NCAR Integrated Surface Flux Facility for CuPIDO (1 July - 31 Aug 2006)

CuPIDO, or the Cumulus Photogrammetric, In-situ and Doppler Observations (CuPIDO) field experiment is designed to study the development of thunderstorms that form during the summer monsoon season. CuPIDO will consist of observations taken from sets of digital cameras, six (6) 10 m portable automated surface weather stations, four (4) 10 m tower-based integrated surface flux facilities (ISFF), two balloon sounding systems (MGAUS), the Wyoming King Air research aircraft carrying a W-band dual-beam radar and the University of Alabama, Huntsville MIPS. MGAUS, WKA and MIPS will operate from 17 Jul - 18 Aug, 2006

The purpose of CuPIDO is to examine the development of the earliest stages of the thunderstorms. The clouds begin to form over the highest peaks each morning and the reliability of the formation makes these areas natural cloud laboratories. In contrast to conventional "storm chasing", where investigators intercept the weather systems, CuPIDO will measure conditions prior to the storms beginning and monitor the way that the initial, shallow clouds interact with and modify the environment as they develop. The information gained will help improve the forecast models used by the National Weather Service and ultimately provide more accurate and timely warnings.

This page was prepared by Greg Poulos NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory, In-situ Sensing Facility