
20: Radiometers, Site East_Upper, Fri 06-Oct-2006 10:50:35 MST, radiometers cleaned
03.10. 15:21 cleaned 4-component radiometers, not net radiometers

19: Radiometers, Site East_Lower, Fri 06-Oct-2006 10:46:44 MST, radiometers cleaned
03.10 15:15 cleaned 4 components, not net radiometers
18: Daily_Status, Site All, Fri 06-Oct-2006 09:16:17 MST, Daily status 10/6/06
METCRAX daily status, 10/6/06

Yesterday, we enabled the radiation/soil logger on the rim, connected the 
Everest Tsurface at sw, and fixed the TRH that we removed from wl on 10/4.

Charlie also enabled the computation of means at all stations late yesterday.  
Unfortunately, the stations on the crater floor, rim, and west upper appear to 
have crashed during the night.

The plans for today were to enter the crater to install the repaired TRH, 
remove the 0.5 sonic, and replace the gps at west lower.   
We would also retrieve the data and try to find the pieces to get the 
fuel cell going.
Finally we plan to move the sonic from rim to the sw site.
Unfortunately it is raining...

We hope that CSI will ship a PSU sonic to us today, but we won't get it 
until Monday.

wu: crashed last night

missing TRH @ 1.5 m, but repaired yesterday at the base
bad sonic @ 0.5 m
GPS inoperative

crashed last night
fuel cell needs to be enabled, although Vbatt seems okay

el: okay

Iload is ~3.3 amps compared to 2.2-2.4 amps for other crater stations
Isolar is missing at eu??

crashed last night

connected Tsurface yesterday, but data are bad
missing sonic; will install the sonic from rim
need to enter Rnet coefficients in logger
need to enter prop boom angle
logger data are generally intermittent

need to measure anemometer boom angles
need to inventory kh2o serial numbers

still have not looked in detail at all sensor outputs

17: Data, Site All, Fri 06-Oct-2006 08:52:18 MST, Some stations quit last night
From a plot of the pressures, it appears that the rim and wu stations quit 
around 22:30 last night and floor quit around 05:00 this morning.
el, eu, sw, and wl are still running.

16: Adam, Site All, Thu 05-Oct-2006 19:46:17 MST, kh2o statistics not being computed
I realized that when I disbled the scalarflux
computation for kh2o, we lost the mean measurement
for kh2o as well. I set up a mean sample group for 
the kh2o on wu and wl, but for some reason they are 
not being computed.

Will attack it tomorrow.
15: Adam, Site All, Thu 05-Oct-2006 18:34:39 MST, limited statistics enabled for crater systems
Calculation of means was enabled in the configuration
files for wu, wl, flr, el and eu. 

editing was done on server, the xml files were
copied to their respective sites, statsproc was enabled
in, and the station was restarted. After half an
hour of operation, data_stats indicated that the stations 
were operating normally. The adam.log file was monitored,
and there were no messages indicating discarded samples.

I had tried enabling the sonic fluxes and scalar flux
at 3m on wu and wl. wu seemed to be able to handle
this, but wl couldn't.(wu has 4 sonics, wl has 5).

I then disabled scalar flux at 3m on wl, but it 
still seemed to have problems. The symptom was that 
the max times on data_stats were very large. Also 
there were discarded sample messages for SampleOutputBase, 
although I don't know what this means.

In any event, it seemed problematic to enable flux
calculations, so I didn't enable them for any of the 

14: Radiometers, Site Southwest, Thu 05-Oct-2006 15:55:00 MST, Rnet and Tsurface at sw
Around 1500 local time, I turned the Rnet over to read the coefficients:
positive = 8.70
negative = 10.77

Around 1530 local time, I removed power from the logger to add power to
the Everest Tsurface plug.  Plugged in Tsurface.
13: Station_Visit, Site Rim, Thu 05-Oct-2006 13:45:19 MST, Logger fixed for rim
Enabled the data logger for rim this morning. The
power connection from the battery to the campbell 
and radio had been disconnected.

