NCAR Integrated Surface Flux Facility for CuPIDO (1 July - 31 Aug 2006)


Field Schedule
12 Jun 2006 - Begin set-up
27 Jun 2006 - EOL scientist (Poulos) and engineer on-site until 21 July
01 Jul 2006 - Begin ISFF operations (and ASU multi-camera operations)
17 Jul 2006 - WKA, MGAUS, MIPS begin operations
20 Jul 2006 - EOL scientist (Horst) and engineer on-site through 5 Aug
03 Aug 2006 - EOL scientist (Oncley) and engineer on-site through 14 Aug
13 Aug 2006 - EOL engineer (Semmer) and project scientist on-site through end of operations
18 Aug 2006 - WKA, MGAUS, MIPS end operations
31 Aug 2006 - End ISFF operations and ASU camera operations
10 Sep 2006 - Teardown over
Weather normals
The official Tucson monsoon season is June 15 - September 30 although on average it occurs between 9 July and 13 Sept. It is defined as having begun when the average daily dewpoint is 54 F or greater for three consecutive days.
June High 100 F, Low 68 F, Normal rainfall: 0.24" (Set-up)
July High 100 F, Low 73 F, Normal rainfall: 2.07" (Monsoon, Operations)
August High 97 F, Low 72 F, Normal rainfall: 2.30" (Monsoon, Operations)
September High 94 F, Low 68 F, Normal rainfall: 1.45" (Teardown)
Weather records
High temperature 117 F
Low temperature 6 F
Most daily precipitation: 3.93"
Wettest month: 7.93" (90 months have been recorded with no rain)
Snowfall: 6.8" 8 Dec 1971
The team will be housed at the Residence Inn, 6777 Speedway Boulevard, Tucson, AZ, 85710 for the entirety of the experiment. The hotel is approximately 13 miles northeast of Tucson International Airport (TUS) and a taxi ride will be ~ $30. The hotel is 15-25 minutes (~ 9 miles) NW of the ISFF Base at the UA Ag Research Station (see info below).
Driving Directions: From Airport north on Tucson Blvd. East (right turn) on Valencia Rd. North (left turn) on Kolb Rd. West (left turn) on Speedway to hotel address.
Phone: 520-721-0991
Fax: 520-290-8323

Tucson per diem is $49.
Recommended restaurants: Near the Residence Inn or between it and the ISFF base
This page was prepared by Greg Poulos NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory, In-situ Sensing Facility