12: Data, Site Rim, Thu 05-Oct-2006 12:57:34 MST, Enabled data transmission from rim
Charlie turned on data transmission  from the rim.
11: Data, Site All, Thu 05-Oct-2006 12:54:24 MST, current data_stats
sensor                dsm sampid    nsamps |------- start -------|  |------ end -----|    rate minMaxDT(sec) minMaxLen
wu:/dev/ttyS1           5    10         16 2006 10 05 16:51:32.048  10 05 16:51:47.049    1.00  0.980  1.010   23   23
wu:/dev/ttyS2           5    20          3 2006 10 05 16:51:30.200  10 05 16:51:40.192    0.20  4.992  5.000  135  137
wu:/var/tmp/gps_pty0    5    30         31 2006 10 05 16:51:31.931  10 05 16:51:46.849    2.01  0.000  2.678   72   73
wu:/dev/ttyS9           5    40         15 2006 10 05 16:51:32.768  10 05 16:51:46.661    1.01  0.618  1.190   20   20
wu:/dev/ttyS5           5  1000        315 2006 10 05 16:51:32.044  10 05 16:51:47.745   20.00  0.049  0.051   12   12
wu:/dev/ttyS6           5  1010        316 2006 10 05 16:51:32.019  10 05 16:51:47.765   20.01  0.045  0.051   12   12
wu:/dev/ttyS7           5  1020        315 2006 10 05 16:51:32.022  10 05 16:51:47.722   20.00  0.044  0.057   14   14
wu:/dev/ttyS8           5  1030        315 2006 10 05 16:51:32.025  10 05 16:51:47.725   20.00  0.044  0.057   12   12
wu:/dev/ttyS10          5  1004         15 2006 10 05 16:51:32.891  10 05 16:51:46.891    1.00  1.000  1.000   27   27
wu:/dev/ttyS11          5  1014         16 2006 10 05 16:51:32.080  10 05 16:51:47.071    1.00  0.991  1.000   28   28
wu:/dev/ttyS12          5  1024         16 2006 10 05 16:51:32.711  10 05 16:51:47.711    1.00  1.000  1.000   27   27
wu:/dev/ttyS13          5  1034         15 2006 10 05 16:51:32.930  10 05 16:51:46.930    1.00  1.000  1.000   21   21

sensor          dsm sampid    nsamps |------- start -------|  |------ end -----|    rate minMaxDT(sec) minMaxLen
wl:/dev/ttyS1     3    10         47 2006 10 05 16:57:03.057  10 05 16:57:49.049    1.00  0.990  1.000   23   23
wl:/dev/ttyS2     3    20          9 2006 10 05 16:57:00.459  10 05 16:57:40.460    0.20  4.989  5.012  137  138
wl:/dev/ttyS9     3    40         46 2006 10 05 16:57:02.288  10 05 16:57:47.361    1.00  0.919  1.082   19   19
wl:/dev/ttyS5     3  1000        942 2006 10 05 16:57:02.093  10 05 16:57:49.144   20.00  0.050  0.050   12   12
wl:/dev/ttyS6     3  1010        942 2006 10 05 16:57:02.098  10 05 16:57:49.145   20.00  0.046  0.051   12   12
wl:/dev/ttyS7     3  1020        941 2006 10 05 16:57:02.116  10 05 16:57:49.112   20.00  0.045  0.051   14   14
wl:/dev/ttyS8     3  1030        941 2006 10 05 16:57:02.123  10 05 16:57:49.124   20.00  0.049  0.051   12   12
wl:/dev/ttyS10    3  1040        942 2006 10 05 16:57:02.098  10 05 16:57:49.145   20.00  0.046  0.051   12   12
wl:/dev/ttyS11    3  1004         47 2006 10 05 16:57:02.824  10 05 16:57:48.800    1.00  0.991  1.004   21   21
missing TRH @ 1.5 m
wl:/dev/ttyS13    3  1024         47 2006 10 05 16:57:02.341  10 05 16:57:48.330    1.00  0.988  1.011   27   27
wl:/dev/ttyS14    3  1034         48 2006 10 05 16:57:02.103  10 05 16:57:49.084    1.00  0.997  1.001   27   27
wl:/dev/ttyS15    3  1044         47 2006 10 05 16:57:02.154  10 05 16:57:48.129    1.00  0.997  1.001   27   27
no gps???

sensor                 dsm sampid    nsamps |------- start -------|  |------ end -----|    rate minMaxDT(sec) minMaxLen
flr:/dev/ttyS1           1    10         42 2006 10 05 17:09:21.041  10 05 17:10:02.043    1.00  0.990  1.010   23   23
flr:/dev/ttyS2           1    20          8 2006 10 05 17:09:19.564  10 05 17:09:54.545    0.20  4.990  5.000  134  138
flr:/var/tmp/gps_pty0    1    30         83 2006 10 05 17:09:23.502  10 05 17:10:01.646    2.15  0.000  1.049   49   73
flr:/dev/ttyS9           1    40         41 2006 10 05 17:09:20.224  10 05 17:10:00.145    1.00  0.929  1.041   19   19
flr:/dev/ttyS14          1    50          9 2006 10 05 17:09:16.926  10 05 17:09:56.928    0.20  5.000  5.000  116  122
flr:/dev/ttyS15          1  1000        825 2006 10 05 17:09:20.927  10 05 17:10:02.129   20.00  0.038  0.062   12   12
flr:/dev/ttyS6           1  1010        825 2006 10 05 17:09:20.915  10 05 17:10:02.117   20.00  0.049  0.051   14   14
flr:/dev/ttyS7           1  1020        825 2006 10 05 17:09:20.935  10 05 17:10:02.137   20.00  0.047  0.053   14   14
flr:/dev/ttyS8           1  1030        825 2006 10 05 17:09:20.928  10 05 17:10:02.130   20.00  0.038  0.062   12   12
flr:/dev/ttyS10          1  1004         41 2006 10 05 17:09:20.524  10 05 17:10:00.524    1.00  0.997  1.003   27   27
flr:/dev/ttyS11          1  1014         42 2006 10 05 17:09:20.934  10 05 17:10:01.936    1.00  1.000  1.000   27   27
flr:/dev/ttyS12          1  1024         41 2006 10 05 17:09:21.853  10 05 17:10:01.855    1.00  1.000  1.000   27   27
flr:/dev/ttyS13          1  1034         42 2006 10 05 17:09:20.715  10 05 17:10:01.709    1.00  0.997  1.002   27   27

sensor                dsm sampid    nsamps |------- start -------|  |------ end -----|    rate minMaxDT(sec) minMaxLen
el:/dev/ttyS1           2    10         51 2006 10 05 17:25:12.053  10 05 17:26:02.045    1.00  0.980  1.010   23   23
el:/dev/ttyS2           2    20         10 2006 10 05 17:25:09.455  10 05 17:25:54.448    0.20  4.982  5.010  137  140
el:/var/tmp/gps_pty0    2    30        103 2006 10 05 17:25:11.225  10 05 17:26:02.179    2.00  0.000  2.348   72   73
el:/dev/ttyS9           2    40         52 2006 10 05 17:25:10.275  10 05 17:26:01.277    1.00  0.942  1.058   19   19
el:/dev/ttyS5           2  1000       1026 2006 10 05 17:25:11.299  10 05 17:26:02.551   20.00  0.038  0.062   12   12
el:/dev/ttyS11          2  1004         51 2006 10 05 17:25:11.696  10 05 17:26:01.687    1.00  0.994  1.004   21   21
el:/dev/ttyS6           2  1010       1026 2006 10 05 17:25:11.300  10 05 17:26:02.551   20.00  0.038  0.062   12   12
el:/dev/ttyS12          2  1014         51 2006 10 05 17:25:11.177  10 05 17:26:01.179    1.00  0.979  1.021   67   71
el:/dev/ttyS7           2  1020       1025 2006 10 05 17:25:11.307  10 05 17:26:02.509   20.00  0.047  0.053   14   14
el:/dev/ttyS8           2  1030       1025 2006 10 05 17:25:11.300  10 05 17:26:02.502   20.00  0.037  0.063   12   12
el:/dev/ttyS10          2  1040       1026 2006 10 05 17:25:11.291  10 05 17:26:02.541   20.00  0.048  0.051   12   12

sensor                dsm sampid    nsamps |------- start -------|  |------ end -----|    rate minMaxDT(sec) minMaxLen
eu:/dev/ttyS1           4    10         56 2006 10 05 17:30:42.012  10 05 17:31:05.573    2.33  0.420  0.430   31   31
eu:/dev/ttyS2           4    20          4 2006 10 05 17:30:41.372  10 05 17:30:56.372    0.20  4.990  5.010  136  140
eu:/var/tmp/gps_pty0    4    30         48 2006 10 05 17:30:44.639  10 05 17:31:05.941    2.21  0.000  1.139   72   73
eu:/dev/ttyS9           4    40         23 2006 10 05 17:30:42.610  10 05 17:31:04.604    1.00  0.969  1.031   19   19
eu:/dev/ttyS10          4  1004         24 2006 10 05 17:30:41.324  10 05 17:31:04.344    1.00  0.990  1.020   68   71
eu:/dev/ttyS5           4  1000        483 2006 10 05 17:30:42.054  10 05 17:31:06.154   20.00  0.049  0.051   14   14
eu:/dev/ttyS6           4  1010        483 2006 10 05 17:30:42.059  10 05 17:31:06.157   20.00  0.047  0.051   12   12
eu:/dev/ttyS7           4  1020        482 2006 10 05 17:30:42.057  10 05 17:31:06.105   20.00  0.047  0.051   14   14
eu:/dev/ttyS8           4  1030        482 2006 10 05 17:30:42.066  10 05 17:31:06.116   20.00  0.036  0.064   12   12

sensor                 dsm sampid    nsamps |------- start -------|  |------ end -----|    rate minMaxDT(sec) minMaxLen
rim:/var/tmp/gps_pty0    6    30         66 2006 10 05 17:36:41.348  10 05 17:37:13.729    2.01  0.000  2.166   72   73
rim:/dev/ttyS9           6    40         32 2006 10 05 17:36:42.289  10 05 17:37:13.288    1.00  0.948  1.052   19   19
rim:/dev/ttyS4           6    50         32 2006 10 05 17:36:41.728  10 05 17:37:12.199    1.02  0.972  0.990   17   17
rim:/dev/ttyS5           6  1000        655 2006 10 05 17:36:41.431  10 05 17:37:14.132   20.00  0.049  0.051   14   14
rim:/dev/ttyS6           6  1004         33 2006 10 05 17:36:42.019  10 05 17:37:14.010    1.00  0.990  1.010   27   27
no logger

sensor                dsm sampid    nsamps |------- start -------|  |------ end -----|    rate minMaxDT(sec) minMaxLen
sw:/dev/ttyS2           7    20          8 2006 10 05 17:41:43.176  10 05 17:42:18.178    0.20  4.990  5.010   67   73
sw:/var/tmp/gps_pty0    7    30         78 2006 10 05 17:41:47.324  10 05 17:42:25.418    2.02  0.000  2.222   72   73
sw:/dev/ttyS9           7    40         40 2006 10 05 17:41:46.586  10 05 17:42:25.586    1.00  0.950  1.050   19   19
sw:/dev/ttyS4           7    50         41 2006 10 05 17:41:46.754  10 05 17:42:26.076    1.02  0.980  0.990   17   17
sw:/dev/ttyS6           7  1004         39 2006 10 05 17:41:48.076  10 05 17:42:26.068    1.00  0.990  1.010   27   27
sw:/dev/ttyS7           7  1006        389 2006 10 05 17:41:47.268  10 05 17:42:26.066   10.00  0.095  0.105  175  187
still waiting for sonic

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
wu ===========================================================================
 LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l   39   64  377    0.000    0.000   0.031
*GPS_NMEA(0)     .GPS.            4 l    9   16  377    0.000    0.129   0.031
wl: no gps?
flr ===========================================================================
 LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l    9   64  377    0.000    0.000   0.031
*GPS_NMEA(0)     .GPS.            2 l    4   16  377    0.000    0.034   0.031
el  ===========================================================================
 LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l   54   64  377    0.000    0.000   0.031
*GPS_NMEA(0)     .GPS.            4 l   14   16  377    0.000    0.015   0.031
eu  ===========================================================================
 LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l   29   64  377    0.000    0.000   0.031
*GPS_NMEA(0)     .GPS.            2 l    9   16  377    0.000    0.051   0.061
rim ===========================================================================
 LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l   51   64  377    0.000    0.000   0.031
*GPS_NMEA(0)     .GPS.            2 l    2   16  377    0.000    0.092   0.032
sw ============================================================================
 LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l   31   64  377    0.000    0.000   0.031
*GPS_NMEA(0)     .GPS.            2 l   13   16  377    0.000    0.119   0.037

10: Daily_Status, Site All, Thu 05-Oct-2006 10:49:31 MST, Daily status 10/5/06
wu: okay

missing TRH @ 1.5 m 
bad sonic @ 0.5 m 
GPS inoperative

fuel cell needs to be enabled, although Vbatt seems okay

el: okay

eu: okay

logger transmission needs to be enabled?

need Tsfc connector swap; should be coming today
missing sonic
need to enter Rnet coefficients in logger
need to enter prop boom angle

need to measure anemometer boom angles

still have not looked in detail at sensor outputs

9: Adam, Site Floor, Thu 05-Oct-2006 10:07:12 MST, Stopped and started flr adam
I accidently started additional dsm processes on the flr adam.
Stopped and restarted adam to kill them.
8: Power, Site Floor, Thu 05-Oct-2006 09:17:51 MST, Fuel cell

Tried to install the Voler fuel cell but could not find the required stainless
steel rod required to connect the hydrogen bottle.  John and Kurt had previouslystarted to install the PowerPEM D35, but Steve prefers to use the Voler.  He 
would like it to be used to just charge spare batteries, independent of 
the solar panels.

7: TRH, Site West_Lower, Thu 05-Oct-2006 09:14:05 MST, Moved 1.5 m TRH to 0.5 m at wl
10/4/06, morning

Charlie and I tried to install the TRH that had been sent to Boulder at 0.5 m 
on the west lower slope station, but it did not work.  
The T and RH data were not correct and the fan did not work.

Moved the 1.5 m TRH down to 0.5 m and took the bad TRH back to the base.


TRH 004 at 1.5 m was replaced by TRH 704 at 18:23 (UTC?)
6: TRH, Site West_Upper, Thu 05-Oct-2006 09:11:26 MST, Fixed 1.5 m TRH at wu
10/4/06, morning

Charlie and I fixed 1.5 m TRH, which was reporting a temperature of -40 C, 
by unplugging and plugging back in the 50 Y at the end of the circuit board.
Simply recycling power did not work.

5: Data, Site All, Thu 05-Oct-2006 09:08:34 MST, Swapped usb data media
Swapped usb data media at all stations on the morning of 10/4/06.
Most stations now have (4 GB?) thumb drives, while the lower slope stations
have pocket teks.

4: Prop_Vane, Site Southwest, Tue 03-Oct-2006 17:53:17 MST, Measured prop vane boom angle
I calibrated the data scope and entered the local declination of 12.2 deg E.
Then I measured the orientation of the prop vane boom to be 180 deg + 91.5 deg
=271.5 degrees true.
A second prop measurement was made on 10/26/06: reading was 269

3: Radiometers, Site Southwest, Tue 03-Oct-2006 17:51:51 MST, Installed net radiometer
Around 19:00 local time, I installed a net radiometer at the southwest site.
Note that I did not enter the coefficient in the logger.

5/10/07, TWH:  Note that the time, 19:00, has to be wrong because the entry is
dated 17:51:51. My guess from looking at the Rnet data is that this should be
around 17:00.

2: Sonic, Site All, Mon 02-Oct-2006 19:37:57 MST, sonics at 20 Hz
Around 19:30, Oct 2, reduced sonic sampling rates to 20 Hz, oversampled at 60 Hz in order to test network throughput.

1: LOG, Site none, Sun 01-Oct-2006 15:32:50 MST, Logbook created
initial log file /usr/local/isff/aster/projects/METCRAX/logbook/tklog.log created by USER aster